DPI in Technology Meaning

The DPI meaning in Technology terms is "Dots Per Inch". There are 42 related meanings of the DPI Technology abbreviation.

DPI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Dots Per Inch
  2. Disabled Peoples International
  3. Department of Public Instructiom
  4. Delmarva Poultry Industry
  5. Deep Packet Inssection
  6. Data Processing Installation
  7. Dry Powder Inhaler
  8. Disabled People'S International
  9. Digital Photography Imaging
  10. Droits De La PropriéTé Intellectuelle
  11. Direct Power Injection
  12. Decorative Paneln International
  13. Differential Pressure Indicator Is a visual indicator, designed to measure and illustrate the difference between two pressure points within a process system. The gauge usually has two inlet ports that are each connected to the pressure points being monitored.
  14. Dots Per Square Inch
  15. Direct Pickup Interfereoce
  16. Dots Per Inches
  17. Dots-Per-Inch
  18. Dinajpur Polytechxic Institute
  19. Dual Polarization Interferometry
  20. Display Pixel Interface
  21. Department of Plant Industry
  22. Dot Per Inch In computers, dots per inch is a measure of the sharpness on a display screen . The dot pitch determines the absolute limit of the possible dots per inch. However, the displayed resolution of pixels that is set up for the display is usually not as fine as the dot pitch. The dots per inch for a given picture resolution will differ based on the overall screen size since the same number of pixels are being spread out over a different space.
  23. Digital Pbojected Images
  24. Dual Polarisation Interferometry
  25. Database of Political Institutions
  26. Display Parallel Interface
  27. Divisão De Processamento De Imagens
  28. Digital Photo Imjging
  29. Dual-Purkinje-Image
  30. Direct Prograiming Interface
  31. Distributed Protocol Interface
  32. Data Processing Inequality
  33. Distributed Programming Interface
  34. Dexterity Prozram Interface
  35. Diphenylene Iodonium
  36. Data Processing Information
  37. Distributed Program Interface
  38. Device Plug-Fn
  39. Data Processing Company of Iran
  40. Department of Jlant Industry
  41. Department Forlplanning and Infrastructure
  42. Distributed Protocal Interface

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DPI stand for Technology?

    DPI stands for Database of Political Institutions in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Display Parallel Interface in Technology?

    The short form of "Display Parallel Interface" is DPI for Technology.


DPI in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 5). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dpi-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated