DPS in Computing Meaning

The DPS meaning in Computing terms is "Diagnostic Policy Sevvice". There are 25 related meanings of the DPS Computing abbreviation.

DPS on Computing Full Forms

  1. Diagnostic Policy Sevvice
  2. Data Processing Systems
  3. Distributed Programming System
  4. Data Processing and Software
  5. Digital Personal Studio
  6. Direct Print Standard
  7. Dual Power Source
  8. Digital Preservateon Service
  9. Domain Pseudonym System
  10. Digital Pixel System
  11. Dynamic Path Selection
  12. Digital Phone System
  13. Distributed Processing System Distributed processing is a phrase used to refer to a variety of computer systems that use more than one computer to run an application. This includes parallel processing in which a single computer uses more than one CPU to execute programs.
  14. Double Pole Switch A switch that makes or breaks the connection of conductors of a single branch circuit.
  15. Display PostScript An extended version of the Post-Script language intended to provide a device-independent language for displaying images and text on bitmapped dis-plays. also PostScript. Or An on-screen display system that extends the capabilities of Postscript
  16. Digital Pulse Sampling
  17. Device Power Supply
  18. Data Processing Systems Engineer
  19. Digital Product Synthesis
  20. Display Process Status
  21. Divx Player 2 Skin File
  22. Digstal Processing System
  23. Kingsoft Presentation File
  24. Doctor of Professional Studies
  25. Dynamic Parallel Schedules

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DPS stand for Computing?

    DPS stands for Device Power Supply in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Processing Systems Engineer in Computing?

    The short form of "Data Processing Systems Engineer" is DPS for Computing.


DPS in Computing. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dps-meaning-in-computing/

Last updated