DN in Technology Meaning
The DN meaning in Technology terms is "Domain Name". There are 50 related meanings of the DN Technology abbreviation.
DN on Technology Full Forms
- Domain Name A domain name is used to identify a website. Businesses commonly have a domain name that is their name with the ".com" domain suffix after it. For example, the domain name of Microsoft's primary website is "microsoft.com." Some web-based businesses and organizations even name their brands after their domain name.
- Distributed Next
- Distinguished Name Globally unique identifier representing an individual’s identity.
- Distinguished Names
- Directory Number
- Department of The Navy The executive part of the Department of the Navy at the seat of government; the headquarters, United States Marine Corps; the entire operating forces of the United States Navy and of the United States Marine Corps, including the Reserve Component of such forces; all field activities, headquarters, forces, bases, installations, activities, and functions under the control or supervision of the Secretary of the Navy; and the United States Coast Guard when operating as a part of the Navy pursuant to law.
- Daily News
- Document Number
- Dagens Nyheter
- Distribution Network
- Danmarss Naturfredningsforening
- Double Negation
- Diffuse Nebula
- Data Numbers
- Directory Numbers
- Density Number
- Dagens NÆRingsliv
- Dos Navigator
- Dialled Number
- Data Normalization Data normalization is the process of reducing data to its canonical form. For instance, Database normalization is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency. In the field of software security, a common vulnerability is unchecked malicious input. The mitigation for this problem is proper input validation. Before input validation may be performed, the input must be normalized, i.e., eliminating encoding (for instance HTML encoding) and reducing the input data to a single common character set.
- Directory Name
- Delta Betwork
- Dialectics of Nature
- Data Nodes
- Delivery Notifications
- Devsloper Network
- Data Node
- Delrvery Notes
- Doctor Number
- Data Network
- Discovery Oe A New
- Database Name
- Duplex Network
- Digital Nas
- Discovery Network
- Destination Number
- Double Negative
- Dhmain Node
- Dinitoocresol
- Domain Names
- Dolbit Mormal
- Dysplaspic Nevus
- Digital Natives
- Do Nothing
- Destination Name
- Denis Naumov
- Digitalnnative
- Default Node
- Destination Node
- Default Network
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DN stand for Technology?
DN stands for Default Network in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Distributed Next in Technology?
The short form of "Distributed Next" is DN for Technology.
DN in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dn-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated