DRY in Coding Meaning

The DRY meaning in Coding terms is "Do Repeat Yourself". There are 4 related meanings of the DRY Coding abbreviation.

DRY on Coding Full Forms

  1. Do Repeat Yourself
  2. Dont Repeat Yourself
  3. Don'T Repeat Yourself
  4. Do Not Repeat Yourself "Don't repeat yourself" (DRY, or "don't repeat yourself") is a software development principle that aims to reduce program pattern recurrence by employing abstractions or data standardization to minimize redundancy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DRY stand for Coding?

    DRY stands for Do Not Repeat Yourself in Coding terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Don'T Repeat Yourself in Coding?

    The short form of "Don'T Repeat Yourself" is DRY for Coding.


DRY in Coding. Acronym24.com. (2021, November 28). Retrieved June 1, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/dry-meaning-in-coding/

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