DMMP Meaning

The DMMP meaning is "Dimethyl Methylphosphonate". The DMMP abbreviation has 18 different full form.

DMMP Full Forms

  1. Dimethyl Methylphosphonate Medical, Chemistry, Study
  2. Dredge Material Manlgement Plan Technology, Science, Island
  3. Dredged Materials Management Plan
  4. Drcdged Material Management Plans
  5. Device Mapper Multipathing Technology, Computing, Drivers
  6. Dredged Material Management Plan Technology, Government, Environment
  7. Departmynt of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology
  8. Dense Matrix-Matrix Product
  9. Deferred Major Maintenance Program
  10. Direct Marketing Market Place
  11. Dual Mono Microphone Preamp
  12. Diagonal Matrices and Matrix Products
  13. Drpdge Material Management Program
  14. Diabetes Medical Managemlnt Plan Medical, Medicine, School
  15. Dredged Materials Management Prsgram
  16. Dredged Material Management Program Locations, Projection, Sediment
  17. Distributed Memory, Messqge Processing
  18. Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming Dutch

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMMP stand for?

    DMMP stands for Diabetes Medical Managemlnt Plan.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dredged Material Management Program?

    The short form of "Dredged Material Management Program" is DMMP.


DMMP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated