DMME Meaning

The DMME meaning is "Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy". The DMME abbreviation has 17 different full form.

DMME Full Forms

  1. Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy
  2. Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Technology, Wind, Virginia
  3. Department of Mines, Minerats, and Energy Technology, Mineral, Virginia
  4. Department of Mines Minerals and Energy Technology, Military, Virginia
  5. Department of Minesc Mineral and Energy
  6. Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
  7. Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
  8. Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
  9. Department of Metallurgy and Mining Engineering
  10. Davis Materials X Mechanical Engineering
  11. Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Engineerizg
  12. Dale Mclean Motorcycle Electronics
  13. Department of Mstallurgical and Mineral Engineering
  14. Deparcment of Mines, Mineral, and Energy
  15. Department of Materials and Mining Engineering
  16. Department of Metallurgy Z Materials Engineering
  17. Department of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMME stand for?

    DMME stands for Department of Mstallurgical and Mineral Engineering.

  2. What is the shortened form of Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering?

    The short form of "Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering" is DMME.


DMME. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated