DISC in Business & Finance Meaning
The DISC meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Discharge". There are 5 related meanings of the DISC Business & Finance abbreviation.
DISC on Business & Finance Full Forms
- Discharge the amount of water flowing past a given point on a stream; measured in cubic feet or cubic metres per second or volume of water pumped at a specific head or Electrical discharge can occur by the release of the electric charge stored in a capacitor through an external circuit. It can also occur by the breakdown of gaseous dielectrics within solid dielectrics on the application of a field.
- DISCounted
- Domestic International Sales Corporation A type of U.S. corporation, authorized in 1971, with income primarily from exports. Usually wholly owned U.S. subsidiaries, DISCs had special treatment in borrowing or taxation. A 1976 GATT case found against the U.S., which reached a compromise settlement with the EC in 1981. DISC was replaced in 1984 by foreign sales corporations.
- Disconnect A mortgage interest rate that is lower than the current rate for a certain period of time, e.g. 2.00% below variable rate for 2 years. A large electrical ON-OFF switch. Mechanical device, resembling a large knife switch, that is used as a safety device for isolating electrical equipment or To break the connection between an application and a queue manager.
- Domestic Industrial Sales Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DISC stand for Business & Finance?
DISC stands for Domestic International Sales Corporation in Business & Finance terms.
What is the shortened form of Disconnect in Business & Finance?
The short form of "Disconnect" is DISC for Business & Finance.
DISC in Business & Finance. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/disc-meaning-in-business-finance/
Last updated