DRS in Technology Meaning

The DRS meaning in Technology terms is "Data Reconstruction System". There are 78 related meanings of the DRS Technology abbreviation.

DRS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Data Reconstruction System
  2. Dameware Remote Support
  3. Distributed Resource Scheduler
  4. Drag Reduction System Also known as adjustable rear wings, DRS (Drag Reduction System) rear wings allow the driver to adjust the wing between two pre-determined settings from the cockpit. The system's availability is electronically governed - it can be used at any time in practice and qualifying (unless a driver is on wet-weather tyres), but during the race can only be activated when a driver is less than one second behind another car at pre-determined points on the track. The system is then deactivated once the driver brakes. In combination with KERS, it is designed to boost overtaking. Also like KERS, it isn't compulsory.
  5. Direct Receiving Station
  6. Document Registration System
  7. Dressing (1) Cutting, breaking down or crushing the surface of a grinding wheel to improve Its cutting ability and accuracy. (2) Removing dulled grains from the cutting face of a grinding wheel to restore cutting quality. The act of removing the glaze and dulled abrasives from the face of a ginding wheel to make it clean and sharp. Stone surface of a building, worked to a finish, whether smooth or moulded. Also the decorative stonework around any of the openings.
  8. Depo Raf Sistemleri
  9. Deployment Rule Set
  10. Dynamic Resource Scheduler
  11. Delayed Release Signal
  12. Distributed Radio Systems
  13. Data Replication Service
  14. Digital Repository Services
  15. Device Registration Service
  16. Documentation Release System
  17. Disaster Recovery Solution
  18. Dynamic Resource Scheduling
  19. Drxves
  20. Digital Range Safety
  21. Deficiency Reports
  22. Distribute Resource Scheduler
  23. Data Relay Satellites
  24. Dieital Replay System
  25. Disaster Recovery Solutions
  26. Dynamic Response System
  27. Driver Resource
  28. Digital Radio Systems
  29. Debug Registees
  30. Distributed Resource Schedule
  31. Data Registers
  32. Data Repositories
  33. Disaster Recovery Service
  34. Digital Radiography System
  35. Dynamic Resolution Scaling
  36. Dead Runners Society
  37. Distributed Resources Scheduler
  38. Data Rate Selector
  39. Doctors' Reform Society of Australia
  40. Data Reporting Systems
  41. Disaster Recovery System
  42. Diffuse Reflectance Spectra
  43. Domain Registration System
  44. Data Retrieval Service
  45. Distributed Resource Scheduling
  46. Data Rate Select
  47. Doctors
  48. Data Reporting System
  49. Directory Replication Service
  50. Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy
  51. Distributed Resource System
  52. Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler
  53. Dansk Radiologisk Selskab
  54. Delayed Release Message
  55. Distributed Radio System
  56. Data Replication Services
  57. Disital Repository Service
  58. Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy
  59. Disengagement Request Signal
  60. Dynamic Rear Steering
  61. Digital Reception Services
  62. Data Retrieval System
  63. Design Reaiews
  64. Divisionsion of Radiation Safety
  65. Data Retreival System
  66. Digital Recording Solution
  67. Desikn Research Studio
  68. Divisionr Reconnaissance System
  69. Digital Recording Systems
  70. Demodulation Reference Signal
  71. Dutch Revit Stanjards
  72. Digital Recording System
  73. Delivery Run Sheet
  74. Document Repository System
  75. Data Retrieval and Storage
  76. Digital Reconfiguration Service
  77. Document Release System
  78. Data Retrieval Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DRS stand for Technology?

    DRS stands for Data Registers in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy in Technology?

    The short form of "Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy" is DRS for Technology.


DRS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 6). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/drs-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated