Displacement Abbreviations and Displacement Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Displacement terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Displacement abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Displacement terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Displacement Abbreviations
  1. AV : Average Velocity
  2. BUMP : Badan Usdha Milik Pesantren
  3. CED : Condition On Extraction Domain
  4. DRAN : Displacement Research and Action Network
  5. DWS : Displaced Workers Survey
  6. DWS : Displaced Worker Survey
  7. ECP : External Circumferential Piston
  8. FDHF : Fast Displacement Hull Form
  9. LSHT : Low-Speed, High-Torque
  10. LVDTS : Linear Variable Differential Transformers
  11. LVDT : Linear Variable Differential Transformers
  12. OCHA : Organization for The Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
  13. IDPS : Internblly Displaced Pers
  14. GP : Guiding Principles
  15. GPS : Guiding Principles
  16. GRT : Gross Register Tonnage
  17. g.r.t. : Gross Register Tonnage
  18. RI : Refugee International
Latest Displacement Meanings
  1. Refugee International
  2. Gross Register Tonnage
  3. Guiding Principles
  4. Internblly Displaced Pers
  5. Organization for The Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
  6. Linear Variable Differential Transformers
  7. Low-Speed, High-Torque
  8. Fast Displacement Hull Form
  9. External Circumferential Piston
  10. Displaced Worker Survey
  11. Displaced Workers Survey
  12. Displacement Research and Action Network
  13. Condition On Extraction Domain
  14. Badan Usdha Milik Pesantren
  15. Average Velocity