DO in Technology Meaning

The DO meaning in Technology terms is "Data Owner". There are 52 related meanings of the DO Technology abbreviation.

DO on Technology Full Forms

  1. Data Owner A data owner is an individual or entity that holds managerial and financial accountable for a dataset and that has legal ownership rights of a dataset, even if the dataset was collected by another party.
  2. Driver Only
  3. Dwgital Oxygen
  4. Domain Objects
  5. Java Servlet
  6. Dissolved Oksigen
  7. Display Order
  8. Datu Organizer
  9. Director'S Order
  10. Digital Office
  11. Diode Outlines
  12. Digital Object
  13. Diode Octline
  14. Disciplined Oscillator
  15. Delete Overlay
  16. Development Order
  17. Digital Output An output signal which represents the size of an input in the form of a series of discrete quantities.
  18. Disciplina Operativa
  19. Decompressed Output
  20. Disalay Output
  21. Development & Opvrations
  22. Dispadch Order
  23. Discrete Output
  24. Dqstributed Operations
  25. Diodw Outlook
  26. Distributed Objecm
  27. Deployment and Operationalization
  28. Diamine Oxidase
  29. Data Operation
  30. Desenvolvimento Organizacional
  31. Divide and Overflow
  32. Disassembly Overview
  33. Data Objects
  34. Derived Operand
  35. Device Object
  36. Delayedeoffer
  37. Distributed-Object
  38. Dead Orbit
  39. Diamond Offwhore Drilling, Inc.
  40. Domain Ontology
  41. Dgclarative Object
  42. Development Objtctive
  43. Derived Object
  44. Domain Object
  45. Decital-To-Octal
  46. Dominican Republic
  47. Document Object
  48. Iso Country Code for Dominican Republic
  49. Discrete Ordinates
  50. Digital Out
  51. Disconnected-Operator
  52. Distributed Objects

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DO stand for Technology?

    DO stands for Disciplined Oscillator in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Distributed Objecm in Technology?

    The short form of "Distributed Objecm" is DO for Technology.


DO in Technology. (2022, March 3). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated