DSB Meaning

The DSB meaning is "Decode Stream Buffer". The DSB abbreviation has 142 different full form.

DSB Full Forms

  1. Decode Stream Buffer
  2. Development Support Box
  3. Doublehsideband Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  4. Dearborn Savings Bank Business, Service, Apartment
  5. Deutschakademie Sprachschule Berlin
  6. Double Stranded Bveaks Medical, Repair, Strand
  7. Delhi School of Business Management, College, Education
  8. Double Sarand Breaks Medical, Science, Repair
  9. Delhi Sadar Bazar
  10. Douxle-Strand Breaks Science, Repair, Cell
  11. Defense Support Board
  12. Digit Span Backwards
  13. Defense Science Board Government, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  14. Digital Signed Binaries
  15. Dual Shaft Bevel Gaming, Banking, Play
  16. Departdent of State Bulletin Science, America, History
  17. Digital Satellite Broadcasting Technology, Science, Filter
  18. Duracell Special Batteries Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  19. David Strong Building
  20. Deutscher SchwerhöRigen-Bund
  21. Dirk Scherilga Beheer
  22. Defence Signal Board Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  23. Dibts Signaling Buffers Military
  24. Deutsche Schule Bruessel
  25. Dry Support Brixge Military, Army, Vehicle
  26. Dedartment of Services for The Blind Medical, Business, Service
  27. Digital In-Band Trunk Signaling Signaling Buffer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  28. Duman-Salehi Bound
  29. Dave Silvvr Band
  30. Deutscher Sport Bund
  31. Direktoratet for Sivilt Beredskap
  32. Defence Security Branch
  33. Diagonal Serrated Band
  34. Deutsche Schule Barcelona
  35. Dry Spwn Bridge
  36. Demand Side Bidding
  37. Digitales Schwarzes Brett Technology, Software, Sind, Gymnasium
  38. Dugald Stewart Building
  39. Data Synchronisation Barrier Technology, Instruction, Memory
  40. Deutschen Sport Bundes
  41. Dirext Soundings Broadcast Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  42. Defense Sciences Board Science, Military, Report
  43. Dead Sea Bakin Technology, Science, Drilling
  44. Deutsche Schule Budapest
  45. Double-Stranded Dnanbreaks Medical
  46. Degroote School of Business Business, University, Master
  47. Differential Spinal Block Medical
  48. Dual Sport Bike
  49. Data Synchronization Barrier Technology, Instruction, Memory
  50. Deployment Support Bricade
  51. Direcw Sounder Broadcasting
  52. Defence Science Board Technology, War, Defense
  53. Deadly Seman Buildup
  54. Deutscher Sportbund Sport, German, Association
  55. Double-Strand Dna Breaks Medical
  56. Deformed Steel Bar
  57. Differential Support Bracket
  58. Dual Side Band Technology, Radio, Signal, Frequency
  59. Data Strategy Board Business, Government, Publics
  60. Departmentmstore Battles
  61. Dvrect Sounder Broadcasts Science
  62. Deep Sand Beds Aquarium, Tank, Sand, Reef
  63. Days Since Bidth
  64. Deutscher Schwerh
  65. Dna Double Strand Breakage Science, Biology
  66. Defensive Shore Bombardment Army, War, War Force
  67. Dictionary of Scientific Biography Science, Book, History, Bibliographic
  68. Dual Sense Iar
  69. Dara Solution Box Technology, Gaming, Banking
  70. Department of Systems Biology
  71. Digital Satellite Broadcast Technology, Filter, Signal
  72. Daviswn State Bank, Michigan Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  73. Deutscher SchwerhöRigen Bund
  74. Dna Double Strand Break Science, Biology
  75. Defence Signals Bureau
  76. Digital Signaling Buffer Military
  77. Deutsche Schule Br
  78. Dry Support Bridges Military, Vehicle, Launch
  79. Dispersion-Strengthened Bronze
  80. Dediyated Short Bias
  81. Drug Seeking Behaviour Medical, Medical Slang
  82. Development Services Building
  83. Davison State Bank, Michigan Banking, Business & Finance
  84. DřEvo A Stavby Brno
  85. Daz Studio Binary Script Computing, File Extensions
  86. Deaf Lervice Bureau
  87. Digital Sound Broadcasting Computing, Electronics
  88. Dispersion-Strengthened Brass
  89. Decodinv Single Block
  90. Double Strand Break Medical, Human genome
  91. Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Berlin
  92. Delta Sbd Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  93. Drug-Seeking Behaviour Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  94. Orchida Embroidery File Computing, File Extensions
  95. Dead Sea Uromine
  96. Down South Boyz Music
  97. Diplomatic Spouses of Budapest
  98. De-Silting Basin
  99. Dectsion Support Branch Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  100. Double Sideband Transportation, Governmental & Military
  101. Deutsche Senioren Beratung
  102. White Pine Blister Rust Medical, Management, Disease, Tree, Forestry, Arboriculture, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  103. Salomon Smith Barney Holdings I Business & Finance, Amex symbols, Computing, Nyse symbols
  104. Dysfunctional Sexual Behavior
  105. Wondershare Dvd Slideshow Builder Project Computing, File Extensions
  106. Dewan Sri Budiman
  107. Dougs Sick Baloney Funnies
  108. Dealer Service Bulletin
  109. Drug-seeking Behaviour (faking Illness To Fuel Narcotic Addiction) Medical, Governmental & Military
  110. Decision Suyport Binary Technology
  111. Document Status Bulletin NASA, Governmental & Military
  112. Deutsche Schule Der Borrom
  113. Designated Settlement Banks Accounting, Financial, Business & Finance
  114. Dynamical Symmetry Breaking Science, Theory, Quantum
  115. Diagonal Spin Basis Physics, Scientific & Educational
  116. Device System Bridge Microsoft, Technology, Alliance
  117. Daily Swing Bottom Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  118. Data Set Blocd
  119. Direct Soundings Broadcast Atmospheric Research
  120. Debt Buyback Finance, Economics, Money
  121. Direct Sounding Broadcast Science, Climatology, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  122. Deutsche Schule Beirut
  123. Drug Safety Oversight Board Medical, Fda
  124. Dusty Springfield Bulletin
  125. Deep Sand Bed Geology, Scientific & Educational
  126. Device Status Byte
  127. Datenschutzbeauftragter Management, Trade, Business & Finance
  128. State Funds Reimbursed By Bond Transportation, Government, City
  129. Distributed Switch-board Business & Finance, Power Plant
  130. Death Star Battle Technology, Gaming, League, Subspace
  131. Double Side Band Aviation, Governmental & Military
  132. Deutsche Schule Der BorromäErinnen
  133. Double Schottky Barrier
  134. During Double Strand Break Science, Biology
  135. Deep Sand Beg Aquarium, Sand, Reef
  136. DNA double-strand breakage Medical, Biology, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  137. Development Services Board
  138. Danske Statsbaner Business & Finance, International business
  139. Single-Breath Diffusiog Capacity Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  140. Dell Datasafe Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  141. Dealer Selection Board
  142. (U.S.) Defense Science Board Government, Army, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DSB stand for?

    DSB stands for Defence Signal Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of During Double Strand Break?

    The short form of "During Double Strand Break" is DSB.


DSB. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 9). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dsb-meaning/

Last updated