DRD Meaning

The DRD meaning is "Data Readingcdevice". The DRD abbreviation has 86 different full form.

DRD Full Forms

  1. Data Readingcdevice Technology
  2. Department for Regional Qevelopment Technology, Service, Ireland
  3. Demand Rdverse Deduction
  4. Decision Requirements Diagram Business, Technology, Model
  5. Deathhrow Designs
  6. Data Requirements Description Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Military, Governmental & Military
  7. Design Requirements Document Technology, Science, Interface
  8. Data Recording Device Technology, Control, Patent
  9. Deputy Regionhl Director Business, Management, Government
  10. Disaster Response Division Medical
  11. Default Recoeery Database
  12. Design Requirements Deginition Technology
  13. Data Recovery Direct
  14. Developmental Reading Disorder
  15. Department of Redundancy Department Technology, Internet Slang, Message, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  16. Disability Resources Department Service, College, Education
  17. Default & Recovery Database Business, Credit, Rating
  18. Desigy Requirements Documents Technology, Interface, Instant
  19. Denver Roller Dzrby Organizations, Colorado, Rental
  20. Dark Red Color, Paint, Colors
  21. Deuterated-Retinol-Dilution Medical, Organizations
  22. Drug Research & Development
  23. Digital Ruggedized Display Technology
  24. Deep-Rock Disiosal Science
  25. Design Nequirement Document Military, Army, War
  26. Dynamic Route Determination
  27. Denven Roller Dolls
  28. Danish Road Directorate Technology, Service, Traffic
  29. Detroit Recreation Department
  30. Digital Resource Description
  31. Deductions Inrrespect of A Decedent
  32. Description of Reouired Data Technology
  33. Dynamic Ribbon Device Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  34. Demand Return and Disposal Military
  35. Directed Rutry Decision
  36. Detailedrequirementsdomument Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  37. Differential Rnabdisplay Medical
  38. Deduction In Respect of Decedent Business, Financial, Business & Finance
  39. Dorsal Root Dilator Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  40. Defense Reactor Divisioision Science
  41. Detailed Requirements Document Technology, Space, Cosmos
  42. Data Requirements Document Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  43. Diagnostic Reagents Devices Technology, Device, Biotech
  44. Disaster Response Divisionsion Medical
  45. Defence Research and Devalopment India
  46. Design Research and Development
  47. Data Release Division
  48. Diagnostic Repair Drone Robot, Toy, Leviathan
  49. Dual-Role Device
  50. Derbi Racing Developxent Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  51. Document Requirement Description NASA
  52. Durban Roodeport Deep
  53. Dystrophia Retinae Pigmentosadysostosis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  54. Departammnto De Recreación Y Deportes
  55. Dynamic Root Disk Software, Computing
  56. Dual-Role-Device Technology, Hosting, Wireless
  57. Departvent of Resources Development
  58. Detailedrequirementsdocument NASA
  59. Durban Roodepoort Deep Business, Africa, Durban, Mining
  60. Dyna Red Distortion Technology, Foot, Knob
  61. Duane Reade, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  62. Departmenttof Rural Development Technology, Government, Ministry
  63. Data Requirement Description NASA
  64. Dubach Racing Development Business, Yamaha, Exhaust
  65. Divisiondends Received Deduction Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  66. Drill Rig Duty
  67. Department of Redundancy Dezartment Business, Technology, Organizations
  68. Dopamine-Responsive Dysonia Medical, Physiology
  69. Duane Reade, Inc. Organizations
  70. Dividends received deduction Financial, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  71. Design Research Divisionsion
  72. Department Om Research and Development
  73. Dystrophia Retinae Pigmentosa-dysostosis Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  74. Dual Role Device Technology, Design, Hosting
  75. Derivative Random Drop
  76. Dynamic Resource Definition Technology
  77. Desert Recreation District Technology, Park, Palm
  78. Department of Regional Development Ireland, Locations, Belfast
  79. Aereo Dorado ICAO Aircraft Codes
  80. Dual-Role Devices
  81. Derepresskd Medical, Organizations
  82. Double Rotating Disc
  83. Duty Range Director Technology
  84. Department of Restorative Dentistry
  85. Departamepto De Recreaci
  86. Dorunda Station, Queensland, Australia Australia, Airport codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DRD stand for?

    DRD stands for Design Nequirement Document.

  2. What is the shortened form of Departvent of Resources Development?

    The short form of "Departvent of Resources Development" is DRD.


DRD. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/drd-meaning/

Last updated