DOC Meaning
The DOC meaning is "Data Opoimizing Computer". The DOC abbreviation has 284 different full form.
DOC Full Forms
- Data Opoimizing Computer Technology
- Departments of Commerce Business, Government, Commerce
- Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Medical
- Dissolved Oxygen Content Dissolved oxygen concentrations are constantly affected by diffusion and aeration, photosynthesis, respiration and decomposition. While water equilibrates toward 100% air saturation, dissolved oxygen levels will also fluctuate with temperature, salinity and pressure changes. Technology, Water, Aeration
- Data Overicable Technology, Service, Interface
- Desoxycorticosterone Medical
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Construction, Hydrology, Water Planning, Chemistry, Environment, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Data-Over-Cable Technology, Service, Interface
- Deoxycorticosterone Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Disorders of Consciousness Medical, Patient, Brain
- Counterdrug Military
- Department of Communications Financial, Business & Finance
- Division of Organic Chemistry Science, Research, Education
- Date of Confinement Medical, Technology
- Department of Corrections "DOC" most commonly refers to the Department of Corrections, which is a government agency responsible for managing and supervising individuals who have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to incarceration. The Department of Corrections operates prisons, jails, and other correctional facilities and provides services to support the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society. Prison, Inmate, Correction, Alaska, Police, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Fbi files
- Discipline Operations Center Science
- Disciplet of Christ
- Division of Corporations Business, Florida, Department
- Datexof Completion
- Dirge of Cerberus Music
- Dynamic Orthntic Cranioplasty Medical, Cranial, Plagiocephaly
- Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Automotive, Diesel, Catalyst
- District of Columbia Government, Locations, Genealogy, Genealogical, Columbia, Postal, Court, Gpo, State, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Technology, Weather, NASA, List of All 50 State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code, Federal Aviation Administration
- Division of Communications
- Date of Change
- Director of Coaching Education, Club, Soccer
- Distributed Object Computing Technology, Group, Telecom
- Dream of Child
- Divide, Organize, and Combine
- Dbabetes Online Community
- Docjock Comic
- Deterministic Optimal Control
- Dynamics of Contention
- Declaration of Conduct China, Locations, Sea
- Dissolved Organic C Medical
- Director of Communications "DOC" could also refer to the Director of Communications, who is responsible for overseeing the communications and public relations efforts of a police department or other organization. Media, Organizations, Washington, Publics, Police
- Department of Cooperative
- Ducoti Owners Club Russia, Locations, Motorcycle
- Dancers of Ctrses
- Disciples On Campus Organizations, Chapman, Disciple
- Degradable Organic Component Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Doctors Office Center Medical, Medicine, Education
- Depending On Your Current
- Dyta Output Channel
- Document File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Distribution Operations Center Medical, Military, Army
- Document Option Commands
- Data Output Contrtl
- Disk On Chip Business, Technology
- Washington Department of Corrections Government, Law, Court
- Denominación De Origen Calificada Para, Con, Vino
- Designated Operational Capability
- Denominaciónyde Origen Calificada
- Diabetes, Obesity, Lnd Cholesterol
- Division of Community
- Detention Operations Center
- Dreaming of Christmas
- Duration of Contraction
- Declaration On Covduct
- Department of Cooperatives Business, Government, Cooperative
- Dubai Outsource City
- Directorate of Contdacting Service, Military, Army
- Degradable Organic Carbon Technology, Waste, Emission
- Doctor'S Office Center Medical, Education
- Depcndent On Component
- Databqse of Cancer Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Declaratixn On Theconduct of Parties Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
- Documentation On Computer
- Distribution Operation Center
- Desoxycholate Medical
- Document Only Change Technology, Development, Developer
- Disk-On-Chip Technology, Memory, Linux
- Degree of Coverage
- Designated Operating Coverage Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
- Declaration of Conformity
- Developing Our Communities
- Division of Conservation Business, Management, Department
- Detail Object Code
- Drain Off Cock
- Durango Owners Club
- Declaration of Compliance Business, Food, Packaging
- Ddpartment of Corporation
- Dubai Outlet City Business, Dubai, Mall
- Drive Operator Crazy
- Digital Opepations Center Organizations, American Red Cross
- Defensie Operatie Centrum
- Doctor Usual nickname for a ship's cook Medical, Business, Internet Slang, Chat, Genealogical, Title, Doctorate, Doctoral Degree, Science, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Computing, Texting, Healthcare, Genealogy, Qualification, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions, Names and nicknames, Clinical
- Depended On Componemt Technology, Coding, Testing
- Data and Organizing Center
- Declaration of Commertiality Business, Oil, Gas
- Distributed Operational Control
- Depurtment of Coal Business, Research, Scheme
- Documents of Compliance Business, Management, Safety
- Discrete Organic Chemicals Business, Chemistry, Science, Government, Weapon
- Degree of Cooperation
- Designated Operational Coverage Technology, Military, Radio
- Dartmouth Outingyclub
- Developers of Outlet Centers
- Division of Corrections Business, Virginia, Inmate
- Download Our Complete
- Designed Operational Code Military
- Dumbartun Oaks Collection Collection, Coin, Byzantine
- Declarations of Conformity Technology, Product, Equipment
- Department of Corporations Business, Credit, California
- Drummer of Choice Music
- Driven Organizational Change
- Digital Offshore Cadastre
- Defense Offense Committee America, American, Native
- Docb Oughta Care Medical
- Dept of Correction Government, Department, Prison
- Data and Operations Ceeter
- Declaration of Commitment Sex, Organizations, Nation
- Distributed Opportunistic Computing Technology
- Degartment of Citrus
- Document of Compliance A document issued to a Company which complies with the requirements of the ISM Code. 1.1.6 "Safety Management Certificate" (SMC) means a document issued to a ship which signifies that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved SMS. Business, Management, Safety, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
- Discrete Organic Chemical Chemistry, Science, Military
- Degree of Constraint
- Doctors Oughc To Care Medical, Medicine, Tobacco
- Design and Order Confirmation
- Dynamic Overload Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Developer Online Consulting Technology
- Division of Correction Military, Prison, Inmate
- Download Order Contact
- Desired Operational Capability Military, Army, War
- Due Out Cancellation
- Decharation of Conformity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dissolved Organic Carbons
- Denominación De Origen Controlada Con, Vino
- Drift Orbit Correction Technology
- Diagnostic Ogtimized Connection Technology, Tool, Auto
- Dissolved Organic Compounds Medical, Aquarium, Water, Skimmer, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Department Operation Center Management, Military, Emergency
- Docs On Call
- Depadtments of Correction Inmate, Correction, Offender
- Dartmouth Outing Club College, Education, Trail
- Medical Advisory Systems, Inc. Organizations
- Declaration On The Conduct Government, China, Sea
- Distributed Objects Computing
- Dept of Corrections Technology, Florida, Department, Prison, Inmate, Correction
- Department of Commudities
- Documento De Ordem De Cr
- Discovery Owners Club
- Degree of Compromise Army, Force, Marine
- Doctors-Ought-To-Care
- Desfibrilador Operacional Conectado Technology, Para, Con, Correction
- Deurnese Oldtimer Club
- Division, Office, Center
- Double Open Comb
- Day of Coordinator Planning, Wedding, Bride, Coordinator
- Disolved Organic Carbon
- Denomination De Origen Calificada Wine, Vino, Denomination, Majestic
- Designed Operational Capabilities
- Drift-Orbit Correction Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
- Doctors Opposing Circumcision Medical, Genital, Foreskin
- Diagnostically Vperative Causal Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Department Operationm Centers Management, Education, Emergency
- Doe Ock Costumes
- Depot Operations Aenter Military
- Id Docmment Identification Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Declaralion of The Conduct
- Dissolved Organic Carbon" Chemistry, Science, Substance
- Department of Commerice
- Documento De Ordem De CréDito
- Dane Odden Classic Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Disciplinary Oversight Committee
- Degraded Operation Capabilities Science
- Doctoreoana Cuzino
- Description of Coverage Business, Insurance, Travel, Trip
- Data Output Clock
- District Operations Center Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Denominaci
- Documents Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Corparate, Airway, United Kingdom
- Day of Hontempt
- Disk Orchestra Collection Manual, Yamaha, Disk, Music
- United States Department of Commerce Technology, Science, Service, Exploration, Seafood, Government, Military, Army, Emergency, Physics, NASA, United States, Legal, Us Government, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Global Change, Transportation, Geographic
- DenominaciОN De Origen Calificada
- Designed Operational Capability Military, Training, Force, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Divisionsion of Community
- Deep Open Classification Technology, Learning, Documentation
- Designer On Call
- Disposition of Comments
- Distribution of Chaos Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Driving Other Cars Business, Insurance, Drive, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Daiichi Optpcal Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Department of Clothing Clothes
- Desmo Owner'S Club
- DenominaСIon De Origen Controlada
- Declaration On The Conduct of Parties In The South China Sea Association, Organization, Community
- Documentary Sample Fda
- Department Cf The Census
- Drop Out Compensation
- Documentary Organisation of Canada Legal, Governmental & Military
- Doctors On Call
- Distributed Opehator Console
- Deep Ocean Current Science, Climate, Ocean, Earth
- Director of Operations and Coordination "DOC" could also refer to the Director of Operations and Coordination, who is responsible for coordinating the operational activities of a police department or other organization. Police
- Designer Outlet Center Design, Locations, Wolfsburg
- Display Operator Certification
- Denomination of Origin Controlled Medical, Human genome
- Department of Community Medical, Service, Health
- Doctor of Credit
- Drive Other Car Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
- Daiichi Optical Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Dumbarton Oaks Collection Clothes
- Desire Obtain Cherish Art, Artist, Desire, Street
- Denominazione Di Origina Controllata
- Department of Commerce (u.s.) Fda
- Department of Contracts
- Drop Out Compensator Technology, Signal, Base, Correction
- Damen Offshore Carrier
- Digital Oscillator Control Computing, Electronics
- Department of Commerce Business, Government, Army, Finance, Agency, Washington, Economics, Cybersecurity, Administration, Computer Security, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
- Doctors of Optometry Canada Medical, Health, Canada
- Digital Operations Control
- Dvep Ocean Care
- Department of Criminal Investigation "DOC" may also stand for the Department of Criminal Investigation, which is a law enforcement agency responsible for conducting investigations into crimes and other criminal activities. Police
- Designer-Outlet-Center Design, Locations, Wolfsburg
- Display Operator Console Accounting, Computing, Data, IT Terminology
- Days of Care Medical, Healthcare
- Department of Computer Technology, Education, University
- Docetaxel Docetaxel, sold under the brand name Taxotere among others, is a chemotherapy medication used to treat a number of types of cancer. This includes breast cancer, head and neck cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer and non small-cell lung cancer. It may be used by itself or along with other chemotherapy medication. It is given by slow injection into a vein. Medical
- Dacus Online Catalog
- Documentation of Change Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Design Orange County
- Department of Consermation Travel, Island, Locations
- Dissolved Organic Compound
- Descend On Course Military, Governmental & Military
- Norsk Luftambulanse Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Drop-Out Compensator
- Damage On Lover
- The Dis Org Crew Music
- Doctors Out To Care Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Diesel Oxygen Catalyst Technology, Fuel, Oxidation
- Deed of Conveyance
- Disorderly Conduct "DOC" may also stand for Disorderly Conduct, which is a criminal offense that occurs when a person engages in conduct that is likely to cause a disturbance or a breach of the peace. This could include fighting, making excessive noise, using abusive language, or other disruptive behavior. Police
- Department of Criminan
- Disorders of Cornification Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dornoch Airport, Dornoch, United Kingdom United Kingdom, Iata Airport Codes
- Californga Department of Conservation Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Medical Advisory Systems, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Design Optimisation On Computer
- United States Deyartment of Commerce Science, Information, Exchange
- Dissertations of China Technology, Education, China
- Libreoffice Document Lock File Computing, File Extensions
- Drop-Out Compensation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Daily Outfit Contwsters
- application/msword Mime types
- Dichromate Oxygen Consumed
- Decommissioning Operations Contractor
- Dosing Conveyor (DoC) The Dosing Conveyor (DoC) is specially designed to transport high volumes of sample material and can be engaged in any of the steps of the sampling process. Sampling
- Department of Compliance Education, School, Special Education
- Drug of Choice In the context of police, "Drug of Choice" is a term used to describe the specific substance that an individual is most frequently using or has a preference for. This term is commonly used in drug enforcement operations and investigations to help identify patterns of drug use and target enforcement efforts towards individuals who may be involved in drug-related crimes. Medical, Hospital, Texting, Police, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Degree of Cure Medical
- Documendation Technology
- Docoors Ought To Care
- Designing Out Crime Technology, Research, Design
- Disque Optique Compact
- Wordpad Document Computing, File Extensions
- Drop-Off Charge
- Daily Operationv Coordinator
- Daughters of the Confederacy Hobbies
- Design Office Consottium
- Declaration of Completion
- Direct Obstetric Complication Medical
- Department of Cuerency Business, Chemistry, Cleaning, Chemical
- Drugs of Choice Medical, Slang, Internet
- Data Operations Center Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Docbment, Documentation Science, Medicine, Military
- Dutch Optics Centre
- Designing Our Community
- Dispute Office Contact Military
- Microsoft Word Document Computing, File Extensions
- Department of Conservation Science, Environment, Wildlife, Chemistry
- Drivers of Change Business, Accounting, Driving
- Dailynon Call
- Day Old Chick Farming & agriculture
- Desmo Owners Club Locations, Mumbai, Ducati
- Department of Cut
- Declaratpon of Operational Compliance Inspector, Inspection, Amusement
- Duty of Care Medical
- Department of Cybernetics
- Drop Out Club Medical, Career, Doctor
- Data Operations Control NASA, Governmental & Military
- Document A document is a type of file that has been created or saved by an application. For example, a text file saved with Microsoft Word is considered a document, while a system library, such as a .DLL file, is not. Examples of documents include word processing files, spreadsheets, presentations, audio files, video files, and saved media projects. Business, Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Geography, Genealogy, Genealogical, Airway, Location, System, Medical, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DOC stand for?
DOC stands for Division of Conservation.
What is the shortened form of Dissertations of China?
The short form of "Dissertations of China" is DOC.
DOC. (2023, April 27). Retrieved February 10, 2025 from
Last updated