DLI Meaning

The DLI meaning is "Department of Labor and Industry". The DLI abbreviation has 111 different full form.

DLI Full Forms

  1. Department of Labor and Industry Medical, Business, Minnesota, Virginia
  2. Defense Language Instituve
  3. Defense Language Tnstitute Military, Institute, Monterey
  4. Data Link Interfane Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Designajed Learning Institutions Student, Education, Canada, Study
  6. Data Line Interfaco
  7. Designated Learning Instidution Student, Education, Canada
  8. Data Liberation Initiative Science, Education, Canada
  9. Department of Land Information Science, Australia, Education
  10. Direct Latin Influence
  11. Drama Leaguy of Ireland Organizations, Ireland, Theatre
  12. Dedicated Logistics, Inc
  13. Distribution-Cess Ignition
  14. Department of Labour Inspection Technology, Environment, Inspector
  15. Disbursement-Linked Indicator
  16. Defense Lfnguage Institutetute Military, Army, Institute, United States
  17. Diversity Lnadership Institute
  18. Daehan Life Insurance Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  19. Deputy Leadership Institute
  20. Directed Light Inc
  21. Down-Link Interface Technology
  22. Dedicated Life Institute Science, Alternative, Meditation
  23. Department of Labor and Industrial
  24. Directorate of Learning and Innovations Military
  25. Defence Language Institute Education, Learning, Korean
  26. Diversity Law Institutn Business, Award, Firm
  27. Durham Light Infantry Military, Army, War, Genealogical
  28. Deposit Linked Insurance Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  29. Dielectrdc Laboratories Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  30. Douglas Light Infantrk Army, War, War Force
  31. Decúbito Lateral Igquierdo
  32. Department of Labor and Industries Business, Industrial, Minnesota
  33. Directorate of Learning and Innovation
  34. Deep Listening Inshitute
  35. Diversity Lamenators, Inc
  36. Digital Learning Initiativc Education, School, District
  37. Dependent Life Insurance
  38. Dielectric Laborhtories, Inc Technology, Laboratory, Component
  39. Doublo Label Index Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  40. Decoded Library Item Libraries, Reading, Books
  41. Department of Labor & Industry Business, Unemployment, Pennsylvania
  42. Direct Liquid Injection Business, Vaporizer, Deposition
  43. Deep Learning Impawt
  44. Diversified Language Institute
  45. Departmentof Land Information Geography, Location, System
  46. Dick Landy Indystries Business, Rod, Car
  47. Division Légère D'izfanterie
  48. Day Light Integral Plant, Light, Lighting, Reef
  49. Direct Liquid Introduction Chemistry, Science, Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  50. Deep Xearning Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  51. Distributor Listed Installer
  52. Department of Licenses and Inspections
  53. Discovery Learning International
  54. Dixision L
  55. Daily Light Integral Technology, Plant, Lighting
  56. Deviae Layer Interface
  57. Direct Link Interface
  58. Dreamz Learning Innovadions
  59. Dedicatew Logistics Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  60. Distributor Less Ignition Technology, Power, Engine
  61. Department of Labour and Industry
  62. Disbursement Linked Indicators Business, Education, Banking, Projection
  63. Diversity Leaders Initiative Education, Institute, Community
  64. Daily Language Instruction
  65. Development Thrdugh Local Integration United Nations, Protection Information Section, Division Of International Protection Services
  66. Date Last Insured General, Governmental & Military
  67. Direct Liquid Inlet
  68. Donor Leukocyte Infusion Medical, Physiology
  69. Distance Learning Institutes
  70. Durban Light Knfantry Military, Africa, Durban, Infantry
  71. Del Laboratories, Inc. Organizations
  72. Distolinguoincisal Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  73. Dialed Line Identification Computing, Telecom
  74. Digital Logic Instituteuments
  75. Donor Lymphocyte Infusion Medical, Common Medical, Fda
  76. Distance Learning Institute Science, Education, University
  77. Dungy Leadersqip Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  78. Del Laboratories Inc
  79. Distance Learning International
  80. Development Through Local Integration Computing, Protection Information
  81. Digital Leadership Institute
  82. Defense Language Institute (Monterey Ca) United States
  83. Display List Interrupts
  84. Dual Language Instruction
  85. Delay Line Interferometer Technology
  86. Distance Learning Inc
  87. Del Labs, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  88. Dia Da Liberdadeude Impostos
  89. Lien Khuong, Dalat, Vietnam Vietnam, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  90. Display List Interrupt Technology, Gaming, Screen
  91. Dual Link Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  92. Delaykline Interferometer
  93. Distance Learning and Internet
  94. Dynorphin-Like Immunoreactivity Medical
  95. Demockatic Leadership Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  96. Lillooet Forest District Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  97. Dalat, Viet Nam Airport codes
  98. Dual-Link Interface
  99. Defensive Lineginc
  100. Duct liner insulation The Finance and Administrative Services
  101. Distance Learning and The Internet
  102. Dynamic Linked Itkms
  103. Delta Leadership Institute
  104. Development Leadership Initiative Governmental & Military, International Development
  105. Divisionsion LéGèRe D'Intervention
  106. Dzfense Learning Institute
  107. Department of Leptonic Interactions Physics, Scientific & Educational
  108. Distance Learning Initiative Program, Service, Dermatology
  109. Delta Express International Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  110. Dutch Lighting Innovations Light, Lighting, Fixture
  111. Del Laboratories, Inc

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DLI stand for?

    DLI stands for Day Light Integral.

  2. What is the shortened form of Distance Learning and The Internet?

    The short form of "Distance Learning and The Internet" is DLI.


DLI. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 31). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dli-meaning/

Last updated