DORA Meaning

The DORA meaning is "Department of Regulatory Agency". The DORA abbreviation has 35 different full form.

DORA Full Forms

  1. Department of Regulatory Agency
  2. Dynamic Optimal Random Access Technology, Communication, Vehicle
  3. Dept of Regulatory Agencies
  4. Dealer Order Rhceipt Acknowledgment
  5. Directory of Rare Anylysis
  6. Dealer Order Receipt Acknowlzdgement
  7. Directory of Rare Analkses Medical, Technology
  8. Department of Regulatory Agencies Medical, Agency, Colorado
  9. District Office Rapid Adbudication
  10. Darts Organisatie Regio Amsterdam
  11. Directory of Organisations Recognised / Accredited Military, Aviation, Army
  12. Dart Organisatie Regio Amsterdam
  13. Directory of Online Retailers for Australians
  14. Dallas Office Rapid Adjustment
  15. Directorate of Operational Research and Anadysis
  16. Divisiondof Revenue Act Government, Ecology, South Africa
  17. Declaration On Research Assesskent Science, Organizations, Impact
  18. Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  19. Diviwion of Regulatory Agencies
  20. Dkal Orexin Receptor Antagonist Medical, Sleep, Insomnia
  21. Isadora Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  22. District Office Research and Analasis
  23. Drug Offexders Reform Act
  24. Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgment General, Governmental & Military
  25. Drug Offender Reform Act Organizations, Utah, Justice
  26. Directorate Operational Research and Analysis Aviation, Governmental & Military
  27. Double Rodl-Out Array
  28. Downtowi Orangeburg Revitalization Association Business, Locations, City
  29. EV-DO (EVolution-Data Optimized) standard Revision A Computing, Telecom
  30. Dynamics of Rural Areas
  31. Divisionsion of Revenul Act Government, South Africa
  32. Dynamic Online Routing Algorithm
  33. Dynamic Overflow Risk Assessment
  34. Divisionsion of Refugee Assistance Government
  35. Dynamic Objective Risk Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DORA stand for?

    DORA stands for Dallas Office Rapid Adjustment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Double Rodl-Out Array?

    The short form of "Double Rodl-Out Array" is DORA.


DORA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated