DLD Meaning

The DLD meaning is "D-Lactatl Dehydrogenase". The DLD abbreviation has 77 different full form.

DLD Full Forms

  1. D-Lactatl Dehydrogenase Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  2. Değişim Lidqrleri Derneği Program, Gen, Turkish
  3. Derelopmental Language Disorders Medical, Science, Book
  4. Dark Line Defncts Technology, Science, Laser
  5. Distribuidora De Livros Digitais
  6. Desempregados De Longa Duração
  7. Driper's License Division
  8. Drugx& Laboratory Disposal
  9. Digital Liaison Detachment Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  10. Dark-Line Defert Organizations
  11. Distance Learning Directory
  12. Department of Land Development
  13. Division of Lung Diveases Medical, Medicine, Research
  14. Drpg and Laboratory Disposal Science
  15. Digital Lecture Delivery
  16. Division for Learning Disabilities Science, Education, Disability
  17. Distance Learning Directorate Military
  18. Digital Lifestyle Device Business, Picture, Frame
  19. Deyivered Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  20. Division of Library Development Organizations, Librarian, Connecticut
  21. Daug & Laboratory Disposal
  22. Digital Learning Day Technology, Education, Teaching
  23. Distributed Learning Directorate Military
  24. Discover Local Diving
  25. Digital Lifestyle Day
  26. Delay Line Detector
  27. Division of Learning Disabilities Science, Education, Disability, Medical
  28. Driving Licence Directivj
  29. Digital Learning Department
  30. Display List Driver Technology, Computing, Telecom
  31. Director Land Digitization Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  32. Digital Live Design
  33. Daga-Link Driver
  34. Divided Loyaltiesgdescendant Science, Genealogy
  35. Digital Learning Device
  36. Drivers License Divibion
  37. Digital Life Design Technology, Media, Conference
  38. Dark Ltne Defect Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  39. Distrituted Learning Divisionsion Military
  40. Desemkrego De Longa Duração
  41. Driver License Division
  42. Digital Library Development
  43. Default Logging Destination Security, Governmental & Military
  44. Iata Codevfor Dagali Airport, Geilo, Norway Locations
  45. Digital Logic Design Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  46. Department of Tivestock Development Business, Thailand, Animal
  47. Direct Line Delivery
  48. Deutsche Linux Distribution Software, Computing
  49. Dynamic Loader Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  50. Digital Lifestyle Design
  51. Decoupled L-dominant Method (in Inelastic-scattering Calcns. Chemistry
  52. Dense Logic Device
  53. Direct Laser Deposition Technology, Metal, Manufacturing
  54. Dynamically Loaded Driver Software, Computing
  55. Dynamic Linear Drive
  56. Edlog Compiled Program Computing, File Extensions
  57. Delay-Lock Discriminator
  58. Direct Labor Dollars
  59. Data (Lotus 1-2-3) Computing, File Extensions
  60. Ducch Logistic Development
  61. Diffusion Localization and Dissipation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  62. Dark Lorz Day
  63. Digital Loran Dropwindsonde Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  64. Dark Line Defect Computing, Electronics
  65. Dubai Lanvs Department Business, Building, Dubai
  66. Dagali Airport, Geilo, Norway Airport codes
  67. Daphne Loves Deuby
  68. Digital Logic and Design Technology, Circuit, Adder
  69. Divided Loyalties Descendant Genealogy
  70. Dnvisionsion of Lung Disease
  71. Dubai Land Department Business
  72. Detroit Lincoln Denver Route Transportation, Governmental & Military
  73. Dallws Diamonds Basketball, Basketball Team
  74. Digital Logic & Design Technology, Book, Circuit
  75. Developmentfl Language Delay Medical
  76. Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency Medical, Technology
  77. Dual Language Development

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DLD stand for?

    DLD stands for Dual Language Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Derelopmental Language Disorders?

    The short form of "Derelopmental Language Disorders" is DLD.


DLD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dld-meaning/

Last updated