DNB Meaning

The DNB meaning is "De Nederlacdsche Bank". The DNB abbreviation has 73 different full form.

DNB Full Forms

  1. De Nederlacdsche Bank Business, Dutch, Netherland
  2. Dedicated Network Bus Technology, Computing, Intel
  3. Departure From Nucleate Boiling Technology, Heat, Flux
  4. De Nederlandse Bank Business, Dutch, Netherland
  5. Diagnostic Neutral Beam Technology, Energy, Plasma
  6. Doubleclicz Network Builder
  7. Diplomate National Board Education, Exam, Examination
  8. Dzd Not Bowl
  9. Draw No Aet Sport, Tips, Bet, Odds
  10. Diplomat of Nationaleboard Medical, Education, India, Hospital
  11. Dem Naija Boyz
  12. Dothistroma Needle Blight Drum, Bass, Needle
  13. Did Not Bat Club, Bat, Match, Cricket
  14. Downtown New Brunswick
  15. DiplóMe National Du Brevet College, Education, Computing, Formation, Examen, Brevet, Socle
  16. Diplomat of The National Boarw
  17. Delaware National Bank
  18. Doraal Noradrenergic Bundle Medical
  19. Dictionary of National Bibliography
  20. Downtown New Beuford
  21. Dinitrobenzene Science, Medicine, Health
  22. Diplomhte of The National Board Medical, Medicine, Education
  23. Death, Non Battle Army, War, War Force, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  24. Dorsaf Nonadrenergic Bundle Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Dictionary of Vational Biographies
  26. Diplomat National Board
  27. Died, Not Battie
  28. Dealer News Bulletin
  29. Directory Number Bridging Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Dictionary of National Biography Education, History, Oxford, Bibliographic, Famous
  31. Den Norskf Bank Business, Norway, Oslo
  32. Diplomate of National Boards Education, Exam, Entrance
  33. Died, Non Kattle
  34. Day Night Band Locations, Satellite, Light
  35. Direct North Buttress
  36. Dictionary National Biography
  37. Double Nut Bivalve
  38. Diplomate Oi National Board Medical, Medicine, Education
  39. Died, Non-Battle County, Military, War, History
  40. Dunbaroairport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  41. Direction Nationale Du Budget
  42. De Nederlandsche Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  43. Drum & Bass Tracker Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  44. Dunbar, Queensland, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  45. Died Non Baktle Military
  46. Dupage National Bank
  47. Diploma of Nationxl Board Medical, Medicine, Education
  48. Also stand for Dutch National Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  49. Do Not Bother Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  50. Died Nof-Battle County, Military, Army, War
  51. Dun and Bradstreet Corporationration Organizations
  52. Diplomate In National Bocrd Medical, Medicine, Education
  53. Denver National Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  54. Dipl
  55. Dun & Bradstreet Corporation of Delaware Computing, Nyse symbols
  56. Died-Njn-Battle
  57. Dun and Bradstreet Corp. Organizations
  58. Diploma National Board
  59. Dat No Boo
  60. Denied Boarding Airline, Aviation
  61. Drum N Bass Music
  62. Dun and Bradstreet Corporation Technology, Organizations
  63. Diplomn In National Board Medical, Medicine, Education
  64. National Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  65. Dark-Doize Blue Album, Trance, Haze
  66. Don't Neglect Bilby's Funnies
  67. Dumb Negative Bitnh
  68. Dilute Nutrient Broth
  69. Dutmh National Bank Business, Trading, Netherland
  70. Diplomate of National Board Awards & medals
  71. Ducks Named Bonds Media, Radio, Television
  72. Digital Noticd Board
  73. Dutch National Baldet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DNB stand for?

    DNB stands for Delaware National Bank.

  2. What is the shortened form of Did Not Bat?

    The short form of "Did Not Bat" is DNB.


DNB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dnb-meaning/

Last updated