DMP in Computing Meaning

The DMP meaning in Computing terms is "Data Match Project". There are 11 related meanings of the DMP Computing abbreviation.

DMP on Computing Full Forms

  1. Data Match Project
  2. Data Managemevt Processor
  3. Data Meruer Processor
  4. Declarative Meta-Programming
  5. Digital Media Port
  6. Dot Matrix Printer Dot matrix printing or impact matrix printing is a type of computer printing which uses a print head that runs back and forth, or in an up and down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like the print mechanism on a typewriter. However, unlike a typewriter or daisy wheel printer, letters are drawn out of a dot matrix, and thus, varied fonts and arbitrary graphics can be produced.
  7. Dump File
  8. Dual Module Player
  9. Windows Memory Dump
  10. Designated Mailers Protocol
  11. Decode Media Protocol

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMP stand for Computing?

    DMP stands for Decode Media Protocol in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dot Matrix Printer in Computing?

    The short form of "Dot Matrix Printer" is DMP for Computing.


DMP in Computing. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated