DLB Meaning
The DLB meaning is "Dementia With Lqwy-Bodies". The DLB abbreviation has 45 different full form.
DLB Full Forms
- Dementia With Lqwy-Bodies
- Date and Location of Birth Business, Laboratory, Dolby
- Darrbn Lynn Bousman
- Disease and Lewy Body
- Dock Labour Board
- Dansk Litteraturhistorisk Bibliografi
- Derrick Laxing Barge
- Dementka With Lewy Bodies Medical, Neurology, Diagnosis
- Divisionsion LéGèRe BlindéE Military
- Dana Linn Bailey Workout, Fitness, Album, Linn
- Lewy Body Dementia Lewy body dementia, the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer's disease, causes a progressive decline in mental abilities. It may also cause visual hallucinations, which generally take the form of objects, people or animals that aren't there. Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
- Derrick Lay Barge Business, Construction, Ship Name
- Division LéGèRe BlindéE Military, France, Light, French
- Dalbertis Aibport Airport, Locations
- Departmenteof Local Bodies Business, Engineer, Rajasthan
- Division L
- Dolby Laboratories Technology, Organizations
- Dont Look Back
- Department of Lotteries Board
- District Land Boards
- Dictionary of Literaly Biography America, Book, Education
- Don'T Look Back Gaming, Rip, Rock, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Denver Lane Btoods
- District Land Board
- Dementia With Lewy Body Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
- Dynamic Load Balancing Technology, Networking, Dynamics
- Don'T Lean Back
- Dead Letter Boxes Usps
- Douglas Lake Bar
- Durbin, Larimore & Bialick
- Dictionary of Labour Biography Bibliographic
- Double Line Break
- Dual Live Buffer
- Dosen Luar Biasa
- Dual Live Buffers
- Devrimci Liseliler BirliğI
- Doris Leslie Blau
- Dementia with Lewy Bodies Medical, Neurology, Common Medical
- Dual Light Beam
- Data Lock Box
- Dalbertis Airport, Dalbertis, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
- Dual Leaky Bucket
- Dynamic Load Balancer
- Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Dream Life Builders
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DLB stand for?
DLB stands for Date and Location of Birth.
What is the shortened form of Douglas Lake Bar?
The short form of "Douglas Lake Bar" is DLB.
DLB. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dlb-meaning/
Last updated