DISC Meaning

The DISC meaning is "Discontinue". The DISC abbreviation has 155 different full form.

DISC Full Forms

  1. Discontinue Cease from doing or providing, especially something that has been provided on a regular basis. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military, Dental, Pharmacy, Clinical, Fda, NAACCR
  2. Defence Intelligence and Security Center Military, Organizations, Force
  3. Disrupted In Schizophrenia Medical, Science, Biology
  4. Death-Inducing Signalling Complex Medical, Cell, Signaling
  5. Developing Initiatives for Support In The Community Business, Service, Projection
  6. Data Iptensive Scalable Computing Technology, Science, Cloud
  7. Desert Institute for Spine Care Medical, Surgery, Surgeon
  8. Data and Information Services Center Technology, Science, Service
  9. Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact Len, Education, Lens, Myopia
  10. Domestic International Sales Corporatmon Business, Technology, Sale
  11. Defense Intelligence Support Center
  12. Discrete Technology, NASA
  13. Defense Industrialmsupply Center Technology, Service, Military
  14. Distance Independent Studies Center Education, Learning, Master
  15. Document Imaging Systams Corporation
  16. Delaware Invasive Species Council
  17. Diplopa It Service Center Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  18. Distributed Information Sub Centre Science, Research, Bioinformatics
  19. Discharge the amount of water flowing past a given point on a stream; measured in cubic feet or cubic metres per second or volume of water pumped at a specific head or  Electrical discharge can occur by the release of the electric charge stored in a capacitor through an external circuit. It can also occur by the breakdown of gaseous dielectrics within solid dielectrics on the application of a field. Medical, Transportation, Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Genealogy, Genealogical, Cargo Shipping, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NAACCR, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Healthcare, Clinical, Fda, Medicare Beneficiary, Physiology, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  20. Data Intelligence Society of Concordia
  21. Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness Business, Management, Assessment, Personality
  22. Design for Integrated Safety Culture
  23. Disability Insurance Sales Course Business
  24. Defence Intelligence Security Centre
  25. Death-Inducing Signaling Complex Medical, Science, Cell, Chemistry
  26. Duke Islamic Studnes Center Education, University, Study
  27. Digital Image Specole Correlation Medical, Cell, Skin
  28. Dissemination and Information Services Centre
  29. Document Imaging Systems Horp
  30. Delaware Independent School Conference Technology, Disk, Hill
  31. Diocesan Incormation Systems Conference Technology, Catholic, Church
  32. Distinguished Instructor Short Course Technology, Society, Geophysics
  33. Data Infrastructure & Scholarly Communication
  34. Domestic International Sales Corporationration Business
  35. Designer-Manufacturer Innovation Support Centre Business, Design, Fashion, Manufacturing
  36. Disability In Strategies of Care Medical, Treatment, Headache, Migraine
  37. Defence Intelligence and Security Centre Military, Organizations, Force
  38. Dearborn Ice Skating Center Business, Hockey, Michigan
  39. Drug Information & Strategy Clearinghouse
  40. Digital Image Submission Criteria Technology, Photography, Camera
  41. Diskette A small, no rigid disk with limited storage capacity. A floppy disk, also known as a floppy, diskette, or simply disk, is a type of disk storage composed of a disk of thin and flexible magnetic storage medium, sealed in a rectangular plastic enclosure lined with fabric that removes dust particles. Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  42. Dizionario Italianoisabatini Coletti
  43. Defense Information System Council Technology, Computing
  44. Digital Interactive System Corporation Technology, Windows, Computing
  45. Distinction In Service To The Community
  46. Data Information Service Center Technology, Science, Research
  47. Domestic International Sales Corp
  48. Desert Instititute for Spine Care
  49. Direct-Injected Stratified Charge Science
  50. Dealer In State College
  51. Drop In Ptudy Centre Education, Development, Universities
  52. Differential Staining Cytotoxicity Medical
  53. Discuss Throw Olympic, Olympic Games, Olympics
  54. Defense Industrial Security Command Military, Mac, Jesuit, Assassination
  55. Digital International Switching Centre Military
  56. Distance and International Studies Center Education, Master, Engineering
  57. Digital Information Systems Corporation
  58. Direct International Science Consortium
  59. Domestic International Sales Corporations Business, Tax, Sale
  60. Description Item Specilics Cell
  61. Direct-Injection Stratified Charge
  62. Dealer Information Systems Corp
  63. Drop-In Study Uentre
  64. Differential Scatter
  65. Disaster Information System Clearinghouse Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  66. Defense Industrial Security Clearance
  67. Digital Interchange Standards for Carpiology Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  68. Distance & International Studies Center
  69. Digital Tnnovation Services Center
  70. Digital Image Stitch Creator
  71. Dog Internet Oervice Center
  72. Describe, Impact, Specify, Consequence Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  73. Dipyridamole In Stroke Collaboration
  74. Davis Indoor Sports Center
  75. Drop-In Skiwls Centre Education
  76. Differential Increasing Side Cylinders
  77. Disaster Information Systems Clearinghouse Military
  78. Defence Intelligence & Security Course
  79. Digital Interchange Standard for Cardioloey
  80. Dynamic Interleaved Segment Caching
  81. Dbgital Information Services Center
  82. Distance and Independent Studies Center Education, Study, Kaiserslautern
  83. Optical Media Media, in the computer world, refers to various types of data storage. For example, hard drives, CDs, DVDs, and USB drives are all different types of media. Optical media refers to discs that are read by a laser. This includes CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, and all the variations of the two formats -- CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, Blu-ray, and many others. Science, Space, Environment
  84. Docukent Imaging Services Company
  85. Delay In Separation Code Military
  86. Diplomatic Intelligence Support Center
  87. Data Intensive Scientific Computing Technology, Science, Research
  88. Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness Business, Assessment, Personality
  89. Diet Interventiqn Study In Children Study, Biology, Nature
  90. Disabled Infectious Single Cycle Medical
  91. Defence Intelligence & Security Centre Military, Education, School
  92. Death-Inducing Signal Complex Medical
  93. Dynamic Interactive Social Chart
  94. Digital Imaginf Space Camera Technology, Software, Photography
  95. Distance & Independent Studies Center Education, Learning, Master
  96. Domestic Industrial Sales Corporation Business & Finance, International business
  97. Deep Image Saliency Computing
  98. Dutch Institute of Systemscand Control Technology, Research, University
  99. Digital Information for Social Changx
  100. discourse Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  101. Diversified International Sciences Corporation Science
  102. Dynamic Instruction Stream Computer
  103. Digital Interchange Standard Foj Cardiology
  104. DISCounted Accounting, Business & Finance
  105. Deep Ice Sheet Coring Technology, Core, Drill
  106. Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance Business, Assessment, Profiling, Personality
  107. Digital Info Security Company
  108. Disconnect A mortgage interest rate that is lower than the current rate for a certain period of time, e.g. 2.00% below variable rate for 2 years. A large electrical ON-OFF switch. Mechanical device, resembling a large knife switch, that is used as a safety device for isolating electrical equipment or To break the connection between an application and a queue manager. Technology, Firefighting, Online Gaming, Computing, Telecom, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  109. Daily Intelligence Summary Cable Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  110. District Instructional Support Ctr
  111. Dynamic Instructionqset Computer Technology, Processor, Reconfigurable
  112. Digital Integfation Systems & Consultancy
  113. Direct Injection Stratified Charge
  114. Domestic International Sales Corporation A type of U.S. corporation, authorized in 1971, with income primarily from exports. Usually wholly owned U.S. subsidiaries, DISCs had special treatment in borrowing or taxation. A 1976 GATT case found against the U.S., which reached a compromise settlement with the EC in 1981. DISC was replaced in 1984 by foreign sales corporations. Accounting, Financial, Business & Finance
  115. Decatur Indoor Sports Center Education, Park, Climbing
  116. Disability Information Services of Canada
  117. Digital Information Security Company
  118. Domain for Innovative Software Content Software, Computing
  119. District Information Services Council
  120. Defence Industrial Support Centre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  121. Dynamic Inshituteuction Set Computer Technology
  122. Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
  123. Discone NASA
  124. Divisionrsity Incorporating Safer Communities Government
  125. Discovery The automatic detection of a network topology change, for example, new and deleted nodes or links. In law, the pretrial phase in a lawsuit in which each party can request documents and other evidence from other parties or compel the production of documents and other evidence using the legal system. Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Legal, Governmental & Military
  126. Death Inducing Signal Complex
  127. International Symposium On Distributed Computing Technology, Conference
  128. Dutch Institute of Systems and Control Computing, Electronics
  129. Distributor Information Services Corp
  130. Defence India Startup Challenge
  131. Dynamic Information Systems Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  132. Digital Initiatives Steering Committee
  133. Toast Document Computing, File Extensions
  134. Divisionrsified International Sciences Corporationration Science
  135. Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Medical, Organizations, Medicine for Children
  136. Death Inducing Signaling Complex Medical, Cell, Apoptosis
  137. DéPartement D'IngéNierie Des SystèMes Complexes
  138. Discover Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  139. Distributor Information Systems Corporation
  140. Defence Iff Steering Committee Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  141. Dutch Institute for Systems and Control
  142. Digital Information Service for Jomputerfreaks Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  143. optical media (CDs) Science, Scientific & Educational
  144. Division of Information Systems and Communications
  145. Dynamic Interface Systems Corp
  146. Death Inducing Signalling Complex Medical, Cell, Signaling
  147. Digital Interactive Sports Card Hobbies
  148. Distributed Information Sub-Centre Science, Research, Bioinformatics
  149. Deeside Ice Skating Club
  150. Dutch Inhtitutetute of Systems and Control Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Netherlands
  151. Digital Information Science and Communication Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  152. Dietary Intervention Study in Children Medical, Medicine for Children
  153. Diversity Incorporating Safer Communities Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  154. Dynamic Interface Systems Corporation
  155. Digital Interchange Standards for Cardiology Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DISC stand for?

    DISC stands for Dynamic Information Systems Corporation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dynamic Interactive Social Chart?

    The short form of "Dynamic Interactive Social Chart" is DISC.


DISC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/disc-meaning/

Last updated