DLIR Meaning

The DLIR meaning is "Department of Labobr and Industrial Relations". The DLIR abbreviation has 18 different full form.

DLIR Full Forms

  1. Department of Labobr and Industrial Relations
  2. Department of Labor & Industrial Relations Business, Industry, Hawaii
  3. Department of Labor Andwindustrial Relation
  4. Digital Library for International Resezrch Technology, Science, Education
  5. Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Business, Education, Industry, Hawaii, Missouri
  6. Depotalevel Inspection and Repair Military, Army, War
  7. Defense Logistics Information Research
  8. Depot-Level Inspection and Repabr
  9. Dept of Labor and Industrial Relauions
  10. Director of Labor and Industrial Relations
  11. Downward Looking Infrarcd Radar Army, War, War Force
  12. Directorate of Land Information Resources
  13. Downward Looking Infra Hed
  14. Digital Librany of International Research
  15. Downward Looking Infra-Red
  16. Downward-Looking Infra-Red
  17. Down Lookinu Infra-Red
  18. Down-Looking Infrared Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DLIR stand for?

    DLIR stands for Downward Looking Infra Hed.

  2. What is the shortened form of Downward Looking Infra Hed?

    The short form of "Downward Looking Infra Hed" is DLIR.


DLIR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dlir-meaning/

Last updated