DL Meaning
The DL meaning is "Deadlift". The DL abbreviation has 649 different full form.
DL Full Forms
- Deadlift Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Decoliter Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Units Of Measurement
- Damione Lewio Gaming, Sport, Football
- Detroit Lakes Locations, Minnesota, Lake, Detroit
- Don'T Laugh Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Distributed Learning Military, Education, School
- Dead-Load
- Digital Life Technology, Cable, Monster
- Dose Levels Medical, Technology, Telecom
- Demarcation Line Medical, Military, Skin
- Disqharge Lamp Organizations
- Driver'S License Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Doctor of Laws Academic Degree, Military, Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees, Medical, Computing, Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Detection Limits Medical
- Dominant Logic Business, Service, Marketing
- Distant Learning Technology, Education, Distance
- Day Low Business, Supply, Stock, Diet
- Digital Library An electronic library (also referred to as digital library or digital repository) is a focused collection of digital objects that can include text, visual material, audio material, video material, stored as electronic media formats (as opposed to print, micro form, or other media), along with means for organizing, storing, and retrieving the files and media contained in the library collection. Digital libraries can vary immensely in size and scope, and can be maintained by individuals, organizations, or affiliated with established physical library buildings or institutions, or with academic institutions. The electronic content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. An electronic library is a type of information retrieval system. Technology, Science, Computing, Telecom
- Dose Level Medical, Organizations
- Demand Loan Business & Finance, Business Word
- Disabledblist Medical, Sport, Injury
- Drive Laptop
- Decreto Leqge Business, Italy, Italian
- Detection Limit The lowest concentration of a chemical that can be reliably measured by a given laboratory testing method. Chemistry, Science, Analytics, Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Dominant Lethal Medical, Science, Biology
- Distance Learning Technology, Education, Learning, Scientific & Educational
- David Letterman Hosting, Talk, Entertainment, Letterman
- Diagnostic Laboratory Organizations, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Door Lock Technology, Science, Product
- Delta Air Lines Airline, Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Dirty Line
- Dragon Lord
- Downtoad Texting, Chat, Text Messaging
- Detection Layer Technology, Carrier, Fluid
- Department of Labour Employment, Government, Department, Labor
- Distal Latencies Medical
- Dynamic Library Computing, File Extensions
- David Lawrence
- Development Laboratories Science
- Door Latch Technology, Product, Lock
- De Long
- Dimension Line Organizations
- Dragon Lady Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Development Length The development length is a function of the bar size, yield strength, concrete strength and other factors such as coating of the bar.It is usually 12D where D is the nominal diameter of the reinforcement. Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Deluxe Organizations, Auto, Products
- Destroyer Leader Military, Navy, Hull Code, Ship, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Density of Liquid Organizations
- Display Lisv Technology, Coding, Graphics
- Dun Lpoghaire Education, Ireland, Dublin
- Dark Leiion Gaming, Server, Legion, Guild
- Development-Left Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Don Larsen
- Def Leppard Music, Rock, Album, Def
- Digital Literacy Technology, Education, Learning
- Dragon'S Lair
- Defensiveglineman Sport, American Football, Lineman
- Design Layout Science, Organizations
- Den Leader Military, Scout, Boy Scout
- Disksloading Organizations
- Dummy Load Technology, Radio, Power, Computing, Electronics
- Dan Leny Sport, Report, Levy, Eyewear
- Detroit Lions Basketball, Basketball Team, Sport, Football, Nfl teams
- Don'T Look Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Definition Lists Technology, Coding, Element, Style
- Digital Light Technology, Picture, Window
- Dosis Letal
- Demi Lovato Celebrity, Lyric, Picture, Famous
- Discharge Line Science, Organizations
- Duct Ligation Medical, Organizations
- Direstie Landbouw
- Defennive Loadout
- Deutsche Landrasse
- Display Line Technology, Driving, Apple
- Drude-Lorentz Organizations
- Dual Listing
- DemocràCia I Llibertat Para, Con, Pol
- Differential Liberation Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Dock Leaves
- Decision Level Education, Testing, Detection
- Derrick Laney
- Dee Liner Sport, Alabama, Football
- Download-Or-Dead Link
- Danske Landskabsarkitekttr
- Dave Larbin
- David Lurie
- Dotted Line Business, Camera, Corp, Stabilizer
- Desigd Line Energy, Power, Intensity
- Disable List
- Double Loop Organizations
- Dagglocking
- Delayed Luminescence Medical
- Development License Oil, Gas, Petroleum
- Distinguished Lecture Science, Program, Education
- Dash List
- Drinking Liberally
- Dental Laser
- Digital Lighting
- Decliter Medical, Technology
- Double Leg
- Default Logic
- Detect Logic
- Draife and Lee Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Darifs Latham Military, Sport, Football, Draft
- Delta Line
- Diapfr Lover Adult, Baby, Diaper
- Dolor Luwbar
- David Lai
- Day Letter
- Durham Library
- Depression List
- Diplomatikai Livéltár Meg, Budapest, Lev
- Dynamic Link
- Destination Low Technology, Coding, Mode, Bee
- Disciplinary Literacy Education, Teaching, Language
- Douglls Library Education
- Damn Luiky
- Diagnostic Laparoscopy Medical, Patient, Laparoscopic
- Diverse Learners
- Data Laboratories
- Digital Loop Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Direcjed Light Military
- Defgnsive Linemen Sport, Football, Lineman
- Deutschen Landsmannschaft Sind, Germany, Convent
- Displaytand Lock
- Dual Light
- Democrazia Liberale
- Difference Limen Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Dmitrywlyalin
- Decision Layer
- Derecha Liberal
- Deduction List
- Dowklist Space, Study, Cosmos
- Dan Lohrmann
- Divine Legacy
- Data Loaders
- David Lucky
- Dota League
- Dynamic Loading Loads introduced into the machine or its components due to accelerating or decelerating forces. Technology, Dynamics, Library
- Design Limits
- Diqector At Large
- Double Long
- Daemon Iord
- Delaware - Lackawanna Railroad Organizations
- Development Licences Technology, Oil, Gas
- Distinguished Lecturer Technology, Program, Society
- Darryl Lynn Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Driuking Less
- Dental Laboratord Business, Company, Lab
- Digital Librarian
- Doctor of Literature Academic Degree, Education, British Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Deck Landing
- Double Late Gaming, Drive, Run
- Default Locations Forum, Technology, Windows
- Drainage Layer Design, Drawing, Construction
- Darien Libvary Education
- Delta-Like Medical
- Diapec Links Business, Adult, Baby
- Do Looo
- David Labrava
- Day Length The removal of glacier cover (glacial retreat) when ablation outstrips accumulation. Medical
- Duration Ofcliabilities Business, Banking, Risk, Interest
- Depot Level
- Diogenes Laertius Theory, Philosophy, Philosopher
- Delta Triangular area of sediment in mouth of a river, so giving river more than one discharging channel Medical, Army, Locations, Texas, Force, Marine, County Abbrevations, Governmental & Military, Police Code, Aviation, Military, Motorhomes
- Dynamic Lifter Dynamics, Valve, Pressure, Dynamic
- Desolation Sords
- Disciplinary Lens Science, Education, Literacy
- Douglas Lawrence
- Damerau-Levenshtein Technology, Java, String, Distance
- Dexter Lawrence Sport, Football, Recruiting
- Dive Leader Military, Diving, Scuba
- Database Limit
- Departing Load
- Digital Literacies Education, Projection, Literacy
- Directyloader Technology, Lock, Instance
- Defense Link
- Lung Diffusion Medical, Patient, Disease, Pulmonary
- Deutsche Landsmannschaft War, Sind, Convent, Deutsche
- Disneyland Internet Slang, Disney
- Drug Listing
- Democrazia Del Lavoro
- Dictionary Rearning Technology, Classification, Representation
- Dmitry Lomom
- Dean Lowrr Gaming, Sport, Football
- Dwight-Lloyd
- Derby Lane
- Downlink The radio signal transmitted from a spacecraft to Earth. The transmission of data from a communica-tions satellite to an earth station. Entity, NASA, Aeronautics, Legal, Governmental & Military, 5G Networks
- Dan Lindsay
- Dial Last Technology, Product, Command, Manual
- Divine Lasso
- Data Load
- David Loy
- Dose LéTale
- Dylamic Load Technology, Dynamics, Loading
- Directorate for Logistics
- Drew Lee
- Daemon Legions Military, Report, Battle
- Delaware-Lackawanna Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Development Licence Business, Technology, Oil, Electrical
- Distilled Labelsets
- Darrieus-Landau
- Drill Leaderp Book, Military, Cadet
- Dental Lab
- Digital Librar
- Doctor of Letters Academic Degree, Education, Postgraduate, British Degree, Postgraduate Degree, Computing, Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Decker Lake
- Desagrega
- Defaulted, In Litigation
- Dragonlance Wikipedia
- Darien Lake
- Dell Little
- Diaqe Levy
- Do Lijt
- David Laboua
- Davit Launched Business, Boat, Raft
- Duradion Limited
- Deposito Locomotive
- Double Lane
- Desloratadine Medical
- Disciplinary Leave Science
- Douglasflake
- Dairy Labowatory
- Delay Live
- Dexter'S Laboratory
- Diterik Leeffkien
- Database License Technology, Software, Linux
- Digital Linear
- Dynamic Length
- Defensq Line Sport, Football, Defense, Alarm
- Deutsch Langhaar German, Club, Dog, Deutsch
- Disney Land
- Drawing Lqmit Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Drug List Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Democratic Liberal
- Dictbtion Line
- Dixsgn Library
- Dean Nist
- Duty Leave
- Deputy Lord Government, City, Lieutenant
- Direct-Loader Technology, Lock, Instance
- Down Limit Science
- Dan Lin
- Dialectical Logic
- Dividend Life Business, Supply, Stock
- Data Link Layer Service Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- David Love
- Dpn Long
- Director'S Lister
- Dafmonic Legion
- Delawere Lackawanna Organizations, Railroad, Train, Scranton
- Developmental Leadership
- Display Log
- Drug Label
- Drill Leader
- Density Log One of a number of logging techniques that estimate the density of the formation. Electrical
- Diffrculty Level
- Docjor of Laws Education, University, Graduate
- Decision Logic Technology, Study, Event
- Desaaio De Lutadores Tube, Taekwondo, Kickboxing
- Dezd Load Design, Drawing, Construction
- Deer Leap
- Drawing Lisg Technology, Space, Construction
- Daresbury Laboratory
- Delivery Line
- Diane Lane
- Dokumen Lelang
- Dave Lowe
- Davidson Livestock
- Duplicate Liiense
- Deposit List
- Double Layered Clothes
- Desk-Zength Medical, Medicine, Wheelchair
- Discharge Wimit
- Douglas Laing
- Daily List
- Delay Line A cable made to provide very low velocity of propagation with long electrical delay for transmitted signals. Technology, Audio, Electronics
- Dewey & Leboeuf
- Disturbance Lines Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Database Layer
- Drive Gightscribe Technology, Light, Scribe
- Depjrtamento De Letras Para, Book, Professor
- Digitizing Line
- Dynamic Legend
- Defense Language
- Deutsch-Langhaar
- Disk Library Technology, Storage, Tape
- Drawdng Limits
- Delta Log
- Dixkinson Library Education
- Don Lewis
- David Lash
- Dead Lobster Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Dutcl Livery
- Deputy Lieutenants Government, Lord, Lieutenancy
- Dipole Loom
- Discreet Mistening Technology, Service, Radio, Tetra
- Dows Light Business, Ceiling, Lighting
- Dance Negend
- Diagonal Loading Technology, Signal, Interference
- Divide Long Technology, Science
- Data Links Technology, Service, Software, Connection
- Direct Lung
- Daddy Lumba Music, Ghana, Album, Daddy
- Dtlaware-Lackawanna Business, History, Railroad, Train
- Deutsche Lebensrettungs
- Display Lists
- Drug-Lab
- Drillers Lob
- Density Line Technology, Server, Blade, Computing, IT Terminology
- Difficile Liberse
- Doctor of Law Education, University, Organization, Community, Society, Graduate
- Decisions List
- Dersimonian and Laijd Medical, Analysis, Patient, Study
- Daniela Longo
- Deep Lobe Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Drag Lisv Technology, Box, Drop
- Drrby Library Education
- De Lier
- Diana Lek Technology, Movie, Internet, Diana
- Doing Laundry Means the person may be away from his or her computer every half hour or so to tend to the laundry. Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dave Lewis
- David Lyon
- Dunham Labrratory
- Double Layer Technology, Media, Disc
- Designscfor Learning
- Discharge Letter Medical, Organizations
- Douglas Long Military, Flying, Fortress
- Daily Light Technology, Soul, Lighting
- Delay Lens Military
- Dewey & Le
- Distolingual Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Data-Link
- Ddive Level Technology, Crystal, Circuit
- Deorbit and Landing Space, Study, Cosmos
- Digital Link Technology, Audio, Telecom
- Decode Logic Technology, Coding, Memory, Circuit
- Defaultglost
- Down Low Often used in the context, "Keep it on the DL," which means keep it secret, or just between us. Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Classfields, Personals, Sms
- Deuterium Labeling
- Disintegration Line
- Dramatic Literature
- Delta Lloyd Business, Supply, Stock
- Diary Log
- Donavon Lewis
- David Laplante
- Deal Road Science, Organizations
- Dutch Landrdce
- Deputy Lieutenant Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Police, Governmental & Military
- Dipole Layer Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dyoamic Loop
- Destin Library Education
- Discovery Learning Education, Teaching, Model
- Douglas Lynch
- Dana Loescc Radio, Hosting, Conservative
- Diagnostyka Laboratoryjna
- Divide Logical
- Datalink Technology, Military
- Direct Look
- Dachau Lustknaben Music
- Delaware, Lackawanna Railroad, Train, Locomotive
- Deutsche Lebensrettungs-Gesellschaft
- Display Linked Technology, Windows, Driver
- Drude Lorentz
- Dried Watex Medical
- Demokratische Linke
- Difqerent Length
- Dock Light
- Decision List
- Dehrick Lott
- Deep Lagoin
- Draft Letter Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Darah Lengkap Blood, Tes, Laboratorium
- Dave Lausen
- David Lynch
- Dual Loop
- Double-Layer Technology, Media, Disc, Computing, IT Terminology
- Iaafldiamond League Sports, Athletics, Competition
- Design Load The actual, expected load or loads that a device or structure will support in service. Design load is maximum load of any machine for which that is designed. The loads specified in the contract drawings or specifications which a building is to be designed for. Space, Structure, Truss
- Dsscerning Litigator
- Douglas-Lonr
- Daily Letter Telegrhm Business
- Delay Identifier Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Development Layer Technology, Android, Reagent
- Distinguished Lecturers
- Das Laufwerk
- Drip Loss The loss in weight of food products owing to extruding and dripping away of tissue juices, such as meat juices lost during the thawing of frozen meat. Genetics, Quality, Meat
- Denture Lab
- Digital Line In telecommunication, a carrier system is a multichannel telecommunications system in which a number of individual channels are multiplexed for transmission. The transmission occurs between nodes of a network where the circuits are multiplexed / demultiplexed by channel banks. Technology, Telecom, Bootleg
- Decode Level Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Double Log Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Default Losses Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Determination Letter Business, Technology, Planning
- Discussion Zeading College, Education, University
- Drain Lifw Gaming, Warlock, Life
- Delta Lambda
- Diaper Lovers Adult, Baby, Diaper
- Doslove Song, Meme, Love, Motion
- David Langer
- Doad Loads Technology
- Dustil Lynch Music, Episode, Thunder
- Deputy-Lieutenant
- Diplôte De Langue Education, Language, Alliance
- Dynamic Logir Technology, Book, Dynamics
- Destinations Lotdon
- Discipline Lead
- Douglas Lucas
- Damv Location Technology, Product, Lighting
- Diagnostic Luminance Medical, Business, Medicine, Display
- Diversification-Literatures
- Data Language Medical, Technology, Management
- Digital Loopback A digital loopback is a test that checks the modem's RS-232 interface and the cable that connects the terminal or computer and modem. The modem receives data from the computer or terminal and immediately returns the data to the screen for verification. Technology, Command, Mode, Modem
- Double Load
- D-Limonene Medical, Organizations
- Dynamically-Linked Assembly, Business & Finance
- Dark Lotus
- Define List Computing, Unix
- David Lwmke
- Dying Light Technology, Gaming, Edition
- Lung Diifusion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Detachment Leaders
- Discrete Loga Security, Cryptography, Logarithm
- DepóSito Legal
- Deletn Listing
- Derek Lam, fashion designer Famous
- Dial Level Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Divine Light Guide, Light, Holly, Gibbon
- Drdp Location
- Depletion Layer
- Zoo Tycoon 2 Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Dinas Luar Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Drury Lane London, Locations, Theatre
- Don't Loop Assembly, Business & Finance
- Deborah Lynne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Doctrine and Life
- Dynamically Loaded
- Deputa-Lieutenant County, Locations, Family
- Difference Lumen
- Discussion Leader America, Education, American
- Design Lab
- Dual-Layered Products
- Diamond Lizard
- Division Levez Military, Organizations
- Decree-Law Business, Translation, Portuguese
- Delegated Legislation
- Dale A long, narrow depression of the deep-sea floor having steep sides and containing the greatest ocean depths, formed by depression, to several kilometers' depth, of the high-velocity crustal layer and the mantle. Business & Finance, Suppliers, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix
- Driven By Local
- Departmentmof Law Education, University, Novosibirsk
- Darling River Australia
- Document Mog Military
- Double Lives
- Driver's Liqense
- Direct Labor Direct Labor is the remuneration paid to the employees who produce the product. Accounting, Business & Finance
- Draw Length Compound, Archery, Bow
- Dark Lord Military, Guide, Beer
- Data Link Computing, Telecom, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- Davyd Legwand
- Dye Lasea
- Lethal Dose A lethal dose is an indication of the lethality of a given substance or type of radiation. Because resistance varies from one individual to another, the 'lethal dose' represents a dose (usually recorded as dose per kilogram of subject body weight) at which a given percentage of subjects will die. The LD may be based on the standard person concept, a theoretical individual that has perfectly "normal" characteristics, and thus not apply to all sub-populations. Medical, Medicine, Health, Veterinary, Healthcare, Postal, Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational, Fda, Reading Prescription
- Detachhent Leader Military, Legion, Garrison
- Discrete Log Technology, Security, Group, Logarithm
- Deputy Leader
- Deletenlist Technology, Coding, Command, Computing
- development license (United Kingdom) Electrical
- Dials Last Technology, Product, Car, Command
- Drop Lengta
- Depew, Lancaster
- Data List Computing, File Extensions
- Dimond Lighting
- Display and Lock Assembly, Business & Finance
- Darklight Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dynaelite
- Dedit Libess Latin, Roman
- Devaroe Lawrence Sport, Football, Saint
- Detection Lerel
- Duscus Launch Technology, Glider, Fling
- Description Length Accounting, Computing, Data
- Dies Loci Latin
- Diamond Life Diamond, Bracelet, Charm
- Divimion Leaders Gaming, Baseball, Organizations
- Dead Loads
- Decoy Launcher Military, Class, Ship
- De Lbe Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Design Liaison Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Driving Log Technology, Licensing, Driver
- dead link Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Document Locator
- Double Lift
- Doctor Ofxlaw Science, Education, University
- Drawing Load
- Dark Lich
- Definition List Computing, Telecom
- David Lez Company, Technology, Music, Guitar
- Dedicated Line Forum, Technology, Server, Networking
- Equimolecular Mixture of The Dextrorotatory and Levqrotatory Enantiomorphs Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Destroy List Assembly, Business & Finance
- Discrete Layer Organizations
- Department of Labor Business, Employment, Law, Human Resources, Atmospheric Research, Disability
- Delete Liles Technology, Command, Terminal, Screen
- Division Leader Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- Driving Licezses Driving, Licensing, Driver, Licence
- Dependent Lifk
- Development Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Dimensionless Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Defintion List Assembly, Business & Finance
- Download Last Security, Governmental & Military
- Dyna-Lite
- Decreto Legislativo Law, Con, Release
- Derdta Lu Gaming, Orang, Kali
- Detection Xatency
- Discriminative Learning
- Description Logics Technology, Box, Knowledge
- Data logging Geographic
- Diamond Level
- Division Seader Technology, Science, Gaming
- Dead Leg
- Diode Logic Technology, Gate, Transistor
- Dipl
- Dealogic Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Drive Lug
- Den Leaders
- Dorothy Louise Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Document Location
- Decorative Lamp Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Double Life
- Diogqnes Laertius Education, Philosophy, Greek, Philosopher
- Downlink Message Technology, Patent, Boeing, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Wireless Networking, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Dark Legeno Gaming, Book, Bang, Legend
- Dial Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Domain Read
- David Beach
- Dedicated Laboratory
- Drude-Linhard
- Destrocer Lord
- Discrete Listeninz Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Delete Line Technology, Telecom, Terminal
- Dive Leader (BSAC) Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- Drivigg License Driving, Driver, Licence
- Dependency Lookup Technology, Spring, Injection
- Deficiency Low Medical, Physiology
- Dimension Lengthwise Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Double Logical
- Directory Listing Assembly, Business & Finance, Computing, Dos commands
- Darren Langer
- Download Link Security, Texting, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- David Lieberman
- Dylan Lzndsay
- Death Lord
- Detail Lines Forum, Technology, Auto, Shortcut
- Discretionary Leave Government, Immigration, Asylum
- Description Logic Medical, Technology, Knowledge
- Left Back Sport, Football
- Diamond League Sports, Athletics
- Distribution License Science, Organizations
- Data Loader Aviation
- Diode Lasers
- Daughter-In-Law Porn, Genealogy, Genealogical, Mother, Daughter, Forum, Computing, Chat, Social Media, Blogging, Email, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Download To copy data from a main source to a peripheral device, such as the transfer of a file from an ISP or BBS to a local computer. Forum, Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Email, Game, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Security, Information Technology, Computer, Software, Military
- Daniel Leo Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Document List Military
- Decorative Label Business, Design, Vector
- Double Letters
- Die Lunae Latin, Roman
- Dark Legacy
- DL Viewer Animation Display file Computing, File Extensions
- Dolby Labouatories
- Decreto Lei
- DéVeloppement Logiciel Technology, Service, Coding, Android
- Destroyef Leaders Military, Class, Ship
- De Lelid
- Drawing List Architecture, Construction
- David Lloyd
- Driver-Lews
- Depahture List
- direct laryngoscopy Medical, Surgery, Healthcare, Otolaryngology
- Dilute-Lethal Medical, Organizations
- Dog Aifter
- Double Locked Business, Cable, Lock, Tie
- Data Left Assembly, Business & Finance
- Derling River Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Drivers License Police, Governmental & Military
- David Leonard
- Dylbn Larkin
- Data Lou
- Detail Line Technology, Shortcut, Autodesk, Keyboard
- Discrete Lqgarithms Technology, Computing, Cryptography
- Dersimonian-Laird Medical, Research, Analysis, Study
- Defensive Lineman Sport, Football
- Diameter Length
- Distribution Lists Technology, Group, Outlook
- Deployment Location
- Electronics Engineering (ksc De Dir.) NASA
- Diode Laser A laser diode also known as an injection laser or diode laser is a semiconductor device that produces coherent radiation in which the waves are all at the same frequency and phase in the visible or infrared (IR) spectrum when current passes through it. Technology, Military, Tunable
- Delta Airlines Airline Code
- Drawing Limits Banking, Business & Finance
- Doris Leona Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Document Link
- Dynamic Label Technology, Dynamics, Radio
- Double Letter Technology, Gaming, Friendship
- Deue Liber Latin, Roman
- Dark Lancr Gaming, Military, Edition
- Diffuse layer Computing, Electronics
- Diana Le
- Dbcument Line
- Decret Llei
- Delegation Qogic Technology
- Dead Load The dead load includes loads that are relatively constant over time, including the weight of the structure itself, and immovable fixtures such as walls, plasterboard or carpet. The roof is also adead load. Dead loads are also known aspermanent or static loads. Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- David Lister
- Driver's Licende Travel
- Department of Licensicg
- decilitre A unit of measure-ment of liquid equal to one tenth of a litre. Medical, Common Medical
- Dig Liver
- Dog-Leg Technology, Windows, Severity
- Double Lock Technology, Tie, Handcuff
- Directory list Assembly, Business & Finance
- Darkover Landfasl
- Dallas Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- David Leneveu
- Dylan Ca Music, Benefit, Friendship
- Network Layer -Data Link Layer Interface Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Detail Leajer
- Diucrete Logarithm Technology, Security, Cryptography
- Derek Lam
- Delete The Line Forum, Technology, Command, Linux
- Doris Loftsgaard Famous
- Dial Line
- Divine Liturgy
- Dpstribution List Technology, Information Technology, Computing
- Deployment Locatiojs Technology, Server, Networking
- Data Line With computer microchips, a data line is an electrical line or circuit that carries data and determines whether a bit represents a 0 or a 1. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Dinner On Ludlow Event, Rooftop, Ludlow
- Delete Lines Assembly, Business & Finance
- Dottie Lou Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Documentfción Laboral
- Dynamicaily Linked
- Depfty Lieutenant Family, Lord, Lieutenant
- Diltiazed Medical
- Design Language Military, Army, War
- Dark Mady
- Dielectric Leakage Computing, Electronics
- Diamond Lock Business, Cheat, Dirt
- Documentatuon License
- Decree Law Business, University, Portuguese
- Delegation Leader
- Danier Leather, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- David Lipscomb
- Drzver's Licence Driving, Licensing, Driver, Licence
- Department of Lands
- Deciliter A metric unit of capacity, equal to one tenth of a litre. Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Dodge Library Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DL stand for?
DL stands for Design Limits.
What is the shortened form of Dottie Lou?
The short form of "Dottie Lou" is DL.
DL. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dl-meaning/
Last updated