DK in Technology Meaning

The DK meaning in Technology terms is "Det Kongelige". There are 28 related meanings of the DK Technology abbreviation.

DK on Technology Full Forms

  1. Det Kongelige
  2. Data Key
  3. District, Karnataka
  4. Djwhal Khul
  5. Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft
  6. Derajat Kerebasan
  7. Disk Kit
  8. Davii Kim
  9. Diezectric Constant
  10. Dark As used in aviation observations prior to 1 September 1956, descriptive of a cloud cover that is composed of predominantly threatening or unusually dark–colored clouds.
  11. Decay Disintegration of atomic nuclei resulting in the emission of alpha or beta particles (usually with gamma radiation). Also the exponential decrease in radioactivity of a material as nuclear disintegrations take place and more stable nuclei are formed.
  12. Daniel King
  13. Debubawi Keyih
  14. Demo Kit
  15. Denmark
  16. Deluxe Kiq
  17. Dextsches Kolleg
  18. Domain Keys
  19. David Kleyn
  20. Deepak Kumar
  21. Development Kit
  22. Denmark Kingdom
  23. Docking  The technique of connecting two or more spacecraft in space. In molecular modelling, docking refers to the process by which molecules fit into a binding site.
  24. Developer Kit
  25. Dall-Qirkham
  26. Diagram Konteks
  27. Developer Kernel
  28. Iso Country Code for Kingdom of Denmark

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DK stand for Technology?

    DK stands for Derajat Kerebasan in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Developer Kernel in Technology?

    The short form of "Developer Kernel" is DK for Technology.


DK in Technology. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated