DMI Meaning

The DMI meaning is "Defense Mechanism Inventory". The DMI abbreviation has 239 different full form.

DMI Full Forms

  1. Defense Mechanism Inventory Medical, Research, Education
  2. Distributed Management Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  3. Debug Management Interrupt
  4. Distance Measurement Indicator Technology, Survey, Mapping
  5. Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
  6. Desktop Management Interface Desktop Management Interface is an industry framework for managing and keeping track of hardware and software components in a system of personal computers from a central location. DMI was created by the Desktop Management Task Force to automate system management and is particularly beneficial in a network computing environment where dozens or more computers are managed. DMI is hardware and operating system-independent, independent of specific management protocol, easy for vendors to adopt, mappable to existing management protocols such as the Simple Network Management Protocol, and used on network and non-network computers. Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  7. Dairy Management Inc Business, Food, National
  8. Demethylation Inhibitor Medical
  9. Definition of Management Information Technology, Computing, Telecom
  10. Deferred Maintenance Item Army, War, War Force
  11. Danmark Meteorologiske Institut
  12. Digital Media Initiative Business, Technology, Projection
  13. Del Mar Intermediate Education
  14. Direct Mixture Injection
  15. Desktophmangement Interface Technology, Computer, Electronics
  16. Dredged Material Inspectors
  17. Data Mart Interface
  18. Deployment Mapping Instituteument Technology
  19. Dunder Mifflin, Inc
  20. Dar Al-Mal Al-Islami
  21. Dimensional Measurement Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  22. Departamento De Medicina Interna
  23. Disaster Management Initiative Technology, Communication, Silicon
  24. Development Multimedia Inc Business, Brain, Rap
  25. Diesel Marine International Business, Company, Engine
  26. DäNisches Meteorologisches Institut
  27. Deaf Ministries International Education, Philippine, Ministry, Sign
  28. Direct Measures International
  29. Descriptive Method Identification
  30. Domestic Material Input
  31. Dynamic Marketing Inc Management, Marketing, Trade
  32. Directional Movement Index Business, Finance, Investing, Medical, Stock, Physiology, Business & Finance
  33. Distributed Microprocessor Interface
  34. Danish Meteorolgical Institutetute Science
  35. Digital Media Innovation
  36. Delegated Management Item Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  37. Direct Migration Inhibition Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  38. Desktop Managment Interface
  39. Dream Maker Icon Technology, Windows, Program
  40. Data Marketing Inc
  41. Deployment Management Interface
  42. Dukder Mifflin Infinity
  43. Dar Al-Maal Al-Islami Business, Financial, Banking
  44. Dimensional Measurement, Inc Technology, Measurement, Inspector
  45. Dental Medical Ireland Medical, Medicine, Ireland
  46. Disaster Managemeot Institute Science, India, Bhopal
  47. Developmeot Management Institute Program, Education, Bihar
  48. Diesel Machinery, Inc
  49. Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Technology, Wall, Spin
  50. Data Movement Interface
  51. Direct Matrix Input
  52. Derivatives Management Inc
  53. Docqment Management Institute
  54. Dynamic Marketing, Inc
  55. Dipole Mode Indeks Indonesia, Papua, Dipole
  56. Distributed Method Invocation
  57. Danish Meteorology Institute Island, Locations, Georgia, Sandwich
  58. Digital Management, Inc Business, Management, Service
  59. Delayed Memory Index
  60. Direct Meubles International
  61. Desktop Management Initiative Government, Military, Us, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  62. Draft Miscellaneous Work Item Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  63. Data Marketing, Inc
  64. Dun'S Market Identifiers
  65. Dar-Al-Mal-Al-Islami
  66. Dimensional Metals Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  67. Denmark Meteorological Institute
  68. Disaster Management Inforkation
  69. Development Mcdia International Technology, Health, Radio
  70. Diesel Machinery Inc Business, Sale, Equipment
  71. Dynamo Magician Impossible Episode, Magic, Dynamo
  72. Data Mode Idle Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Depot Maintenance Inter-Service Army, Force, Coast Guard
  74. Document Magagement & Imaging
  75. Dyoamic Manual Interface Medical, Dynamics, Therapy
  76. Dipole Mode Index Locations
  77. Distributed Medical Intelligence Army, War, War Force
  78. Dewan Maritim Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang, Dewan
  79. Danish Meteorological Institute Technology, Science, Weather, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  80. Digital Management Inc Business, Company, Service, Management, Business & Finance
  81. Decanter Mawhine Inc
  82. Direct Memory Interface Technology
  83. Desipramine Hcl Medical
  84. Doppler Myocardial Imaging Medical
  85. Distrito De Manejo Integrado
  86. Dar-Al-Maal Al Islami
  87. Digital Media Inc
  88. Demand Management Institute Business, Management, Energy, Business & Finance
  89. Disaster Management Interoperability Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  90. Development Management International
  91. Duluth, Missabe & Iron
  92. Diaphragmatic Myocardial Infarction Medical, Technology, Medicine
  93. Data Mining Institute Technology, Education
  94. Depot Maintenance Interservicing Technology
  95. Document Management and Imaging Technology, Software, Pool
  96. Duty Marine Inspector
  97. Diploma In Medical Informatics
  98. Distance Measurement Instruments Technology, Vehicle, Laser
  99. Devlet Meteoroloji Isleri Turkey, Ankara, Meteor
  100. Daughters of Mary Immaculate Religious orders
  101. Diffusion De Mat
  102. Debugged Machine Interface
  103. Direct Member Input Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Legal, Governmental & Military
  104. Desimipramine Medical
  105. Donor Managed Investment
  106. Distributor Motor Indonesia
  107. Desipramine Medical, Organizations
  108. Dansk MilitÆRt IdrÆTsforbund
  109. Digital Media International
  110. Delta Music Institute Education, University, Mississippi
  111. Disable Motorcycle Indonqsia Technology, Pool, Indicator
  112. Development-Managemend, Inc
  113. Driver Machine Interface Technology, Driving, Train
  114. Diamond Micro Interface
  115. Data Migration Interface Technology
  116. Depot Maintenance Interservice Technology, Management, Military, Governmental & Military
  117. Documentation Managementfinfrastructure Military
  118. Durussel Montagt Industriel
  119. Dipartimento Di Matematica E Informatica Technology, Book, Graph
  120. Distance Measurement Instrument Technology, Pavement, Laser, Mapping
  121. Device Managementzand Installation Technology, Windows, Vista
  122. Dry Matter Intakes Medical
  123. Diffusion De MatéRiel Industriel
  124. Debt Market Iategrator
  125. Direct Medical Imaging
  126. Design, Medien, Information Design, Information, Hamburg, Prof
  127. Docks Du MatéRiel Industriel
  128. Don Meyllr Inspections
  129. Distributor Manufacturer Integration
  130. Depomed, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  131. Dansk Milit
  132. Digital Media Initiatives Business, Projection, Initiative
  133. Del Monte International
  134. Director, Military Intelligence Military, Army, Report
  135. Developing Mathematical Ideas Education, Teaching, Teacher, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  136. Driver-Machine Interface Technology, Driving, Train
  137. Data Memory Interface
  138. Deployment Medicine International Medical, Medicine, Military
  139. Duro-Med Inductries
  140. Dimethindene Medical
  141. Departmental Material Inspection
  142. Distance Measuring Instruments Technology, Product, Device, Locations, Vehicle
  143. Device Menagement Interface Technology, Networking, Network, Juniper
  144. Drum Majdr Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  145. Difficult Matrix Introduction Technology, Analysis, Gas, Injector
  146. Dean Man, Inc. Media, Radio, Television
  147. Direct Measurements, Inc
  148. Desert Medical Imaging
  149. Don'T Mention It Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  150. Directional Movement Indicators Business, Trading, Trader
  151. Distribution Management Inc
  152. Department of Manpower and Immigration
  153. Diagnostic Monitoring Interface Technology, Fiber, Converter
  154. Dynamic Method Invocation Technology, Security, Strut
  155. Direct Manipulation Interface Technology, Design, Computing
  156. Byond Dream Maker Icon File Computing, File Extensions
  157. Diversified Marketing, Inc
  158. Depomed, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  159. Dna Medicine Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  160. Data Management Internationale
  161. Digital Multiplexed Interface Computing, IT Terminology
  162. Department of Medical Informatics
  163. Dhulikhtl Medical Institute
  164. Dekalb Microenterprise Institutetute
  165. Diagnostic Medical Instrumenrs Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  166. Dynamic Memory Interfmce
  167. Direct Management Interface
  168. Dynamic Momentum Index Physics, Scientific & Educational
  169. Diversified Machine Inc
  170. Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institutetute
  171. Dm Intake Medical
  172. Data Management and Interoperability
  173. Displacement Measuring Interferometer Computing, Electronics
  174. Department of Microbiology & Immunology
  175. Dewan Mnsjid Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Masjid
  176. Davila Multicultural Insights Medical, Business, Carol
  177. Dynamic Meibomian Imaging Medical, Scan, Tear, Gland
  178. Direct Machine Interface Technology, Management, Software
  179. Diagnostic Medical Imager Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  180. Deployment Mapping Instrument Technology
  181. Diversified Manufacturing Inc
  182. Diagnostic Tedical Instituteuments Medical
  183. Divisionrsified Marketing, Inc
  184. Direct Matrix Inversion Technology, Communication, Signal, Antenna
  185. Division of Military Information
  186. Data Management Interface Technology, Software, Telecom
  187. Direct Media Interface Computing, Computer
  188. Department of Microbiology and Immunology
  189. Marine Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  190. Dynamic Medical Imaging
  191. Data Management and Intelligence
  192. Directional Moving Index Business, Trading, Movement, Indicator
  193. Dry Matter Intake Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  194. Dependable Multiparty Interactions
  195. Dicgnostic Medical Imaging Medical, Business, Education
  196. Divisionrsified Manufacturing Incorporated
  197. Dynamic Motion Interpolation Technology, Control, Electronics, Switcher
  198. Direct Material Input Business, Economics, Flow, Software, Computing
  199. Division of Management Information Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  200. Database Management Interface
  201. Design Management Institute Management, Business & Finance
  202. Department of Mathematics and Informatics Science, Education, University
  203. DéPartement De MathéMatiques Et Informatique
  204. Dynamic Media Institute Technology, Art, Design
  205. Data Management International
  206. Directional Move Index Business, Finance
  207. Directorate of Military Intelligence Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  208. Department of Medical Imaging
  209. Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications. Acute complications include diabetic ketoacidosis and nonketotic hyperosmolar coma. Medical, Medicine for Children, Nursing, Veterinary, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Diagnosis, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR
  210. Detonate Machine Interrupt
  211. Dynamic Mxmentum Index Business, Trading, Dynamics
  212. Direct Material Inventory Military
  213. Diversified Metroplex Investors
  214. Dart Music International
  215. Dairy Management Incorporated Management, Business & Finance
  216. Department of Military Instruction Military, Academy, Army
  217. DéPannage MéCanique Industriel
  218. Dynamic Matrix Identification Technology
  219. Data Management Information
  220. Direction Movement Index
  221. Digital Multiplex Interface Computing, Telecom
  222. Department of Media and Information
  223. Diabetes Management Incentive
  224. Desktop Management Information Technology, Software, Diagnostic
  225. Diamcor Mining Inc Business, Company, Supply
  226. Dyntmic Method Invokation Technology
  227. Direct Marketing International
  228. Development Media International Development Media International (DMI) runs evidence-based media campaigns to change behaviours and improve lives in low-income countries.
  229. Diversified Manufacturing Incorporated
  230. Dark Mountain Innovations
  231. Dempsey Minerals Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  232. DéPannage Maintenance ImmobilièRe
  233. Docks Du Mat
  234. Dynamic Marketing Incorporated Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
  235. Data Management Inc
  236. Desktop Management Interface (computing) Software, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  237. Department of Military Intelligence Security, Government, Politics
  238. Aeroservicios Dinamicos Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  239. Diabetes Management and Information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMI stand for?

    DMI stands for Marine Inc.

  2. What is the shortened form of Definition of Management Information?

    The short form of "Definition of Management Information" is DMI.


DMI. (2022, April 27). Retrieved February 10, 2025 from

Last updated