DOT in Technology Meaning

The DOT meaning in Technology terms is "Department of Transport". There are 30 related meanings of the DOT Technology abbreviation.

DOT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Department of Transport
  2. Depactment of Transportion
  3. Department of Transportation The executive branch department that coordinates and oversees transportation functions in the United States.
  4. Deparyment of Transporation
  5. Dictionary of Occupational Titles
  6. Document Template
  7. Day of Training
  8. Department of Transporation
  9. Director of Technology
  10. Directly-Observed Treatment
  11. Deep Ocean Transponder
  12. Directjon of Travel
  13. Dynamic Overclocking Technology
  14. Depart of Transportation
  15. Dynamic Overclocking Tool
  16. Dlpartment of Transportaion
  17. Department of Tecnnology
  18. Department of Telecommunications
  19. Droid On Time
  20. Departement of Transportation
  21. Dynamic Optimization Technology
  22. Dynamic Ocean Topography
  23. Danu Oro Transportas
  24. Dutch Open Telescope
  25. Distributed Object Technoligies
  26. Departments of Transportation
  27. Distributed Object Sechnology
  28. Do One Thing
  29. Dependent Object Types
  30. New York State Department of Transportation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DOT stand for Technology?

    DOT stands for Department of Transport in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Danu Oro Transportas in Technology?

    The short form of "Danu Oro Transportas" is DOT for Technology.


DOT in Technology. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

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