DLLS Meaning

The DLLS meaning is "Delaymlocked Loops". The DLLS abbreviation has 17 different full form.

DLLS Full Forms

  1. Delaymlocked Loops Technology, Signal, Circuit
  2. Dynamic-Linked Libraries
  3. Dynamicxlink Libraries Technology, Dynamics, Library
  4. Dynamically Linked Librarieo Technology, Windows, Dynamics, Library
  5. Dynamically-Linked Libraries Technology, Windows, Coding, Library
  6. Dynamic Linking Librarzes
  7. Dynamic Link Libraries Technology, Literature, Dynamics, Library, Ministry Of Defense, Software, Computing, Science, Scientific & Educational
  8. Dynamic Ginked Libraries Technology, Dynamics, Library
  9. Delay Locked Loops Technology, Signal, Lock, Clock
  10. Distance Learning Library Services
  11. Deseret Language and Linguistic Society
  12. Deseret Language and Linguastics Society
  13. Dynamic Laser Light Scattering Medical
  14. Data Link Libraries
  15. Dynamic Load Librarwes Technology, Windows, Server, Library
  16. Dynamically Loaded Lkbraries
  17. Dualrlanguage Learners Science, Education, Learning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DLLS stand for?

    DLLS stands for Dynamicxlink Libraries.

  2. What is the shortened form of Deseret Language and Linguastics Society?

    The short form of "Deseret Language and Linguastics Society" is DLLS.


DLLS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dlls-meaning/

Last updated