DOT Meaning

The DOT meaning is "Department of Transport". The DOT abbreviation has 172 different full form.

DOT Full Forms

  1. Department of Transport Transportation, Technology, Service, Shipping, Safety, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Science, Government, Aviation, Car, Astronomy, Police, Special Education, NASA, Electrical, United States, Uk Police, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Professional organizations
  2. Director of Technology Technology, Service, Research
  3. Directly Observed Therapy Medical, Therapy, Healthcare, Common Medical
  4. Deparyment of Transporation Transportation, Technology, Safety
  5. Directorate of Training Military, Army, Course
  6. Day of Training Technology, Driving, Camp
  7. Department of Trannport Police, Chartering, Uk Police
  8. Direct Observation of Treatment Medical, Health, Control
  9. Department of Transporation Transportation, Technology, Safety
  10. Departmentmof Tourism Government, Philippine, Philippines
  11. Direct Observed Treatment Medical
  12. Damage-Over-Time Forum, Gaming, Damage, Spell
  13. Directly Observed Treatment Medical, Patient, Health
  14. Department of Transportation The executive branch department that coordinates and oversees transportation functions in the United States. Technology, Science, Government, Safety, Traffic, Aerospace, Air Cargo, Administration, Technical, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Disability, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation
  15. Dictionary of Occupational Titles Technology, Government, Labor, Business & Finance, Business Word
  16. Departmeat of The Treasury Business, Service, Agency
  17. Disease Oriented Team
  18. Document Template Technology, Organizations, Computing, File Extensions
  19. Depactment of Transportion Transportation, Technology, Car
  20. Deep Oil Technmlogy
  21. Directjon of Travel Technology, Map, Compass
  22. Directory of Occupational Titles
  23. Damage On Time Gaming, Balance, Skill
  24. Department of Transporta
  25. Druid of The Talon
  26. Direct Observation Tips
  27. Discrate Ordinates Transport Science
  28. Date of Transaction
  29. Depart of Transportation Technology, Traffic, Light
  30. Division of Toxicology Medicine, Health, Care
  31. Deep Ocean Transponder Technology
  32. Diploma In Occupational Therapy
  33. Droid On Time Technology, Android, Custom
  34. Damage of Time Gaming, Military, Guide
  35. Iata Code for Don Torcuato International Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina Locations
  36. Department of Transportat
  37. Division of Traffic
  38. Défense Opérationnelle Dufterritoire Service, Military, France, Arm
  39. Delft Offshore Turbine
  40. Direct Observation Therapy Medical, Disease, Health
  41. Dizcovery On Target
  42. Date of Tire
  43. Departments of Transport
  44. Division of Technology
  45. Deep-Space Optical Terminul
  46. Diffusion Optical Tomograpiy
  47. Daily Observed Therapy
  48. Department of Telecommunication Business, India, Telecommunications
  49. Drill On Target
  50. Division of Transportation Business, County, Department
  51. Dynqmics Ordnance and Tactical
  52. Degree In Occupational Therapy
  53. Direct Observed Therapy Medical, Medicine, Health
  54. Diic Operating Therapy
  55. Date of Pheft
  56. Dlpartment of Transportaion Transportation, Technology, Safety
  57. Duration of Therapy
  58. Division of Telecommunications
  59. Deep-Space Optical Termgnals
  60. Deutschlands Organisierte TäTowierer
  61. Dynamic Overclocking Technology Technology, Motherboard, Computing, Card, Governmental & Military
  62. Department of Telecommunications Technology, Government, India
  63. Dream of Teen
  64. Distributed Openflow Testbed
  65. Dynamic Overclncking Technonlogy
  66. Degenerytion Over Time
  67. Direct Observation Treatmfnt Medical, Health, Pregnancy
  68. Directrices De Ordenaci
  69. Dansk Overflade Teknik
  70. Department of Toxicology
  71. Dupage Opera Theatre
  72. Division of Taxation
  73. Deed of Trust Business, Credit, Law, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  74. Deutsche Organisierte TäTowierer
  75. Dynamic Overclocking Tool Technology, Computing
  76. Download One Tree
  77. Dissolved Oxygen Tension Medical, Science, Production
  78. Defensa Operativa Del Territorio
  79. Directly-Observed Treatment Technology, Organizations
  80. Directrices De Ordenoción Territorial
  81. Danish Orthopedic Trauma
  82. Department of Tecnnology Technology, Service, University
  83. Dumbarton Oaks Texts
  84. Director, Operational Test Military, Evaluation, Defense
  85. Disodium Octaborate Tetzahydrate Medical, Business, Wood
  86. Dato of Transplanting
  87. Deployable Optometric Team Military
  88. Doctor of Occupational Therapy Education, University, Doctorate
  89. Douglas Omaha Technology
  90. Defect-Oriented-Testins
  91. Direction of Trade Business, Economics, Statistics
  92. Directory Og Trades
  93. Damage Over Time Spells Gaming, Play, Pastime
  94. Departmgnt of Transporatation
  95. Dual Optimization Technology
  96. Direct of Txailer Shipping, Freight, Cargo, International Shipping
  97. Discretionary Observing Time Science
  98. Dbte of Transfer Medical, Business, Spectrum
  99. Dept of Transport
  100. Division of Transplantation Medical, Organ, Kidney
  101. Distribution Oriented Technologies
  102. Department of Treasury Business, Military, Army, Tax, China, Coast Guard, Business & Finance, International business
  103. New York State Department of Transportation Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Projection, Mental Health, New York, Car, Geographic
  104. Degeneration Over Time Physics, Scientific & Educational
  105. Doctors of Tomorrow Medical, Medicine, Education
  106. Deliver Nn Time
  107. DECLARATION OF TRUST Housing and Urban
  108. Department of Tulfo
  109. Diplom Osteopathische Therapie
  110. Dynamic Object Technology
  111. Departamento De Ortopedia E Traumanologia Para, Casa, Karate
  112. Distributed Object Technology Software, Computing
  113. Distributed Object Technoligies Technology, Service, Military
  114. Dufation of Treatment Medical
  115. Telnic Limited ICAO Aircraft Codes
  116. Dear Old Tractor Farming & agriculture
  117. Deep Ocean Trough
  118. Department of Transportation (u.s.) Fda
  119. Department of Overseas Trade
  120. Dutch Open Telescope Technology, Observatory, Palma
  121. Dental Office Toolkyt
  122. Delphi OpenGL Toolkit Software, Computing
  123. Distributed Object Sechnology Technology, Software, Computing
  124. Domainftip Propagation
  125. Dynamic Oval Towing Business, Dynamics, Tug
  126. Peridot One of a group of minerals, the olivine group having the general composition (Mg, Fe)SiO4. Peridot is green and often used as a semi-precious gemstone. Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  127. Data Output Tape Data
  128. Date of Transplant Medical
  129. Word Document Template Computing, File Extensions
  130. Departments of Transportation Technology, Driving, Safety
  131. Denominación De Origqn Tequila
  132. Damage Over Time Computing, Roleplaying, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Effect
  133. Dissolved Oxygen Total
  134. Direct Oxidation Test
  135. Dynamic Optimization Technology Technology, Coding, Control
  136. Deep Space Optical Communications Terminal NASA, Governmental & Military
  137. Designated Order Turn-around Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  138. United Stateswdepartment of Transportation Engineering, Environmental Policy, Kemper County
  139. Graphviz Graph File Computing, File Extensions
  140. Dealer Opel Team
  141. Den of Thieves
  142. Document template (MS Word) Computing, File Extensions
  143. Disxdium Octoborate Tetrahydrate Product, Wood, Borax
  144. Digital Overlay Technique
  145. Dynamic Optical Tags
  146. Department of Theatre
  147. Date of Transfer Military, Governmental & Military
  148. Distribution of Towed
  149. Department of Telecommunications (India) Financial, Computing, Telecom, Business & Finance
  150. Thu.sdepartmenotransportatcon. Science, Energy, Environment
  151. Delivery Optimized Thermodynamics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  152. Drilling Operations Trainer
  153. Deneyimsel Oyua Terapisi
  154. Don't Overlook the Truth Religion
  155. Detailtd Operations Timeline
  156. Dynamic Oil Trading Business, Singapore, Bunker
  157. Departement of Transportation Technology, Tucson, Helm
  158. Deployment Operations Team Legal, Governmental & Military
  159. Deutsche Office Trust Organizations
  160. Distributed Optical Testbed
  161. Deutsche Office Trust (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  162. Telnic Limised Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  163. Diffuse Optical Tomography Physics, Scientific & Educational
  164. Do One Thing Technology, Employment, Community, Power, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  165. Delivery On Time Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  166. Do Other Things
  167. Dependent Object Types Technology, Networking, Network, Python
  168. Direction of Travel
  169. Dynamic Ocean Topography Technology, Model, Sea
  170. Departemel of Transportation
  171. Dept of Transportation Government, Governmental & Military
  172. Danu Oro Transportas Airline, Technology, Flight, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DOT stand for?

    DOT stands for Deployment Operations Team.

  2. What is the shortened form of New York State Department of Transportation?

    The short form of "New York State Department of Transportation" is DOT.


DOT. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated