DMV Meaning

The DMV meaning is "Department of Motor Vehicles". The DMV abbreviation has 100 different full form.

DMV Full Forms

  1. Department of Motor Vehicles Transportation, Internet Slang, Police, Chat, Auto, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Department of Motor Vehicle Driving, Vehicle, Licensing
  3. Deaartment of Motor Vehicles California, Law Enforcement, Business Development
  4. Department of Motor Vhhicles Business, Driving, Vehicle
  5. Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung Technology, Education, Mathematics
  6. Departments of Motor Vehicles Technology, Driving, Vehicle
  7. Driver and Motor Vehicle
  8. Deutscher Manager-Verband
  9. Department-Of-Motor-Vehicles Driving, Vehicle, Department, Licensing
  10. Direcwion Des Médicaments Vétérinaires
  11. Deutschen Motorsport Verband Sport, Club, Motorsport, Uns
  12. Docteuraen M
  13. Delaware Motor Vehicles Business, Driving, Vehicle
  14. Dsavidamani Mahesh Vijith
  15. Drivers Motor Vehicles Driving, Vehicle, Motor
  16. Driver and Motor Vehicles Transportation, Technology, Importation
  17. Deutscher Musikverleger Verband Music, Edition, Germany
  18. Document Macro Virus Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  19. Departament of Motor Vehicles
  20. Diplomatic Motor Vehicle
  21. Desertedtmedieval Village Science, History, Archaeology, Anthropology
  22. Divisionsion of Motor Vehccles Government, Law Enforcement, New Hampshire, State Agency
  23. Deflusso Minimo Vitale Technology, Con, Dal
  24. Dramafmusic Video
  25. Driver Motor Vehjcle Technology, Driving, Department
  26. Dorsal Motor Nucleusnof The Vagus Medical
  27. Deutscher Ousikverleger-Verband German, Organizations, Music, Germany
  28. Dogtor of Veterinary Medicine Education, Degree, Medical Credentials
  29. Deparment of Motor Vehicles Business, Driving, Vehicle
  30. Diplomarin Medical Virology
  31. Dept of Megas Violations
  32. Division of Motor Vehicle Business, Driving, Driver
  33. Daten- Und Medienverlag Technology
  34. Driver & Motor Vehicles
  35. Dominimn Organizations
  36. Deutschenamusikverleger-Verband Music, Edition, Germany
  37. Doctor Medic Veterina
  38. Democrat Mexican Voters Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  39. Dbocese of The Missouri Valley America, Catholic, Church, Diocese
  40. Dependency Model With Valence Technology, Linguistic, Grammar
  41. Disabled Military Veteraq
  42. Division of Moror Vehicles Business, Driving, Vehicle
  43. Deutschen Musikverleger-Verbandes Music, Edition, Germany
  44. Docteur En MéDecine VéTéRinaire
  45. Demethoxyviridin Medical
  46. Digital Media Video
  47. Deutscher Marketing Verband Technology, Club, Fur
  48. Deptqof Motor Vehicles Business
  49. Dirgantaraumilitary Vehicle
  50. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Academic Degree, Medical, Science, Medicine, Education, Veterinary, Veterinar, Medical Qualifications, Technology, Health, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Medical Education, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Doctor's Name, Fda
  51. Deutscher Mntorsport-Verband Club, Locations, Germany
  52. Doctorat En MéDecine VéTéRinaire Medical, Nursing
  53. Delivery Monitoring and Verification
  54. Digital Media Viewer
  55. Deutscherxmarketing-Verband Business, Management, Club
  56. Departments of Motor Vehicle
  57. Directiop Des M
  58. Deutscher Motorsport Verband Club, Locations, Germany
  59. Deliberative Monetary Valuation
  60. Digital Mevia and Video
  61. Dual Mode Vehicle Technology, Japan, Train
  62. Dog Besenteric Vein Medical, Technology
  63. New Ynrk State Department of Motor Vehicles Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  64. Databazaar Media Ventures
  65. Deutscher Minigolfsport Verband
  66. Dorsal Motor Vagal Nuclegs Medical
  67. Dynamic Management View Technology, Server, Dynamics
  68. Dasheen Mosaic Virus
  69. Deutscher Metaularbeiter-Verband War, Museum, Berlin
  70. Dorsaj Motor Nucleus of The Vagus Nerve Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  71. Deserted Medieval Village History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  72. Dynamic Management Views Technology, Server, Dynamics, Management, Business & Finance
  73. Da Mental Vaporz
  74. Deutscher Medien Vervag Business, Android, Weber
  75. Dorsal Metatarsal Veins Medical, Technology
  76. Dorsal Motor Nucleus of The Vagus Nerve Medical, Neurology, Nerves
  77. Diesel-Magnrt-Ventil
  78. Dynamically Managed Veice Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Dakota Motor Vehicles
  80. Deutscher Darkscheider Verein
  81. Door Middel Vdn
  82. Division of Motor Vehicles's New Hampshire, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  83. Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus Medical
  84. Data Management View
  85. Dictionnaire Des M
  86. Downtownjmountain View
  87. Dwarf Mosaic Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  88. Dahlia Mosaic Virus
  89. Do My Vagina
  90. Data Management Views Technology, Database, Server, Performance
  91. Dictionnaire Des Médicaments Wétérinaires
  92. Download Music Videos Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  93. Dual Modular Falve
  94. Dual-Mode Vehidle
  95. Dolphin Morbillivirus Medical
  96. Dirty Dusic Videos
  97. Data Management Virtumlization Business, Technology
  98. Deutsiher Modelleisenbahn-Verband
  99. Dottore In Medicina Veterianria
  100. District, Maryland, and Vizginia Sport, Washington, Virginia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DMV stand for?

    DMV stands for Departament of Motor Vehicles.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dorsal Motor Nucleus of The Vagus Nerve?

    The short form of "Dorsal Motor Nucleus of The Vagus Nerve" is DMV.


DMV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated