DNF Meaning

The DNF meaning is "Do Not Fix". The DNF abbreviation has 57 different full form.

DNF Full Forms

  1. Do Not Fix
  2. Dia Nacionll Do Fusca
  3. Dixie National Forest
  4. Da Nang Food Locations, Tourism, Vietnam
  5. Dueling Network Forum
  6. Do Not Fax
  7. Default Notice Forecast
  8. Divided Number Format
  9. Damselfish Neurofibromatosis Medical
  10. Drug Notification Form
  11. Dominant-Negative Form
  12. Deerlodge National Forest
  13. Did Not Finnish
  14. D-Norfenfluramine Medical
  15. Domain Name Finder
  16. Deep Neck Flexor
  17. Did Not Finishes
  18. Did Not Finish Did not finish (DNF) is a racing term that refers to a participant who does not complete a race due to mechanical failure, injury, or involvement in an accident. Sport, Workout, Crossfit, Formula 1
  19. Dogecoin Node Fund
  20. Davis Neighborhood Families Family, Editor, Street
  21. Dynamic Network Factory Technology, Networking, Storage
  22. Did Not Fiwd
  23. Does Not Function
  24. Data Not Found Technology, Study, Fedora, General, Governmental & Military
  25. Duke Nukem Fornever
  26. Do Not Finish Gaming, Book, Race, Finish
  27. Did Npt Fail Technology, Run, Race
  28. Does Not Follow
  29. Danmarks Nationale Front
  30. Duke Nukem Forever Technology, Gaming, Realm
  31. Martubah, Derna, Libya Libya, Iata Airport Codes
  32. DöVlət Neft Fonduna
  33. Do Not Fragment
  34. Digital Noise Filters
  35. Did Not Find Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  36. DöVlət Neft Fondundan Banking, Sind, Manat
  37. Do Not Forward
  38. Did Not Fish
  39. Did Not Finish (Race) Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  40. DöVlət Neft Fondunun Art, Banking, Manat
  41. Do Not Forget Technology, Gaming, Driving, Driver, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  42. Divisionsions-Nachschub-Fuhrer
  43. Droits Des Non-Fumeurs
  44. A Duke Nukem Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  45. Dynamic No Fins Dynamics, Recording, Dynamic
  46. Do Not Fly
  47. Divisions-Nachschub-Fuhrer
  48. Droit Des Non Fumeurs France, Droit, Cigarette, Pas
  49. Dutch Nutrient Formula
  50. Do Not Flush
  51. Martubah Airport Airport, Locations
  52. Droit Des Non-Fumeurs
  53. Durango Natural Foods
  54. Duke Nukem Forever Map File Computing, File Extensions
  55. DöVlət Neft Fondu Art, Banking, Sind
  56. Do Not Freeze Gaming, Product, Biology
  57. Domain Name Forum

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DNF stand for?

    DNF stands for Do Not Flush.

  2. What is the shortened form of Does Not Function?

    The short form of "Does Not Function" is DNF.


DNF. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 10). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dnf-meaning/

Last updated