DPT Meaning

The DPT meaning is "Days Past Transfer". The DPT abbreviation has 141 different full form.

DPT Full Forms

  1. Days Past Transfer Medical, Infertility, Pregnancy, Embryo
  2. Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Medical, Health
  3. Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Medical, Nursing, Vaccine, Pharmacy, Clinical, Common Medical
  4. Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Diphtheria, Common Medical
  5. Division of Pharmacologic Therapies Medical, Drug, Treatment, Addiction
  6. Diverted Profits Tax Business, Company, Government
  7. Days Post-Transfer Medical, Infertility, Pregnancy
  8. Daftar Pemilih Tetap Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  9. Doctor of Physical Therapy Academic Degree, Medical, Program, Education, Health Care, Doctor's Name, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  10. Doctor of Practical Theology Academic Degree, Education, Doctorate, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  11. Diamond Point Turning Film, Technology, Patent
  12. Direct Perturbation Theory Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  13. Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program, Education, University
  14. Dye Penetration Test Technology, Service, Testing
  15. Divisijnsion of Pharmacologic Therapies Medical
  16. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Medical, Medicine, Research, Education
  17. Doctor Physscal Therapy Medical, Program, University
  18. Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
  19. Diphenylthiazole Medical, Organizations
  20. Department of Public Transportation
  21. Diploma In Plastics Technology Education, Institute, Engineering
  22. Durability Proof Test Technology
  23. Devlet Planlama Tekilat
  24. Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Vaccination, Diphtheria
  25. Dial Pulse Terminate Technology, Access, Networking, Interface, Computing, Telecom
  26. Director of Programming and Training
  27. Doctoral of Physical Therapy Education, University, Doctor
  28. Division of Property Taxation
  29. Department of Personnel Training
  30. Doctor In Physical Therapy Program, Education, University
  31. Diphtheria Pertusis Tetanus
  32. Dioptase Mineral, Geology, Component
  33. Diskette Parameter Table Technology, Boot, Disk, Sector
  34. Department of Parking and Traffic Transportation, Locations, City
  35. Diphtheritic Pseudotabes Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  36. Dupont Polyester Technologies
  37. Devlet Planlama TeşKilatı Turkish, Program
  38. Diphtheria,Pertussis & Tetanus
  39. Multiple Carboxylase Deficiency Medical, Newborn, Screening
  40. Dial Pulse Terminating Technology, Access, Telecom
  41. Director of Plans and Training Military, Organizations, Army
  42. Division of Physical Therapy Program, Education, University
  43. Diverted Profit Tax Business, Company, Budget
  44. Doctorates In Physical Therapy
  45. Dilute Prothrombin Time Medical
  46. Discharge Pressure Transducer
  47. Department of Physical Therapy Program, Education, University
  48. Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus - Dpt Vaccine Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  49. Double Patterning Techniques
  50. Devlet Planlama Teskilati
  51. Diphteria Pertussis Tetanus Medical, Health, Japan, Vaccine
  52. Devlet Planlama TeşKilatıNca
  53. Director of Physician Training
  54. Department of Personnel & Training Business, Government, Organizations, India, Ecology, Biodiversity
  55. Doctorate In Physical Therapy Program, Education, University
  56. Digital Pulse Termination Technology, Telecom
  57. Dirty Page Table Software, Computing
  58. Degree Physical Therapy
  59. Diptheria Pertussis Tetanus
  60. Double Patterning Technology
  61. Devlet Planlama TeşKilat
  62. Diphteria, Pertussis and Tetanus
  63. Deputatsky Airport Airport, Locations
  64. Devlet Planlama TeşKilatıNıN Turkish, Planning
  65. Director of Physical Therapy Medical, Medicine, Education
  66. Dieng Plateau Theatre Locations, Tourism, Trip
  67. Direct Push Technologies Business, Technology, Environment
  68. Davy Process Technology Chemistry, Technology, Chemical
  69. Diptheria-Pertussis-Tetanus Medical, Medicine
  70. Double Pass Thru
  71. Device Parameter Table
  72. Diphteria, Pertussis, Tetanus
  73. Depth Of boat, is vertical distance from level of gunwale to keel. Of flag, measure of its vertical length More usually termed its 'breadth'. Shipping, Architectural, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Electrical
  74. Diploma In Plumbing Technician
  75. Devlet Planlama TeÞKilatÝ
  76. Depart Leave, especially in order to start a journey. Business, Military, Tourism, Hospitality, Aviation, Travel, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  77. Dichotic Pitch Discrimination Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  78. Direct Push Technology Technology, Service, Environment
  79. Data Processing Terminal Science
  80. Doctoral Physical Therapy Program, Education, Therapist
  81. Dorsal Pontine Tegmentum Medical
  82. Deutsche Poker Tour
  83. Diphenyltin Medical
  84. Deployable Proficiency Trainer Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  85. Diploma In Plastic Technology Education, Institute, Engineering
  86. Devlet Planlama TeşKilato
  87. House Dust Mite Medical, Medicine, Health, Allergy, Asthma, Healthcare
  88. Degenerate Perturbation Theory Chemistry
  89. Disk Parameter Table Technology, Calling, Drive
  90. Dynamic Penetration Test Technology, Soil, Drilling
  91. Differential Pressure Transmitters
  92. Distributed Processing Technologies Technology, Driving, Driver
  93. Derosa Physical Therapy
  94. Double Protective Treatment Business & Finance, International business
  95. Ductile-Phase Toughening
  96. Kingsoft Presentation Template Computing, File Extensions
  97. Dynamic Penetrometer Test
  98. Diptheria, Polio, Tetanus Medical
  99. Distributed Processing Technology Technology, Internet Slang, Driving, Governmental & Military
  100. Dermatopontin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Skin And Dermal
  101. Ductile-Phase Toughened
  102. Department of Personnel and Training Government, Organizations, Us, India, Control, Administration
  103. Desktop Products and Technologies
  104. Replaced by use of DTP. See DTP for description Medical, Vaccine
  105. Dynamic Packet Transfer Technology
  106. Differential pressure transmitter The Finance and Administrative Services
  107. Dissatisfied Parents Together Medical, Vaccine, Vaccination
  108. Derechos Para Todos
  109. Device Protection Technology Technology, Android, Atom
  110. Dispatcher Parameter Table
  111. Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Immunization Medical, Organizations
  112. Design Prototyping Technologies Business, Technology, Service
  113. demerol-phenergan-thorazine Medical, Common Medical
  114. Dynamic Packet Transport Technology, Dynamics, Cisco, Computing, Telecom
  115. Dew point temperature The temperature at which condensation begins, if air is cooled at constant pressure. The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  116. Disposable Pressure Transducer Medical, Business, Blood
  117. Dynamic Pile Testing
  118. Differential Polarization Telegraphy
  119. Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Diphtheria
  120. Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy, Vaccine, Jobs
  121. District Planning Team Medicine, Health, British
  122. Design Proof Test Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  123. Daily Pwn Team Media
  124. Dye Pentrant Test Science
  125. WV Division of Public Transit  Disability
  126. Dispersive Polymer Technology Business, Oil, Engine, Premium
  127. Dynamic Phase Transition Medical
  128. Diesel Power Tuning
  129. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus Medical, Health, Vaccine, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  130. Distribution-Preserving Tomlinson Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  131. Desarrollo Participativo De Tecnolog
  132. Divinely Professional Therapist Funnies
  133. Dye Penetration Testing
  134. Diffuse Phase Transition Chemistry
  135. Disk Partition Table The terms partition table and partition map are most commonly associated with the MBR partition table of a Master Boot Record in IBM PC compatibles, but it may be used generically to refer to other "formats" that divide a disk drive into partitions, such as: GUID Partition Table, Apple partition map, or BSD disklabel. Technology, Windows, Boot
  136. Dynamic Penetration Testing Technology, Investigation, Soil
  137. Diagnostic Pressure Tap
  138. Diphtheria, Pertusis, Tetanus Medical, India, Vaccine, Immunization
  139. Distributed Processing Tech
  140. Desarrollo Participativo De TecnologíAs
  141. Deeper Pool Test Electrical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DPT stand for?

    DPT stands for Doctorate In Physical Therapy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Doctoral of Physical Therapy?

    The short form of "Doctoral of Physical Therapy" is DPT.


DPT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dpt-meaning/

Last updated