DSIG Meaning

The DSIG meaning is "Digital Signature". The DSIG abbreviation has 9 different full form.

DSIG Full Forms

  1. Digital Signature A digital signature is a block of data that can be attached to documents such as PDFs, word processing files, and e-mail messages. It contains a unique code that verifies a person's identity. Many programs allow users to "digitally sign" documents, which appends a digital signature to the file. Technology
  2. Digital Services Interest Group
  3. Dam Safety Interest Group
  4. Digital Signatures
  5. Down Syndrome Interest Group
  6. D Used as a suffix to indicate a twin wire with two insulated conductors laid parallel under an outer, non-metallic covering,diameter, Deci (10 1), Deuterium (also abbreviated as 2D or 2H),  Derated, Helix diameter, Diameter, distance, total drift, data, surface drift,diesel,drive,A mark on the output (live) terminal on a generator
  7. Domain Special Interest Group Technology, Language, Engineering, Modeling
  8. Diversity Specific Interest Group
  9. DéTachement De Surveillance Et D'Intervention De La Gendarmerie

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DSIG stand for?

    DSIG stands for Down Syndrome Interest Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Down Syndrome Interest Group?

    The short form of "Down Syndrome Interest Group" is DSIG.


DSIG. Acronym24.com. (2020, April 7). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dsig-meaning/

Last updated