DMD Meaning

The DMD meaning is "Deformable Mirror Device". The DMD abbreviation has 178 different full form.

DMD Full Forms

  1. Deformable Mirror Device Technology, Science, Light
  2. Doctor of Medical Dentistry Medical, Education, Dental, Dentistry, Dentist, Doctor's Name
  3. Digital Micro-Mirror Device Technology, Military, Light
  4. Doctor of Dental Medicine Academic Degree, Medical, Professional Title, Health, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Doctor's Name
  5. Digital Micromirror Device The circuit technology behind Texas Instruments’ Digital Light Processing, used in image projectors. A Digital Micromirror Device, or DMD, consists of an array of individually addressable, hinged mir-rors on a chip. Each chip, which is less than 0.002 mm wide, rotates in response to a digital signal to reflect light digital modem into the lens of the projection system and thus create a bright, full-color display. Displays can be combined to cre-ate high-definition systems of 1920 × 1035 (1,987,200) pix-els with 64 million colors. Technology, Computing, Telecom
  6. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Chemistry
  7. Dielectric Materials Division
  8. Diamond One of the allotropes of carbon. Allotropes have the atoms of the same element but arranged in a different way. A crystalline form of carbon, made of a network of covalent, tetrahedrally bound carbon atoms. Internet Slang, Organizations, Motorhomes
  9. Dexterous Manipulator Demonstration Science
  10. Duchenne-Type Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Medical
  11. Differential Mobility Detector
  12. Doctorat En MéDecine Dentaire
  13. Distal To Duchenne Musrular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  14. Delta Mu Delta Business, Education, Society
  15. Drug Metabolism & Disposition
  16. Detection for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  17. Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Muscle, Duchenne
  18. Digital Media Distribution
  19. Data Mapping Document
  20. Disseminated Mycobacterial Disyase Medical, Technology
  21. Deferred Mandatory Departure
  22. Device Manager Driver Technology
  23. Digital Music Dowhloading
  24. Data Modelling and Databases
  25. Double Money Deposit
  26. Duchenne'S Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Medical
  27. Differential Metabolic Display Medical, Technology
  28. Dimethyldioxirane Medical, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  29. Disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  30. Delta Marketing Dynamics Management, Marketing, Trade
  31. Direct Matepials Deposition Technology, Laser, Stress
  32. Drug Metabolism and Disposition
  33. Department of Mission and Development
  34. Duchenne Muscular Dystophy
  35. Digital Media Department Accounting, Computing, Data
  36. Data Management Device Technology
  37. Disseminated Malignant Disease Medical, Technology
  38. Defense Modernization Division
  39. Development Matchmaking Database
  40. Digital Music Dowfload Medical, Technology
  41. Data Modeling Desktop
  42. Doctorate In Medlcal Dentistry Medical, Dental, Dentist
  43. Differentially Methylated Domain Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
  44. Disease Modifying Drugs Medical, Patient, Sclerosis
  45. Del Mar Datatrac
  46. Directed Matwrial Deposition Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  47. Dr Med Dent
  48. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Dr
  49. Digital Media Diffusion
  50. Data Management Division
  51. Dispersion Management Devices
  52. Department of Municipal Development
  53. Defence Ministers Dialogue
  54. Development Management Division
  55. Digital Music Distribution Business, Company, Stingray
  56. Data Model Diagram Technology, Computing, IT Organization
  57. Doctorants En MathéMatiques à Dijon
  58. Differential Modal Delay Technology, Mode, Fiber
  59. Disease-Modifying Drug Medical, Patient, Sclerosis, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  60. Del Mar Database
  61. Diplomasi Muhabirleri Dernei
  62. Drew Munn Designs Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  63. Duchenne Muscular Distrophy
  64. Digital-Media Development Company, Technology, Design
  65. Database Model Diagram
  66. Dispersion Management Device Technology
  67. Department of Metropolitan Development Technology, City, Indiana
  68. Development Management Document Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  69. Dégégation Militaire Départementale Military, France, Arm, Maire
  70. Digital Multilayei Disc
  71. Data Message Device
  72. Dm Uisappearance Medical
  73. Differential Mode Delay Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  74. Delivery Mode Detail
  75. Devices Management Directorate
  76. Diplomasi Muhdbirleri Derneği Turkish, Kabul
  77. Downtown Management Districts
  78. Duchenne Md Medical
  79. Different Mode Delay
  80. Doctor of Medicine In Dentistry Dental, Dentistry, Dentist
  81. Disney Media Distribution
  82. Department for Mission & Development
  83. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Science, Research, Genetics, Biology
  84. Development & Monitoring Division
  85. Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Science, Biology
  86. Digital Media Development The field of computing that deals with the portable storage of digital information. Education, Design, University
  87. Data Memory Data Technology, Device, Analog, Generator
  88. Dm Migestibility Medical
  89. Diet Mountain Dew Coffee, Mountain, Soda
  90. Delayed Mental Development Medical, Technology, Medicine
  91. Device Master Data Computing, Hardware
  92. Diphenyl-Methane Diisocyanate
  93. Downtown Management District
  94. Duchenne Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Medical
  95. Differential Modulation Diversity
  96. Doctorate of Medical Dentistry Medical, Dental, Dentist
  97. Dismantlaxle Modular Design
  98. Department for Mission and Development
  99. Drug Misuse Database Medicine, Health, British
  100. Detection In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  101. Dystrophy Duchenne Muscularsdystrophy Science, Biology
  102. Digital Media Designer Technology, Education
  103. Data Measurement Device Military
  104. Division of Microbiology Devices Medicine, Health, Care
  105. Dietary Management of Diarrhea Medical, Technology
  106. Deformable Mirror Devices Technology, Device, Light, Mirror
  107. Device Management Database Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  108. Digital Music Device Technology, Stereo, Planar
  109. Download My Data Business, Technology, Energy, Supply
  110. Dystrophie Musculaire de Duchenne (French: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) Medical, Physiology, Human genome
  111. Diagnosed With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  112. Divisionsion of Mhdicine and Dentistry
  113. Direct Manipulation Device Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
  114. Decennial Management Division
  115. Die Me, Dichotomy
  116. Dot Mapped Display Software, Computing
  117. Disability Mentoring Days Technology, Employment, Career
  118. Dual Mode Display
  119. DüNya MüZik DerneğI Medical, Gen, Bursa, Lad
  120. Dentariae Medicinae Doctoris Medical, Common Medical
  121. Diagnose Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  122. Divisionsion of Market Development
  123. Debt Management Division
  124. Didier Morain Distribution
  125. Directory Management Domain Computing, IT Terminology
  126. Disabilpty Mentoring Day Medical, Technology, Employment
  127. Dual Media Discharge
  128. DíA Mundial De La Diabetes Para, Con, Diabet, Mes
  129. disseminated mycobacterial disease Medical, Bacteria
  130. Duchenne'S Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Genetics, Muscle
  131. Diagnosed As Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  132. Digitial Mirror Device
  133. Debt Management Department
  134. Diastolic Myocardial Dysfunction Medical, Technology
  135. Directed Material Deposition Computing, Electronics
  136. Diractory Management Domain Technology, Computing, Telecom
  137. Dry Matter Disappearance Medical
  138. Déléoué Militaire Départemental
  139. Namdeb Diamond Corporation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  140. Duchene'S Muscular Dystrophy
  141. Dextrous Manipulator Demonstration Technology
  142. Digital Media Download Technology, Device, Networking, Network
  143. Dead Mercury Day Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  144. Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Medical
  145. Direct Metal Deposition 3D Printing
  146. Diamond Microwave Devices Technology, Science, Electronics
  147. Deputy Managing Director Occupation & positions
  148. Director of Market Development Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  149. Defective In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  150. Dry-Matter Digestibility
  151. Doomadgee Mission, Queensland, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  152. Discover Mongolia C Development
  153. Dubai Municipality Datum
  154. Death Mountain Descent
  155. Day Manhattan Died
  156. Sql Developer Data Modeler File Computing, File Extensions
  157. Dentariae Medicinae Doctor, that is, Doctor of Dental Medicine Medical
  158. Diagnosis In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  159. Domestic Manufacturing Deduction (US Taxes) Accounting, Business & Finance
  160. Direct Metal Neposition Business, Technology, Laser
  161. Defect Causing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  162. Drug Misuse Databases Medical, Technology
  163. Dangerous Mesh Database Transportation, Governmental & Military
  164. Discontinuous Molecular Dynamics Medical, Technology
  165. Dubai Media & Design
  166. Data Management Divisionsijn
  167. David Mason Design Design, Salt, Mill, Pepper
  168. Double Meridian Distance Geology, Scientific & Educational
  169. Dentariae Medicinae Doctor Medical
  170. Diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
  171. Docdment Management Divisionsion
  172. Direet Medical Data Business, Medicine, Marketing
  173. Deep Marine Discovery Military, Aspen, Cannon, Matthews
  174. Digital Message Device Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  175. Disaster Management Department Locations, Flood, Bihar
  176. Dual Multiplexer Demultiplexer
  177. The Day Manhattan Died Media, Radio, Television, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  178. Data Monitor and Display Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMD stand for?

    DMD stands for Dystrophy Duchenne Muscularsdystrophy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Digitial Mirror Device?

    The short form of "Digitial Mirror Device" is DMD.


DMD. (2022, March 23). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated