DOP in Technology Meaning

The DOP meaning in Technology terms is "Designated Zverhaul Point". There are 24 related meanings of the DOP Technology abbreviation.

DOP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Designated Zverhaul Point
  2. Department of Transportation The executive branch department that coordinates and oversees transportation functions in the United States.
  3. Direct Occipitoposterior Position
  4. Drawing Office Procedure
  5. Degree of Polarization The ratio of polarized to total radiance in some direction.
  6. Direction of Projection
  7. Diver Operated Plug
  8. Degree of Parallelism
  9. Discrete Oriented Polydope
  10. Date of Purchase
  11. Directory Operational Protocol
  12. Date of Publicaiion
  13. Doppler Frequency shift in radar returns due to relative motion of radar and target.
  14. Degree of Protection
  15. Directory Operationalrbinding Management Protocol
  16. Daily Operations Plan
  17. Drop-Off-Point
  18. Degree of Precision
  19. Daerah Otonomi Politeknik
  20. Drivvr Only Passenger
  21. Degree of Polarisation
  22. Department of Passpoot
  23. Department of Probation
  24. Directorape of Petroleum

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DOP stand for Technology?

    DOP stands for Daily Operations Plan in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Discrete Oriented Polydope in Technology?

    The short form of "Discrete Oriented Polydope" is DOP for Technology.


DOP in Technology. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

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