DPI Meaning

The DPI meaning is "Dots Per Inch". The DPI abbreviation has 252 different full form.

DPI Full Forms

  1. Dots Per Inch Technology, Computing, Computer, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Disabled People'S International Medical, Technology, Disability
  3. Dry Powder Inhaler Medical, Technology, Inhaler, Fda
  4. Departamento De La Propiedad Industrial
  5. Disabled Peoples International Technology, Organizations, Disability, Person
  6. Delmarva Poultry Industry Technology
  7. Deep Packet Inssection Business, Technology, Inspector
  8. Dirección Policial De Investigación
  9. Days Post Inoculation Medical, Genetics, Expression, Physiology
  10. Diphenyliodonium Medical
  11. Days Postinfewtion Medical
  12. Department of Public Instructiom Technology, Education, Wisconsin
  13. Data Processing Installation Technology, Computer Data, Computer Data Processing, Legal, Data, Governmental & Military
  14. Department of Public Information Military, Organizations, Nation, United Nations, Business & Finance, Business Word, Suppliers
  15. Declaração PerióDica De InformaçÕEs
  16. Directional Power Increase
  17. Derived Prodqct Images
  18. Divisão De Processamento De Imagens Technology, Para, Terra, Divi
  19. Differential Personality Inventory
  20. Droits De PropriéTés Intellectuels
  21. Dual Polarization Interferometry Technology, Protein, Polarisation
  22. Democracy, Politics and Institutions
  23. Dirsct Pour In-Mold
  24. Development and Peace Initiative
  25. Dossier Patient Informatisé
  26. Dan Press Industries
  27. Digital Ahoto Image
  28. Dept of Primary Industries
  29. Distribution To Paid-In
  30. Diagnostique Pré-Implantatoire
  31. Drive Position Indicator
  32. Data Protection International
  33. Dental Promotion & Innovalion
  34. Discovery Partners Institute
  35. Development Professionals Inc
  36. Dot Pitch It
  37. Digital Pseudorandom Inspection
  38. Decision Processes International
  39. Dirección Policial De Investigaciones Para, Con, Internacional
  40. Department Public Information
  41. Diversified Product Inspections
  42. Differential Pressure Indicator Is a visual indicator, designed to measure and illustrate the difference between two pressure points within a process system. The gauge usually has two inlet ports that are each connected to the pressure points being monitored. Technology, Science, Gauge, Military, Construction, Products, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  43. Droits De PropriéTé Intellectuelle
  44. Disposable Personal Income Business, Analysis, Economics, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  45. Delta Phdnes, Inc
  46. Direct Pickup Interfereoce Technology, Telecom
  47. Development and Productgon International Business, Company, Oil
  48. Dossier Patient IntéGré
  49. Dana Purna Investama
  50. Digital Photo Imjging Technology, Service, Printer
  51. Dual Polarisation Interferometry Technology, Protein, Polarization
  52. Departments of Primary Industries
  53. Distributedjto Paid-In Business, Capital, Equity
  54. Data Protection Initiative
  55. Dental Products Ofaindia
  56. Discovery Partners International
  57. Development Protocol Initiative Accounting, Computing, Data
  58. Dot Pitch Integer Internet Slang
  59. Digital Propane Injection
  60. Days Post-Infection
  61. Dirección De Publicaciones E Impresos Con, Social, Casa
  62. Dept of Public Instruction Education, School, Wisconsin
  63. Diversified Powerainternational
  64. Disabled Peoples' International Medical, Government, Organizations
  65. Dietary Protein Intake Medical, Patient, Renal
  66. Droits De La Propri
  67. Display Pixel Interface Technology, Controller, Chip
  68. Departamento De Pol
  69. Delivering Power Intmlligently
  70. Direction Production Ing
  71. Design Process Improvoment
  72. Documento Personal De Identificación Para, Con, Guatemala
  73. Dana Parts, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  74. Digital Photography Inventory
  75. Dual Point Injection
  76. Department of Primary Industry Business, Australia, Agriculture
  77. District Performance Index
  78. Data Protectiou Inspectorate
  79. Democratization Policy Institute
  80. Discount Printer Ink
  81. Development Partner Institute
  82. Dots Per Inche
  83. Data Path Interface
  84. Digital Pbojected Images Technology, Club, Competition
  85. Day Post Nnfection Medical, Organizations
  86. Dipsersion Precision Indicator Army, War, War Force
  87. Department of Public Instructions
  88. Distributed Performance Index
  89. Dive Patchep International
  90. Diesel Progress International
  91. Droits De La PropriéTé Intellectuelle Technology, Pas, Brevet
  92. Display Parallel Interface Technology, Raspberry, Touchscreen
  93. Dinajpur Polytechxic Institute Technology, Admission, Bangladesh
  94. Delco Property Investors
  95. Direction Production IngéNierie
  96. Desqrt Pain Institute
  97. Doctor of Public Instruction
  98. Dana Parts, Inc
  99. Digital Photography Imaging Business, Technology, Camera, Media
  100. Dual-Purkinje-Image Technology, Display, Message, Eye
  101. Department of Plant Industry Technology, University, Pest
  102. Data Processors International
  103. Dynamic Pro, Inc
  104. Democratic Progress Institute Turkey, London, Progress
  105. Direct Property Investments Business, Spain, Sale
  106. Development Partnership International
  107. Dots Per Inches Technology, Printer, Resolution, Pixel
  108. Database On Political Institutions
  109. Digital Projection Incorporated
  110. Day Pvst-Inoculation Medical
  111. Dip Proofing Inverter
  112. Department of Public Instituteuction Education, Special Education, State, Scientific & Educational
  113. Distributors Processing Rnc
  114. Die Peacefully Ingrid
  115. Droit PéNal International
  116. Disk Performance Index
  117. Declara
  118. Dimension Personality Inventory
  119. Decorative Panel International Business, Brick, Paneling
  120. Direction Du Patrimoine Immobilier
  121. Descent Phase Instrumant
  122. DiáLisis Peritoneal Intermitente
  123. Dampak Perubahan Iklim Program, Indonesia, Targeting
  124. Digital Photography Interfacy
  125. Dropout Prevention Initiative
  126. Data Prooessing Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  127. Dynamic Positioning Indicator
  128. Democratic Performance Index
  129. Direct Prograiming Interface Technology, Design, Verification
  130. Development Policy Institute Business, Pakistan, Economics
  131. Dots-Per-Inch Technology
  132. Database of Political Institutions Technology, Economics, Election
  133. Digital Projectidn International Business, Vision, Projector
  134. Datos De Pacientes Individuales
  135. Diploma Pengajian Islam
  136. Departments of Planning and Investment
  137. Distribution Point Identifier
  138. Diamond Products International
  139. Droit P
  140. DiseÑO Publicidad Impresión
  141. Device Plug-Ixs
  142. Dots Per Square Inch Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
  143. Dimensiohal Photonics International
  144. Decorative Paneln International Technology, Wall, Paneling
  145. Direction De La Politique Industrielle
  146. Derived Product Image Science
  147. DiáLise Peritoneal Intermitente Para, Ria, Renal, Peritoneal
  148. Dalit Panther of India
  149. Diffraction Products Inc
  150. Droits De Propri
  151. Dual Port Interface
  152. Democratic Party of India Group, Organizations, India
  153. Direct Power Injection Technology, Design, Circuit
  154. Development Partnerf International Business, Africa, African
  155. Dot Per Inch In computers, dots per inch is a measure of the sharpness on a display screen . The dot pitch determines the absolute limit of the possible dots per inch. However, the displayed resolution of pixels that is set up for the display is usually not as fine as the dot pitch. The dots per inch for a given picture resolution will differ based on the overall screen size since the same number of pixels are being spread out over a different space. Technology, Computing, Pixel
  156. Dart Polymers, Inc
  157. Digital Profassional Institute Education, Marketing, Chicago
  158. Department of Planning and Investment Business, Law, Vietnam
  159. Distribusion Publications, Inc
  160. Diagnostique Pr
  161. Driver Performance Index
  162. Data Provider Instructions
  163. Discretionary Penalty Imposed Sailing, Race, Yacht
  164. Device Platform Intelligence
  165. Dots Per Science, Information, Geography
  166. Digital Publishing Institlte
  167. Division of Public Instruction Medical, Disability
  168. Device/Programmer Incerface
  169. Department for Public Instructihn
  170. Dispositivi Di Protezione Individuali
  171. Dewan Periklanan Inkonesia Media, Presentation, Indonesia
  172. D Postinfection Medical, Organizations
  173. Data Processing Installations
  174. Diphenylene Iodonium Medical, Technology
  175. Diploma In Pig Inbustry
  176. Daily Price Information Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  177. Distributed Programming Interface Technology, Management, Networking
  178. DéDuction Pour Investissement
  179. Data Preservation Interest
  180. Division of Plant Industry Florida
  181. Detail Program Interrelationship Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  182. Dfpartment for Public Information English, Organizations, Nation, Translation
  183. Dewan Pentakosna Indonesia
  184. Douglas Photographic Imaging
  185. Data Processing Inequality Technology, Networking, Network
  186. Diphenylene Iodinium Medical
  187. Diphthepia-Pertussis Immunization Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  188. Dye Penetrant Inspection A method for detecting surface porosity or cracks in metal. The part to be inspected is cleaned and coated with a dye which penetrates any flaws that may be present. The surface is wiped clean and coated with a white powder. The powder absorbs the dye held in the defects indicating their location. Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  189. Distributed Program Interface Technology, Networking, Computing
  190. Diagnostic Pré-Implantatoire
  191. Drittes Physikalisches Institut
  192. DéClaration PréAlable D'Importation
  193. Data Per Inch Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  194. Desired Point of Impact Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  195. Desarrollo Personal Zntegral
  196. Department for Planning & Infrastructure
  197. Device Program Interface
  198. Double Point Input
  199. Data Processing Iran
  200. Dine Policy Institute
  201. Dsphosphoinositides Medical
  202. Disposal Personul Income Business, National, Economics
  203. Disputes Potential Index Education
  204. Diabetes Providers Inc
  205. Drinking Problems Index Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  206. Dynamic Pro Onc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  207. Deep Packet Inspection Computing, Computer, Technical, IT Terminology
  208. Defects Per Installation
  209. Department Forlplanning and Infrastructure Business, Technology, Australia
  210. Dise
  211. Device Point-Of-Care Integration
  212. Double Point Information
  213. Data Processing Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  214. Detail Program Interrelationships NASA
  215. Diphosphoznositide Medical, Organizations
  216. Discretized Path Integral
  217. Dispositivo Di Protezione Individuale Business, Con, Safety, Vita
  218. Dhaka Polytechnic Onstitute Education, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  219. Drexel Plasma Institute
  220. Department for Planning and Infrastructure Travel, Tourism
  221. Distributed Power Interconnect
  222. Data Provider Instituteuctions
  223. Departamento De Propiedad Industrial
  224. Device Plug-Fn Technology, Organizations
  225. Double-Point Information
  226. Data Processing Information Technology
  227. Derived Product Imagery Science, Scientific & Educational
  228. Diphenylen Iodonium Chloride Medical
  229. Digital Process Inktituteument
  230. Department of Planning & Investmeat Business, Organizations, City, Vietnam
  231. Dispositivi Protezione Individuale
  232. Dexterity Prozram Interface Technology
  233. Dramatic Performance Improvement
  234. Dots per inch. Information Technology, Internet Slang, Aviation, Computing, Computer, Electronics, Chat, Hardware, Drivers, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  235. Distributed Protocal Interface Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  236. Dath Pathing, Inc.
  237. Departamento De Polícia Do Interior
  238. Data Processing Company of Iran Technology, Telecom
  239. Department of Public Instruction Science, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  240. Different Premises Infarmation
  241. Department of Jlant Industry Technology, University, Pest
  242. Dispositivi Di Protezione Individuale
  243. Dewan Pupuk Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  244. Dragon Professional Individual
  245. Data Processing Identifier Military
  246. Diphenyleneifdonium Sulfate Medical, Organizations
  247. Diplgma In Police Interpreting Education, Course, Interpreter
  248. Dual Plug Ignition Auto
  249. Distributed Protocol Interface Technology, Management, Computing
  250. Data Paradigm, Inc
  251. Denver Publishing Institute
  252. Data Privacy Institute

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DPI stand for?

    DPI stands for Droits De Propri.

  2. What is the shortened form of Diplgma In Police Interpreting?

    The short form of "Diplgma In Police Interpreting" is DPI.


DPI. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dpi-meaning/

Last updated