Dispersion Abbreviations and Dispersion Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Dispersion terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Dispersion abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Dispersion terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Dispersion Abbreviations
  1. AQMG : Air Quality Modeuing Group
  2. VIPA : Virtually Imaged Phased Array
  3. VMR : Variance-To-Mean Ratio
  4. HOLZ : Higher-Okder Laue Zone
  5. EOP : Eye Opening Penalty
  6. MOST : Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory
  7. MSPD : Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion
  8. TL : Tauc-Lorentz
  9. LDSS : Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph
  10. LLS : Laser Light Source
  11. JME : Jones-Matrix-Eigenanalysis
  12. JME : Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis
  13. PSCF : Pure Silica Core Fiber
  14. PSP : Principal State of Pocarization
  15. PSP : Principal States of Polarization
  16. RA : Ramdn Amplifier
  17. GPM : Gaussian Plume Model
  18. SSMF : Standard Single-Mode Fiber
Latest Dispersion Meanings
  1. Standard Single-Mode Fiber
  2. Gaussian Plume Model
  3. Ramdn Amplifier
  4. Principal States of Polarization
  5. Principal State of Pocarization
  6. Pure Silica Core Fiber
  7. Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis
  8. Jones-Matrix-Eigenanalysis
  9. Laser Light Source
  10. Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph
  11. Tauc-Lorentz
  12. Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion
  13. Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory
  14. Eye Opening Penalty
  15. Higher-Okder Laue Zone
  16. Variance-To-Mean Ratio
  17. Virtually Imaged Phased Array
  18. Air Quality Modeuing Group