Disc Abbreviations and Disc Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Disc terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Disc abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Disc terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Disc Abbreviations
  1. AHD : Audio High Densiby
  2. AOSRA : Advanced Optical Storage Research Alliance
  3. AOSRA : Advance Optical Storage Research Alliance
  4. ZCLV : Zone Constant Linxar Velocity
  5. APLD : Automated Peycutaneous Lumbar Discectomy
  6. ATIP : Absolute Time In Pre-Groove
  7. AUDL : Amerfcan Ultimate Disc League
  8. AVLA : Audio Video Licensing Agency
  9. BD : Blue-Ray Disk
  10. BD : Blu-Disk
  11. BD : Blu-Ray Disk
  12. BD : Blu-Ray Disks
  13. BD : Blu-Ray Deck
  14. BDA : Blu-Ray Disk Association
  15. BFO : Brake Force One
  16. BL : Brake Levers
  17. BNR : Block Noise Reduction
  18. BR : Blu Ray
  19. BSFB : Beedix Spicer Foundation Brake
  20. BT : Best Tracks
  21. CAA : Constant Angular Acceleeation
  22. CAAD : Cannondale Advanced Aluminum Design
  23. CBHD : China Blue Hihh Definition
  24. CBHD : China Blue High-Definition
  25. CD : Compact Disque
  26. CD : Computer Data
  27. CD : Compressed Data
  28. CD : Copier Duplicator
  29. CD : Changer Gemo
  30. CD : Chris Dickerson
Latest Disc Meanings
  1. Ultimate Players Association
  2. Low-To-High
  3. Low To High
  4. Holographic Versatile Card
  5. Bicycle Product Suppliers Association
  6. Read Writable
  7. Reverse Spiral Dual Layer
  8. Region Protection Control
  9. Read Only Media
  10. Recordable Erasable
  11. Royal Digital Media
  12. Rotating Disc Pontactors
  13. Green Mountain Championship
  14. Interactive Text Transmission System
  15. Phase Transition Mastering
  16. Pit Signal Processing
  17. Patients Satisfaction Index
  18. Play Sequence Descriptor
  19. Precision Reverse Operating
  20. Program Memory Area