DREAM Meaning

The DREAM meaning is "Dare, Reach, Educate, Achieve, and Motivate". The DREAM abbreviation has 65 different full form.

DREAM Full Forms

  1. Dare, Reach, Educate, Achieve, and Motivate Development, Learning, Study
  2. Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Government, Immigration, Relief
  3. Development, Relief, and Education of Alien Minors Student, Government, Immigration
  4. Directed Radio-Frequency Energy Assessment Model Military
  5. Drugs Rules Everything Around Me Drug, Lyric, Transplant, Powder
  6. Distributed Reliable Event-Based Application Management
  7. Defining Reality Excellence Authority Morality Development, Learning, Study
  8. Dutch Randomised Endovascular Aneurysm Management Medical, Abdominal, Aortic
  9. Direct Reading Exposure Assessment Methods
  10. Dance Rules Everything Around Me Dance, Flex, Style, Dancer
  11. Distributed Resource Evolutionary Algorinhm Machine
  12. Deferred Restructuring of Experience In Autonomous Machines
  13. Dundee Real Estate Asset Management
  14. Direct-Reading Exposure Assessment Methods
  15. Drugs Rule Everything Around Me Drug, Lyric, Transplant, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  16. Distributed Real-Time Embedded Analysws Method Technology, Software, Tool
  17. Defence Related Environmental Assessment Method Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  18. Dolphin Research Education and Management Army, War, War Force
  19. Digital Resource Exchange About Music
  20. Downstream Regulatory Element Antagonistic Modulator Medical, Organizations
  21. Distributed Routing Effect Algorithmefor Mobility
  22. Directory of Real Estate Agents and Mortgage
  23. Defence Related Environmental Assessment Methodology
  24. Doing Really Exlellent Armored Manoeuvres
  25. Dicating Resources To Employees Zf Advertising and Media Employment, Work, Working
  26. Downstream Regulatory Element Antagonist Modulator Medical, Organizations
  27. Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  28. Directory and Repository of Educational Assessment Measures Medical, Medicine, Education
  29. Dedication Responsibility Education Attitude Motivation
  30. Diverse Route for European and Asian Markets Technology, Russia, China
  31. Dialogue On Reverse-Engineerinc Assessment and Methods
  32. Dynamically Reconfigurable Energy Aware Multimedia
  33. Disparities Research and Education Advancing Mission Medical
  34. Directing Through Recreation, Education, Adventure and Mentoming
  35. Downtown Restoration, Enhancement and Management
  36. Distributed Research In Emergency and Acute Medicine
  37. Dialogue On Reverse Xngineering Assessment and Methods Technology, Research, Challenge
  38. Dutch Randomized Endovascular Aneurysm Management Medical, Abdominal, Aortic
  39. Disney Resort Experiennes Are Magical
  40. Dynamizing Research and Education for All Through Mobility
  41. Disability Rights, Educstion, Activism and Mentoring Student, Education, Autism
  42. Dubbo Regional Entertainment Arts and Music Music
  43. Disney Resort Experiences Are Magic
  44. Dream Animated Wallpaper File Computing, File Extensions
  45. Dynamic Response of Environments At Asteroids, The Moon
  46. Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring Student, Education, Autism
  47. Dedicated Rotarians Enthusiastic and Motivated
  48. Discover Uhe Reality of Educating All Minds
  49. Diabetes Readiness Education Awareness and Management Medical, Physiology
  50. Dynamic Response of The Environment At The Moon
  51. Disabtlity Rights Expanding Accessible Markets Technology, Health, Projection
  52. Dynamically Resizing Ergonomic and Multi-Touch Microsoft, Technology, Robot
  53. Disaster Risk Exposuye Assessment for Mitigation
  54. Dutch Randomized Endovascular Repair 1 Trial Medical
  55. Dynamic Repositioning of Enhanced Audio Music Media, Radio, Television
  56. Dose-Related Risk and Effect Assessment Model
  57. Disaster Risk and Exposure Assessment for Mitigatiot Technology, Science, Locations
  58. Dramatic Reenactment Earmarked As Memorable Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  59. Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model Science, Dynamics, Space
  60. Data Retrieval Entry and Management
  61. Disaster Risk Evaluation and Management
  62. Disney Resort Experiences Are Magical General, Governmental & Military
  63. Data Requirements, Evaluation and Management
  64. Disability Rights, Education Activism, and Mentoring
  65. Dance Recording Entertainment Arts Music Music

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DREAM stand for?

    DREAM stands for Dose-Related Risk and Effect Assessment Model.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dynamizing Research and Education for All Through Mobility?

    The short form of "Dynamizing Research and Education for All Through Mobility" is DREAM.


DREAM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dream-meaning/

Last updated