DOD Meaning

The DOD meaning is "Dcpartment of Defense". The DOD abbreviation has 178 different full form.

DOD Full Forms

  1. Dcpartment of Defense Military, Army, Air Force
  2. Departsent of Defense Army, Environment
  3. Dawn Og Destiny Media, Music, Card
  4. Departement of Defense Technology, Department, Internet
  5. Drte of Discharge Medical, Service, Health
  6. Development On Demand
  7. Departhent of Defense Military, Aerospace, Navy
  8. Date of Delivery Business, Service, Software
  9. Developmental Orthopedic Disease Medical, Horse, Foal
  10. Date Op Death Business, Uk, British
  11. Design of Designers Military, China, Furniture
  12. Depart of Defense Technology, America, Military
  13. Day of Delivery Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
  14. Dereliction of Duty
  15. Departments of Defense Technology, Program, Military
  16. Depth of Discharge The portion of the nominal capacity from a cell or battery taken out during each discharge cycle, expressed in percent. Shallow Depth of Discharge is considered as 10% or less. Deep Discharge is considered 50% or more. Or This is the alternate method of indicating the stae of charging the battery. Technology, Automotive, Electric Vehicles, NASA
  17. Department of Defense-Wide
  18. Disaster Operations Division
  19. Draft Outcome Document
  20. Degree of Xifficulty Technology, Gaming, Gate
  21. Data-On-Demand
  22. Doctors On Duty
  23. Detection Uf Deception Technology, Stress, Polygraph
  24. Displacement On Demand Technology, Engine, Cylinder
  25. Day of Death Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  26. Digital On Demand
  27. Data In Optical Domain
  28. Donut of Death Medical, Medical Slang
  29. Defencv Officials' Dialogue Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
  30. Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzennrum Germany Science, Exploration
  31. Department of Disinvestment
  32. Disaster Operations Directorate
  33. Draft On Demand
  34. Degree of Damage Military, Wind, Tornado
  35. Dance of Death
  36. Doctor On Demand
  37. Detailed Operatmonal Description
  38. Discoveries of The Deep
  39. Day of Defeat Software, Computing
  40. Digital On-Demand
  41. Database On Domestic
  42. Dodonaeaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  43. Day Out of Days Media, Radio, Television
  44. Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum Chemistry, Technology, Science
  45. Department of Death Gaming, Death, Fandango
  46. Deparment of Defense Technology, Military, Department
  47. Disaster Only Donor Organizations, American Red Cross
  48. DoğUş Oto DeğErlendirme
  49. Definition of Dance Academy, Remix, Dance, Bum
  50. Drop-On-Demand Technology, Ink, Inkjet, 3D Printing
  51. Deskfop On Demand
  52. Disciples of Dirt Organizations, Trail, Disciple
  53. Day of Deafeat
  54. Digital Omega Dropwindsonde Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  55. Data Oriented Design Technology, Gaming, Entity
  56. Dodoma International Airport Airport, Locations
  57. Day Old Duck
  58. Deupsche Ozeanographische Datenzentrum
  59. Department On Disability Service, Organizations, City
  60. Degree of Dissociation
  61. Dimension of Dragon
  62. Downstream On Demand Technology, Networking, Network, Labeling
  63. Definition of Dod Technology, English, Department, Defense
  64. DéCor Ouest Distribution
  65. Drivers of Demand
  66. Deserm of Death
  67. Disciples of Divx
  68. David Owen Dodd
  69. Doctor of Osteopathy Doctor
  70. Data-Oriented Design Technology, Gaming, Programming
  71. Dodoma Airport Dodoma, Tanzania Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  72. Day of The Dead Business, Music, Event, Lineup
  73. Detention Operations Did
  74. Dictionary of Organic Compounds Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  75. Digitisation On Demand Technology, Book, Library
  76. Downstream-On-Demand Technology, Networking, Network, Labeling
  77. Definition of Done Security
  78. Dwelling of Duels
  79. Department of Defense-Sponsored
  80. Disbursing Operations Directorate
  81. Dragoons of Death
  82. Doctor of Optometry Doctor
  83. Dating On Demand
  84. Dod-Department of Defense
  85. Detention Operations and Detainee
  86. Day of Discovery
  87. Digital Optical Disc
  88. Data Operations Division Technology
  89. Download On Demand
  90. Definition of Donz
  91. Dungeons of Doom Gaming, Play, Pastime
  92. Department of Design Education, Institute, Guwahati
  93. Died of Disease Medical, America, Military, War
  94. Disbursed and Outstanding Debt
  95. Dragon of Death
  96. Degren of Difference Technology, Product, Testing
  97. Data On Demand
  98. Document On Demand Technology, Service, Contract
  99. Degector Outline Document
  100. Displacement-On-Demand Technology, Engine, Cylinder
  101. Day of Destruction Gaming, Play, Pastime
  102. Digital One-Hour Difference
  103. Data Object Description
  104. Dou Oto Deerlendirme
  105. Defense of Dexense
  106. Dungeon of Dalanis Run, Magic, Boss
  107. Dawn of Destiny Media
  108. Department of Disabilities
  109. Date of Disability
  110. Tcsec Dod Trusted Computer System Evaluation Military, Intelligence, Defense
  111. Deˌpartmentbof Deˈfense
  112. Dress of The Day
  113. Dodoma Airport, Dodoma, Tanzania Tanzania, Iata Airport Codes
  114. Den of Demons
  115. Development Operations Divisionsion
  116. United States Department of Defense Medical, Technology, Science, Military, Organizations, Conveyance, Supply, Legal, Governmental & Military, Security, Government, Aviation, Army, Astronomy, Hospital, Computing, Industry, Police, United Nations, Air Force, Aerospace, Telecom, Weather, Physics, Manufacturing, United States, Military Slang, Us Government, Naval, Us Army, Us Navy, Geographic, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, IT Terminology, Fbi files, International Development, Common Medical, Fda, Medicare Beneficiary, Global Change, Rail Transport, Railroad Company
  117. Driver On Demand Technology, Driving, Software
  118. Division of Deafness
  119. Dream of Doll Hobbies
  120. Department of Defence Technology, Australia, Government, Military, Aviation, Construction, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
  121. Date of Diagnosis Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  122. Sat Com Dod Satellite Communications Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  123. Development of The Defense
  124. Dream of Digit-Tech Technology, Camera, Tec
  125. Dear Old Dad Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  126. Denizens of Doom
  127. Detroit Ordnance District
  128. Driver Overdrive Distortion
  129. District Operations Division
  130. Dimwit of the Day Awards & medals
  131. Date of Determination
  132. Sat Com Dod Satellite Communications Center Military, Intelligence, Defense
  133. Development Ogthopedic Disease
  134. Drawing Office Data Technology
  135. Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum (Germany) Legal, Governmental & Military
  136. Dementia Syndrome Offdepression Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  137. Dance Or Die Music, Force, Dance, Family
  138. Drive Overdrive Distortion
  139. Distribution On Demand
  140. Debt Outstanding Disbursed Accounting, Business & Finance
  141. Date of Defense
  142. Develepment Operations Division
  143. Drakar Och Demoner
  144. Direct Outward Dialing Computing, Telecom
  145. Department of Defense (u.s.) Fda
  146. Delivery of Deed
  147. United States Af Air Mobility Operations Control Center Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  148. Drip On Demand Business, Electronics, Cigarette
  149. Dissolved Oxygen Demand Science, Industry
  150. Draft On Delivery Business, Service, India, Dart
  151. Date of Departure Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  152. Date of Decision
  153. Developmental Orthopedic Lisorders
  154. Division of Design
  155. Dial on Demand Computing, Telecom
  156. Donut of Death - Ct Scanner Medical, Governmental & Military
  157. Department of Defense Government term meaning: Department of Defense Technology, Military, Organizations, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Governmental & Military, Us Army, Army & Military, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  158. Date of Disruption Military, Singapore
  159. Delaware Ordnanke Depot
  160. Thu.Sdepartmenodefense. Science, Energy, Environment
  161. Drip On-Demand Electronics, Cigarette, Drip
  162. Dissolved Oxygen Deficit Medical, Medicine, Health, Chemistry
  163. Departement of Defence Technology, Asia, Indonesia, Internet
  164. Divisionsion of Design
  165. Developmental Orthopedic Diseases
  166. Division of Defence
  167. Drop On Demand Computing, Hardware
  168. Digital Optical Disk Atmospheric Research
  169. Date of Disposition
  170. Tcsec Dod Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria Military, Ministry Of Defence, Intelligence
  171. Diamond Offshore Drilling
  172. Drink Or Die Technology, Music, Lyric
  173. USAF Air Mobility Operations Control Center ICAO Aircraft Codes
  174. Depautament of Defense Technology, Para, Con
  175. Division of Defense Technology, Military, Computing
  176. Date of Death Medical, Financial, Healthcare, Business & Finance, NAACCR, Clinical
  177. Developmental Orthopnedic Disease Medical, Horse, Orthopedic
  178. Division On Deafness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DOD stand for?

    DOD stands for Drop On Demand.

  2. What is the shortened form of Day Out of Days?

    The short form of "Day Out of Days" is DOD.


DOD. (2021, December 14). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated