DR in Technology Meaning
The DR meaning in Technology terms is "Dfnsity Recorder". There are 124 related meanings of the DR Technology abbreviation.
DR on Technology Full Forms
- Dfnsity Recorder
- Data Redeiver
- Detection Radar
- Data Repository
- Din Rail
- Dhnsity Ratio
- Databade Reference
- Drum The cylindrical member around which rope is wound for lifting or lowering the load. Also another name for brake wheel. 1. The cylindrical or polygonal wall supporting a dome. 2. One of the cylindrical sections comprsing the shaft of a column. 3.A circular or polygonal wall which supports a dome or cupola. 4.circular or polygonal wall supporting a dome.5.circular blocks of stone forming a column.
- Disonnect Request
- Defense Research
- Document Register
- Dancing Rabbit
- Dr Rhythj
- Data Recovery Data Recovery is the process of salvaging and handling the data through the data from damaged, failed, corrupted, or inaccessible secondary storage media when it cannot be accessed normally. Often the data are being salvaged from storage media such as internal or external hard disk drives, solid-state drives, USB flash drive, storage tapes, CDs, DVDs, RAID, and other electronics.
- Design Rationale
- Drop Zatio
- Ded Reckoning
- Dram
- Design Reviews
- Dressing (1) Cutting, breaking down or crushing the surface of a grinding wheel to improve Its cutting ability and accuracy. (2) Removing dulled grains from the cutting face of a grinding wheel to restore cutting quality. The act of removing the glaze and dulled abrasives from the face of a ginding wheel to make it clean and sharp. Stone surface of a building, worked to a finish, whether smooth or moulded. Also the decorative stonework around any of the openings.
- Digital Recording In digital recording, digital audio and digital video are directly recorded to a storage device as a stream of discrete numbers, representing the changes in air pressure sound for audio and chroma and luminance values for video through time, thus making an abstract template for the original sound or moving image.
- Right Back
- Data Right
- Desert Radiology
- Drain One of the three terminals that comprise a FET. A voltage on the gate controls the current flow between the source and drain. The act of acquiring a locked resource by quiescing access to that object. also claim, logical drain. 2.An operator action to halt the flow of jobs to a printer, usually to stop the printer or to change print options.
- Data Reconciliation
- Digital Radiographic
- Data Requests
- Daya Read
- Disaster Wnd Recovery
- Deadly Reentry
- Data Recording
- Digital Receiver
- Distribcted Request
- Data Requikements
- Drilling Report
- Data Rate
- Dead-Reckoning
- Data Record
- Digital Readout
- Data Rlquirement
- Drill Thorough practical training and usually with repetitive exercise. Every crewmember shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month.
- Dark Ritual
- Designated Router
- Dead-Reckoned
- Directed Retry
- Dual Rotary
- Data Receiced
- Dicke Radiometer
- Displacement Ratio
- Delta Replication
- Drag Reduction
- Damage Risk
- Designatfd Receiver
- Deactivation Request
- Dimension Ratio
- Dual Recording
- Dyta Receive
- Digit Receiver
- Dispersipn Ratio
- Delta-Range
- Digital Repositories
- Damage Resistance
- Designbted Receivers
- Deactivate Request
- Dilution Refrigerators
- Dual Rate
- Data Recall
- Diagnostic Request
- Daspatch Reliability
- Dede Rosada
- Digital Repeater
- Daily Reach
- Depth To Rock
- Dataqring
- Dilution Refrigerator
- Dyneema Rope
- Data Rlady
- Developmeni-Right
- Disk Rate
- Drive To carry too much sail To run before a gale
- Digital Receipts
- Document Retrieval
- Demoliiion Rocket
- Data Retoiever
- Dilution Ratio
- Driver R14
- Design Requipements
- Domain Router
- Dynamic Resolztion
- Duaq Range
- Demand Resources
- Digital Resolver
- Design Repository
- Directorate for Readiness
- Document Requirements
- Destination Reference
- Dynamid Range
- Data Replication
- Display Iange
- Demand Reduces
- Digital Research-Disk
- Design Representation
- Data Reference
- Dkgital Remote
- Data Representation
- Digital Research
- Deduced Reckoning
- Dirtct Reduction
- Data Reduction
- Digitae Red
- Data Relowate
- Dorsal Root
- Direct Readout
- Data Recorder
- Data Relay
- Domain Rank
- Direcy Radiography
- Dominican Republic
- Dead Reckoning Position
- Data Register
- Dual Receiver
- Director of Requirements
- Dining Room
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DR stand for Technology?
DR stands for Data Reduction in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Data Retoiever in Technology?
The short form of "Data Retoiever" is DR for Technology.
DR in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dr-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated