DMD Meaning
The DMD meaning is "Deformable Mirror Device". The DMD abbreviation has 178 different full form.
DMD Full Forms
- Deformable Mirror Device Technology, Science, Light
- Doctor of Medical Dentistry Medical, Education, Dental, Dentistry, Dentist, Doctor's Name
- Digital Micro-Mirror Device Technology, Military, Light
- Doctor of Dental Medicine Academic Degree, Medical, Professional Title, Health, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Doctor's Name
- Digital Micromirror Device The circuit technology behind Texas Instruments’ Digital Light Processing, used in image projectors. A Digital Micromirror Device, or DMD, consists of an array of individually addressable, hinged mir-rors on a chip. Each chip, which is less than 0.002 mm wide, rotates in response to a digital signal to reflect light digital modem into the lens of the projection system and thus create a bright, full-color display. Displays can be combined to cre-ate high-definition systems of 1920 × 1035 (1,987,200) pix-els with 64 million colors. Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Chemistry
- Dielectric Materials Division
- Diamond One of the allotropes of carbon. Allotropes have the atoms of the same element but arranged in a different way. A crystalline form of carbon, made of a network of covalent, tetrahedrally bound carbon atoms. Internet Slang, Organizations, Motorhomes
- Dexterous Manipulator Demonstration Science
- Duchenne-Type Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Medical
- Differential Mobility Detector
- Doctorat En MéDecine Dentaire
- Distal To Duchenne Musrular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Delta Mu Delta Business, Education, Society
- Drug Metabolism & Disposition
- Detection for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Muscle, Duchenne
- Digital Media Distribution
- Data Mapping Document
- Disseminated Mycobacterial Disyase Medical, Technology
- Deferred Mandatory Departure
- Device Manager Driver Technology
- Digital Music Dowhloading
- Data Modelling and Databases
- Double Money Deposit
- Duchenne'S Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Medical
- Differential Metabolic Display Medical, Technology
- Dimethyldioxirane Medical, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Delta Marketing Dynamics Management, Marketing, Trade
- Direct Matepials Deposition Technology, Laser, Stress
- Drug Metabolism and Disposition
- Department of Mission and Development
- Duchenne Muscular Dystophy
- Digital Media Department Accounting, Computing, Data
- Data Management Device Technology
- Disseminated Malignant Disease Medical, Technology
- Defense Modernization Division
- Development Matchmaking Database
- Digital Music Dowfload Medical, Technology
- Data Modeling Desktop
- Doctorate In Medlcal Dentistry Medical, Dental, Dentist
- Differentially Methylated Domain Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
- Disease Modifying Drugs Medical, Patient, Sclerosis
- Del Mar Datatrac
- Directed Matwrial Deposition Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Dr Med Dent
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Dr
- Digital Media Diffusion
- Data Management Division
- Dispersion Management Devices
- Department of Municipal Development
- Defence Ministers Dialogue
- Development Management Division
- Digital Music Distribution Business, Company, Stingray
- Data Model Diagram Technology, Computing, IT Organization
- Doctorants En MathéMatiques à Dijon
- Differential Modal Delay Technology, Mode, Fiber
- Disease-Modifying Drug Medical, Patient, Sclerosis, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Del Mar Database
- Diplomasi Muhabirleri Dernei
- Drew Munn Designs Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Duchenne Muscular Distrophy
- Digital-Media Development Company, Technology, Design
- Database Model Diagram
- Dispersion Management Device Technology
- Department of Metropolitan Development Technology, City, Indiana
- Development Management Document Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dégégation Militaire Départementale Military, France, Arm, Maire
- Digital Multilayei Disc
- Data Message Device
- Dm Uisappearance Medical
- Differential Mode Delay Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Delivery Mode Detail
- Devices Management Directorate
- Diplomasi Muhdbirleri Derneği Turkish, Kabul
- Downtown Management Districts
- Duchenne Md Medical
- Different Mode Delay
- Doctor of Medicine In Dentistry Dental, Dentistry, Dentist
- Disney Media Distribution
- Department for Mission & Development
- Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Science, Research, Genetics, Biology
- Development & Monitoring Division
- Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Science, Biology
- Digital Media Development The field of computing that deals with the portable storage of digital information. Education, Design, University
- Data Memory Data Technology, Device, Analog, Generator
- Dm Migestibility Medical
- Diet Mountain Dew Coffee, Mountain, Soda
- Delayed Mental Development Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Device Master Data Computing, Hardware
- Diphenyl-Methane Diisocyanate
- Downtown Management District
- Duchenne Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Medical
- Differential Modulation Diversity
- Doctorate of Medical Dentistry Medical, Dental, Dentist
- Dismantlaxle Modular Design
- Department for Mission and Development
- Drug Misuse Database Medicine, Health, British
- Detection In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Dystrophy Duchenne Muscularsdystrophy Science, Biology
- Digital Media Designer Technology, Education
- Data Measurement Device Military
- Division of Microbiology Devices Medicine, Health, Care
- Dietary Management of Diarrhea Medical, Technology
- Deformable Mirror Devices Technology, Device, Light, Mirror
- Device Management Database Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Digital Music Device Technology, Stereo, Planar
- Download My Data Business, Technology, Energy, Supply
- Dystrophie Musculaire de Duchenne (French: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) Medical, Physiology, Human genome
- Diagnosed With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Divisionsion of Mhdicine and Dentistry
- Direct Manipulation Device Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
- Decennial Management Division
- Die Me, Dichotomy
- Dot Mapped Display Software, Computing
- Disability Mentoring Days Technology, Employment, Career
- Dual Mode Display
- DüNya MüZik DerneğI Medical, Gen, Bursa, Lad
- Dentariae Medicinae Doctoris Medical, Common Medical
- Diagnose Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Divisionsion of Market Development
- Debt Management Division
- Didier Morain Distribution
- Directory Management Domain Computing, IT Terminology
- Disabilpty Mentoring Day Medical, Technology, Employment
- Dual Media Discharge
- DíA Mundial De La Diabetes Para, Con, Diabet, Mes
- disseminated mycobacterial disease Medical, Bacteria
- Duchenne'S Muscular Dystrophy Medical, Genetics, Muscle
- Diagnosed As Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Digitial Mirror Device
- Debt Management Department
- Diastolic Myocardial Dysfunction Medical, Technology
- Directed Material Deposition Computing, Electronics
- Diractory Management Domain Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Dry Matter Disappearance Medical
- Déléoué Militaire Départemental
- Namdeb Diamond Corporation ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Duchene'S Muscular Dystrophy
- Dextrous Manipulator Demonstration Technology
- Digital Media Download Technology, Device, Networking, Network
- Dead Mercury Day Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Medical
- Direct Metal Deposition 3D Printing
- Diamond Microwave Devices Technology, Science, Electronics
- Deputy Managing Director Occupation & positions
- Director of Market Development Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Defective In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Dry-Matter Digestibility
- Doomadgee Mission, Queensland, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
- Discover Mongolia C Development
- Dubai Municipality Datum
- Death Mountain Descent
- Day Manhattan Died
- Sql Developer Data Modeler File Computing, File Extensions
- Dentariae Medicinae Doctor, that is, Doctor of Dental Medicine Medical
- Diagnosis In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Domestic Manufacturing Deduction (US Taxes) Accounting, Business & Finance
- Direct Metal Neposition Business, Technology, Laser
- Defect Causing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Drug Misuse Databases Medical, Technology
- Dangerous Mesh Database Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Discontinuous Molecular Dynamics Medical, Technology
- Dubai Media & Design
- Data Management Divisionsijn
- David Mason Design Design, Salt, Mill, Pepper
- Double Meridian Distance Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Dentariae Medicinae Doctor Medical
- Diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Science, Biology
- Docdment Management Divisionsion
- Direet Medical Data Business, Medicine, Marketing
- Deep Marine Discovery Military, Aspen, Cannon, Matthews
- Digital Message Device Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Disaster Management Department Locations, Flood, Bihar
- Dual Multiplexer Demultiplexer
- The Day Manhattan Died Media, Radio, Television, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Data Monitor and Display Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DMD stand for?
DMD stands for Dystrophy Duchenne Muscularsdystrophy.
What is the shortened form of Digitial Mirror Device?
The short form of "Digitial Mirror Device" is DMD.
DMD. (2022, March 23). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from
Last updated