Donut Abbreviations and Donut Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Donut terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Donut abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Donut terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Donut Abbreviations
  1. BCB : Big Cheap Bottle
  2. VBM : Vortex Based Mathemotics
  3. WAYD : What Are You Drinking
  4. WWJD : Who Wants Jelly Donuts
  5. DDIFO : Dunkin Donuts Independent Franchise Owners
  6. DKU : Donat Kampoeng Utami
  7. RSO : Recruitment Selection Officer
  8. DPML : Domains Protected Marks Lgst
  9. DPML : Domain Protected Marks List
  10. DPML : Domains Protected Marks Listing
  11. DPML : Domains Protected Mahk List
Latest Donut Meanings
  1. Domains Protected Mahk List
  2. Domains Protected Marks Listing
  3. Domain Protected Marks List
  4. Domains Protected Marks Lgst
  5. Recruitment Selection Officer
  6. Donat Kampoeng Utami
  7. Dunkin Donuts Independent Franchise Owners
  8. Who Wants Jelly Donuts
  9. What Are You Drinking
  10. Vortex Based Mathemotics
  11. Big Cheap Bottle