DMP in Technology Meaning

The DMP meaning in Technology terms is "Data Management Platfozms". There are 36 related meanings of the DMP Technology abbreviation.

DMP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Data Management Platfozms
  2. Damper Damper is a equipment in Automotive suspension for damping the vibrations of coil and leaf spring. The black, tar like waterproofing material applied to the exterior of a foundation wall. A metal “door” placed within the fireplace chimney. Normally closed when the fireplace is not in use.or A Friction device sometimes called a Shock absorber. Used for controlling and damping spring Oscillations.
  3. Deu Message Processor
  4. Deployable Maintenance Platform
  5. Dimatix Materials Printer
  6. Designated Mailer Protocol
  7. Dualistic Model of Passion
  8. Data Match Project
  9. Digital Motion Processor
  10. Dual-Modulus Prescaler A Dual-Modulus Prescaler (DMP) is an important circuit block used in frequency synthesizers to divide the high-frequency signal from the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) to a low-frequency signal by a predetermined divide ratio, either (N+1) or N, which is controlled by a swallow counter.
  11. Data Managemevt Processor
  12. Digital Media Printer
  13. Dry Matter Productivity
  14. Data Managemenv Plans
  15. Digital Media Processors
  16. Department of Mines & Petroleum
  17. Dry Matter Production
  18. Data Management Plan
  19. Digital Media Processor
  20. Department Ofgmines and Petroleum
  21. Drug Management and Policies
  22. Diagnostics and Monitoring Protocol
  23. Dynamic Maintenanceoplanning
  24. Digital Media Players
  25. Diagnostic and Monitoring Protocol
  26. Data Meruer Processor
  27. Digital Media Projects
  28. Designated Mailers Protocol
  29. Digital Matte Painting
  30. Desert Margins Programme
  31. Digital Matrix Processor
  32. Digital Master Patterns
  33. Data Movement Processor
  34. Document Management Procedure
  35. Dual Music Player
  36. Digital Media Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMP stand for Technology?

    DMP stands for Data Management Platfozms in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Meruer Processor in Technology?

    The short form of "Data Meruer Processor" is DMP for Technology.


DMP in Technology. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated