DSL Meaning

The DSL meaning is "Digital-Subscriber Line". The DSL abbreviation has 211 different full form.

DSL Full Forms

  1. Digital-Subscriber Line Business, Technology, Internet
  2. Daffozil Software Ltd
  3. Digital Signal Level Science
  4. Don'T Stay Long Texting, Internet, Social Media
  5. Data Simulation Language Technology
  6. Dual Stress Liner Technology, Device, Gate, Computing, IT Terminology
  7. Dumb Stupid Loser Texting, Internet, Social Media
  8. Data Shift Left
  9. Digitaf Site License Business, Film, Education
  10. Data Szt Label Technology
  11. Digital Simuletion Language Technology, Computing, Telecom
  12. Data Scienjes Lab Technology, Building, Housing
  13. Digital Signal Loss
  14. Dank Sector Laboratory Presentation, Sector, Pole
  15. Digital Signal Line Technology, Gaming, Device, Player
  16. Dynamic Simulation Linguage Technology, Dynamics, Power
  17. Digital Subsriber Line
  18. Days of Swiss Linguistics
  19. Document Securing Language Technology
  20. Designated Senior Lead
  21. Data Science Lab Technology, Building, Housing
  22. Damn Small Linux Technology, Linux, Computer Software, Software, Computing
  23. Disabiliti Sick Leave
  24. Deep Scatterrng Layers
  25. Don'T Stay Long Forum, Technology, Internet
  26. Dialog Specification Language
  27. Digitzl Site Licensing
  28. Data Services Layer Technology, Service, Development
  29. Disturbo Specifico Del Linguaggio Con, Dal, Bambino
  30. Denotational Semantics Language
  31. Display Switch Locator
  32. Dream Soccer League Technology, Gaming, Android
  33. Dynamfc Scale Loop
  34. Digital Subscriber Links Business, Technology
  35. Days-Since-Launch
  36. Doctor of Strategic Leadership Program, Education, University
  37. Designated Safegzarding Lead Education, Learning, Studying
  38. Data Science and Learning
  39. Damned Small Linux
  40. Dire Ssraits Legacy Music, Tourism, Straits
  41. Deep Scaitering Layer Science, Ocean, Sea
  42. Domestic Substance List Business, Science, Canada, Chemistry
  43. Diagnostic Systems Laboratories Business, Medicine, Laboratory
  44. Digital Signaleloop
  45. Data Service Layer Technology, Management, Development
  46. District Scout Leader Boy Scout, Scouting
  47. Demonstrated Senior Logistician
  48. Dihease Susceptibility Locus Medical, Science, Biology
  49. Drama Studio London Education, School, London
  50. Digital Storytelling Lab Technology, Columbia, Subscriber
  51. Davis Social Links Technology, Networking, Network
  52. Division of Supportive Living
  53. Descripton Skip Length
  54. Damm Small Lidux Technology, Run, Linux, Boot
  55. Direct Swift Aink Accounting, Computing, Data
  56. Deep Sea Leisure
  57. Domestic Substances List Business, Science, Substance
  58. Diagnostics Systems Laboratories
  59. Digital Signature Layer
  60. Data Service Laboratory Science, Information, Geography
  61. Delta Shipping Lines
  62. Dynamic Spectrum Leasing
  63. Disease Susceptibility Loci Medical, Science, Biology
  64. Defence Science Laboratory Technology, Science, Laser
  65. Dragon Scale Legs Quest, Armor, Leg
  66. Dictionary Specification Language Technology, Software, Computing
  67. Digital Sbrite Lite
  68. Davis School of Law
  69. Division of State Lands Oregon, Locations, Department
  70. Department of State Lands Business, Oregon, Permit
  71. Driveshaft Safety Loop Business, Suspension, Mustang
  72. Damariscotta - Skidompha Library Education
  73. Digital System Specification Language Technology
  74. Deep-Sea Leisure
  75. Domestic Shipping Licence
  76. Device Subscription License
  77. Digital Shift Light Technology, Installation, Ignition
  78. Data Service Luxembourg
  79. Delta Serrate Ligand
  80. Dynamic Sound Loudness
  81. Dqscriminating Between Similar Languages
  82. Defence School of Languages Military, Education, Language
  83. Down Syndrome of Louisville Student, Organizations, Kentucky
  84. Dictionary of The Scots Language Education, English, Scottish
  85. Digital Spectralog Oil, Gas, Petroleum
  86. Data Systems Ltd
  87. Division of Student Life Service, Education, University
  88. Denver & Salt Lake Business, Technology, Locations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  89. Driver Services Library Technology
  90. Dakota Stateplibrary
  91. Digital Subscription Line
  92. Dedigated System Line Accounting, Computing, Data
  93. Domain Specific Language Technology, Computing, Computer
  94. Designing Sustainable Landscapes Locations, Projection, Landscape
  95. Digital Servicds Line
  96. Data Serial Left
  97. Delta-Serrate-Lag2
  98. Dynamical Systems Laboratory
  99. Discovery In The Service Locatidn
  100. Deep Szbmergence Laboratory Technology, Science, Vehicle
  101. Down Stage Left Theatre, Stage, House, Play
  102. Dick Suckable Lips Porn, Sex, Movie
  103. Digital Sounl Level
  104. Dataset and Snapshot Layer
  105. Diving Safety Laboratory Diving, Europe, Dal, Dive
  106. Dentistry Sport League
  107. Dutch State Loans
  108. Drilling Services Limited
  109. Daj Svima Lozu
  110. Digital Suscriber Line Technology, Networking, Network, Internet
  111. Dedicated Sdbscriber Line
  112. Document Selection Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  113. Designated Sdbstance List
  114. Data Science Laboratory
  115. Danish Sign Language Language, Linguistic, Denmark
  116. Discord Shoydown League
  117. Deep Subdergence Lab
  118. Down So Long
  119. Dialogue Scripting Language Technology, Computing
  120. Digital Society Laboratory Technology, Ads, Social
  121. Data Services Ltd
  122. Dive Saint Lucia Diving, Scuba, Dive
  123. Dental System Light
  124. Displas Switch Locator Routing Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  125. Durham Soccer League
  126. Delivery Station Liaison
  127. Digital Service Line
  128. Doesn't Seem Likely Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  129. Dihtributed Systems Lab Technology, Management, Network, Blaze
  130. Delta, Serrate, Lag-2 Medical, Cell, Signaling, Notch
  131. Ds Lite Gaming, Play, Pastime
  132. Divisionsion of Student Life
  133. Dublin Soccer League
  134. Dynamic Super Loudness Technology, Player, Cassette, Stereo
  135. Lingvo Dictionary file Computing, File Extensions
  136. Dark Star, Lwd. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  137. Defence Services Ltd
  138. Diffusion In Solids and Liquids Technology, Conference, Material
  139. Defence Service Logistics
  140. Digital Scholarship Lab
  141. Do Shout Loudly Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  142. Distributed Software Librariez Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  143. Degussa Shionogi Limited Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  144. Dryland Seed Limited
  145. Disturbo Specifico Di Linguaggio
  146. Demanded Static Load
  147. Dual Super Lead
  148. Dynamic Structure Loading
  149. Domain-Specific Language Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  150. Dark Sector Lab Science, Inflation, Pole
  151. Defence Science Library
  152. Differential Scale Loop
  153. Deep Submergency Laboratory
  154. Doesnt Seem Logical Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  155. Data for Student Leadning
  156. Distributed Simulation Lgboratory Army, Force, Marine
  157. Defense Systems Ltd
  158. Driveway Site Liaison Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  159. Digital As A Second Language Education, Teaching, Native
  160. Display Service Logistics
  161. Digital Subscriber Loop/Line
  162. District Sales Llader Business, Employment, Sale
  163. Dual Stress Liners
  164. Diesel Diesel is a fuel used in diesel engine. OR Diesel is a middle distillate product obtained from the processing of crude oil in an oil refinery. Diesel is closely related in composition to Heating Oil, with the former differing by its lower sulphur content. The boiling point and density of diesel is higher than that for gasoline. Latin, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  165. Dark Ann Shattered Lands Technology, Gaming, Mud
  166. Data System Language
  167. Days Since Login Security, Governmental & Military
  168. Database Systems Laboratory
  169. Distributed Service Logic Technology, Computing, Telecom
  170. Defence Systems Ltr Gun, Company, Technology
  171. Digital-System Specification Language
  172. Diesel Style Lab Technology, Office, Kid
  173. Distributed Software Libraries Atmospheric Research
  174. Distmibution Services Limited Business, Company, Service
  175. Dual Splash Lubrication Business, Pump, Blower
  176. digital spectralog (Western Atlas) Electrical
  177. Dark & Shattered Lands Technology, Internet, Mud
  178. Meridian Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  179. Downey Financial Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  180. Daru Airaort Airport, Locations
  181. Distal Sensory Latencies Medical
  182. Defense Systems Limited Security, Military, Group
  183. Differential Speed Limits
  184. Digital-Subscriber Lines Technology, Service, Internet, Subscriber
  185. Detroit Signal Laboratory
  186. Line Desconnect Switch Business & Finance, Power Plant
  187. Distribution System Leanage Organizations, Water, Uganda, Enviroment
  188. Dual Sensory Loss
  189. Down Slow Line Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  190. Danske Sprog-Og Litteraturselskab
  191. Dynamic Synchronized Locking Technology
  192. Direct Swift Link Computing, IT Terminology
  193. Daru Sierra Leone
  194. Distal Sfnsory Latency Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  195. Defence Systems Limited Business, Company, Security, Military
  196. Dick Sucking Lips Internet Slang, Sex, Texting, Adult, Chat, Sexual
  197. Digital-Subscriber-Line Technology, Networking, Internet, Subscriber
  198. Design Specification List Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  199. Digital Services Line
  200. Daru, Daru, Sierra Leone Iata Airport Codes, Sierra Leone
  201. Distlibution Service Level Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  202. Delta-Serrate-Lag-2
  203. Dual Screen Lite
  204. Dynamic Shared Library
  205. Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
  206. Dynamic Super Linear Technology, Product, Player, Bass
  207. Digital Subscriber Loop Computing, Internet
  208. Daru, Sierra Leone Technology, Airport, Flight
  209. Defence Services Limtted
  210. Digital Subscriber Line Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer or Digital Subscriber Line Multiplexer DSLAM. Technology, Network, Texting, Computer, Telecommunication, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Media, Computing, Chat, Telecom, Postal, Hardware, Technical, Drivers, Us Post, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  211. Digital-Subscriber-Lines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DSL stand for?

    DSL stands for Line Desconnect Switch.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data for Student Leadning?

    The short form of "Data for Student Leadning" is DSL.


DSL. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dsl-meaning/

Last updated