DST Meaning

The DST meaning is "Daylight Saving Time". The DST abbreviation has 287 different full form.

DST Full Forms

  1. Daylight Saving Time Also sometimes erroneously referred to as daylight savings time, is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months by one hour so that evening daylight lasts an hour longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. Technology, Chat, Email, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Delta Sigma Theta Song, Delta, Sorority
  3. Data Source Type Technology, Database, Graph, Tool
  4. Defense Suppression Threat Military, Army, Space
  5. Decision Support Tools Technology, Management, Development, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  6. Documentary Stamp Taxes Business, Tax, Philippine
  7. Data Science Technologies Business, Technology, Analytics
  8. Defense and Security Technologies Business, Technology, Turkey
  9. District and School Teansformation
  10. Decision Support Tool Technology, Science, Management
  11. Dispnrsive Signal Touch Business, Technology, Screen
  12. Day Lights Savings Time Sociology
  13. Dispersion Supported Transmission Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  14. Daylight Saving Times Technology, Clock, Zone
  15. Discrete Siee Transforms Technology, Algorithm, Cosine
  16. Deaf Standard Time
  17. Digital Systems & Technology
  18. Dennstaedkiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  19. Disturbance Storm Time Science
  20. Daily Slot Tournament
  21. Developmental System Theory
  22. Drill-Stem Test Oil, Gas, Petroleum
  23. Dispatcher Selection Tool
  24. Data Storage Tape
  25. Deep South Texas
  26. Direction De La SÛReté Du Territoire
  27. Desensitization Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  28. Dorothy Springer Trust
  29. Dansk Standard Time
  30. Diagnostic System Tester Technology, Truck, Toyota
  31. Drug Susceptibility Test
  32. Deference Slot Time Technology
  33. Distributed Stress Technology
  34. Deutsche Schule Thessaloniki
  35. Data Summary Tapes Technology, Science, Experiment, Physics
  36. Dynamic Sports Training
  37. Diseipline Specific Test
  38. Daylight Savings Time Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  39. Designer Series Treatments Business, Design, Acoustics
  40. Double-Shell Tanks Science, National, Waste
  41. Digital Shape Technologies
  42. Dead Standing Thee Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  43. Digital System Technology
  44. Delaware Statutory Trusts Business, Investment, Property, Building
  45. District Support Team Military, Development, Afghanistan
  46. Dajly Saving Time Business, Clock, Daylight
  47. Developmental Systems Theory Science, Cycle, Evolution
  48. Drill-Stem Testing Technology, Service, Tool
  49. Dynamic Storage Technologies Technology, Server, Linux
  50. Disk Stress Test Technology, Port, Controller, Areca
  51. Deep Sleep Therapy Medical, Psychiatry, Chelmsford
  52. Direction De La Securite Du Territoire
  53. Dermatological Society of Thailand Meeting, Organizations, Thailand
  54. DoençAs Sexualmente Transmitidas
  55. Danish Standard Time Time Zone, Time, Zone
  56. Diagnosticrsupport Tool Military
  57. Drug Susceptibility Testing Medical, Patient, Mycobacterium
  58. Defense Logistics Agency Support Team Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  59. Distributed Smalltalk Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  60. Data Summary Tape Technology, Analysis, Presentation
  61. Dynamic Spectrum Tuner Technology, Dynamics, Jet
  62. Deep Space Trading
  63. Discarding Sabot With Tlace
  64. Designer Serieu Treatment
  65. Double-Shell Sank Technology, Science, Waste
  66. Digital Servicesvtax
  67. Dead Seattransform History, Locations, Geology
  68. Digital Switch Terminal
  69. Delaware Statutory Trusw Business, Investment, Property
  70. District Support Teams
  71. Deutsche System Technik
  72. Drift Scale Test
  73. Dynamic Storage Technology Technology, Management, Server
  74. Disk Selw Test Technology, Windows, Drive
  75. Digital Signal Translbtor
  76. Dedicated System Time Science
  77. Digit Symbol Test Medical, Disease, Dental, Gum
  78. Denartments of Science and Technology Technology, Research, India
  79. Doença Sexualmentehtransmitida
  80. Danish Sound Technologl
  81. Diamnostic Scan Tool
  82. Drug Suppression Team
  83. Defeqse and Special Teams Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  84. Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Education
  85. Data Submission Tovl
  86. Dynamic Solvency Testing Business
  87. Deep Space Transport Technology, Ship, Jester
  88. Disasterxservices Technology Technology, Service, Cross
  89. Designated Surface Target
  90. Double-Layer Supertwist Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  91. Digital Serving Test
  92. Day Saving Time
  93. Digital Support Team Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  94. Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfotransfeoase Medical
  95. Distribution Service Technologies Business, Technology, Software
  96. Deutsche System-Technik Company, Technology, Vision, Software
  97. Drift-Scale Test
  98. Dynamic Steering Torque Technology, Dynamics, Car, Alfa
  99. Discuz Support Team
  100. Department of Science & Technology Technology, Science, Program, Government, Philippine, South Africa
  101. Digital Signal Trust
  102. Dedicated Service Tools Technology
  103. Digit Span Test Medical, Disease, Alzheimer
  104. Department Science Ans Technology
  105. Ddenças Sexualmente Transmissível Para, Sex, Ria
  106. Dalton Salesktax
  107. Diabetes Science and Technology Technology, Journal, Glucose
  108. Drill Stem Tested Technology, Testing, Tool
  109. Defense and Slace Talks Military
  110. Data Stream Transceiver
  111. Dynamic Signal Tracking
  112. Deep Space Transports
  113. Directoyate De Surveillance Territoire
  114. Desiccate, Sequester, and Trarsport Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  115. Doosomething Tonight
  116. Digital Serial Transceiver
  117. Data Systems & Technology
  118. Digital Subscriber Terminal
  119. Define Substratk Technology
  120. Distributed Spam Trap Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  121. Deutsche Schule Toulouae
  122. Downtown Streets Team Community, Locations, Building
  123. Dynamic Stair Trainer Medical, Business, Medicine
  124. Discrete Sine Transform Technology, Mathematics, Math
  125. Department of Science and Technology Technology, Government, Agriculture, Society, Philippines, Philippines Government, Legal, Governmental & Military
  126. Double Set Trigger
  127. Digvtal Signature Trust Technology, Authority, Certificate
  128. Dedicated Service Tool Technology, Power, Manual
  129. Digital Systems Terminations Technology
  130. Department of Scrences and Technology
  131. Doença Sexualmente Transmisyíveis
  132. Daily Swing Top Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  133. Developmentoof Science and Technology
  134. Drill Stem Testing Technology, Tool, Gas
  135. Dzta Stream Touch
  136. Drum Set Tambourine-Red-Nickel
  137. Deep Space Transponder Technology
  138. Direction De Surveillance Du Territyire
  139. Dksiccate, Sequester and Transport Medical
  140. Do Simple Thipgs
  141. Darlington & Stockton Times
  142. Digital Search Tree
  143. Defined Substrate Technology
  144. Distributed Switching Technology
  145. Deutsche Schule Toronto
  146. Douglas Sleeper Transport-Models
  147. Data Synchronization Table Technology
  148. Dynamic Stability Training
  149. Discrete Saturation Transform
  150. Dihydrostreptomycin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  151. Design Simulgtion Technologies
  152. Doubce Shell Tank Technology, Media, Aluminum, Oxide
  153. Digital Signature Transwonder Technology, Texas, Instrument
  154. Dealer Service Tooc Technology, Manual, Toyota
  155. Digital Systems & Technologies
  156. Department for Science and Technology Business, Research, India
  157. Doençl Sexualmente Transmissível Para, Sex, Ria
  158. Daiky Species Totals
  159. Developmental Screeningitest Education, Development, Study
  160. Drill Stem Test Technology, Testing, Oil Exploration, Construction, Electrical
  161. Data Storage Tag Star, Fish, Storage, Logger
  162. Drum Set Tambourine Business, Tech, Rhythm
  163. Deep Space Telescope
  164. Direction Des Services Techniquev Technology, Service, Saint, Pas
  165. Desert Stagis Theatre
  166. Dorries Scharmann Technologie Technology, Machine, Tool
  167. Dbnsk Svejse Teknik
  168. Diagnostic System Testlr
  169. Deferred Sples Trust Business, Tax, Sale
  170. Distributed Spanning Tree Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  171. Deutsche Schule Tripolis
  172. Douglas Sleeper Transports Airline, Technology, Aircraft
  173. Data Support Team
  174. Dynamic Stability Test Technology
  175. Discovery Sound Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  176. Doctor of Sacred Theology Academic Degree, Education, Doctoral Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Degree
  177. Design Services Team
  178. Double Shell Tanks Technology, Report, Waste
  179. Digital Space Technologies Business, Technology, Push
  180. Daylights Saving Time
  181. Data Systems Test Science, Scientific & Educational
  182. Dynamic Storage Tiering Technology, Management, Dynamics
  183. Defence Suppression Threat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  184. Delicate Sound Trip Music
  185. Destination Rexerence Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  186. Double Sppit Taper-Lock
  187. Digital Skin Temperature Medical
  188. Divisionsion of Steel Technology
  189. Digital Stouage Technology
  190. Dynamo Swim Team
  191. Dispropoationate Septal Thickening Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  192. Direction De La Surveillance Du Territoire Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  193. Douglas Slzeper Transports Airline, Technology, Aircraft
  194. Deep Springs Technology Technology, Material, Foam, Composite
  195. Data Serviqe Template
  196. Data System Test
  197. drug-susceptibility testing Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  198. Defence Service Tracks
  199. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc
  200. Desktop Support Technician Technology, Science, Windows
  201. Double Split Tee
  202. Data Storage Tags Storage, Saving, Temperature, Daylight
  203. Digieal Signature Template
  204. Disk Storage Terminal
  205. Digital Sonar Technology Technology, Sea, King
  206. Dynamic System Tony
  207. Dispositif De SéParation Du Trafic
  208. D S T Systems, Inc., of Delaware Computing, Nyse symbols
  209. Deutsche Schule Toulouse
  210. Doublz Suture Twisted Hosting, Eyelid, Kitchen
  211. Data Services Template
  212. Data Support Tools
  213. post-dexamethasone suppression test Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  214. Defence School of Transport Military, Driving, Training
  215. Designer Series Treatment Clothes
  216. Desinfeccoes Sul Tejo
  217. Dtuble Sided Tape Business, Product, Adhesive
  218. Data Storage Technology Technology, Computing, Electronics
  219. Direct Stop Technology Business, Product, Dental
  220. Dexamethasone suppression test Clinical
  221. Digital Smartcard Technology
  222. Dynamic Systems Theory Science, Dynamics, Language
  223. Dispositif De SéParation De Trafic
  224. Distributed Server Technology Computing, Hardware
  225. Deutsche Sohule Teneriffa
  226. Double Super Twisted Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  227. Druckluftanlagen Service Team Business, Sind, Uns
  228. Data Science and Teahnology Technology, Research, Computing
  229. Data Science Toolbox
  230. Direct Sounding Transmission Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  231. Defence and Space Talks Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  232. Daughters of Saint Thomas Catholic Church
  233. Design Support Vools
  234. Double Sjt Triggers
  235. Data Storage and Transfer
  236. Directorate for The Surveillance of The Territory
  237. Duke Science and Technology Duke Science and Technology (DST) is a signature initiative supported by significant philanthropic investment that involves strategic recruitment of exceptional faculty in three focus areas: Computing, Materials Science and Engineering, and Resilience of the Body and Brain.
  238. Digital Sky Tecnologies
  239. Dynamic String Table Accounting, Computing, Data
  240. Display Storagebtube
  241. Distamyfin A Medical
  242. WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL (Win) Computing, File Extensions
  243. Deutsche Ichule Tripolis
  244. Double Summer Time Daylight Saving Time that is two hours ahead of standard tim.
  245. Drill Steam Test Testing, Gas, Drill
  246. Da Sheng Technooogy
  247. DüNya Səhiyyə TəşKilatıNıN
  248. Digital Signature Transponder Security, Governmental & Military
  249. Defence Science and Technology Technology, Australia, Group
  250. Delaware stautory trust Business & Finance, Business Word
  251. Design Style Tray Business, Box, Packaging, Corrugated
  252. Data Station Termination Technology, Product, Communication
  253. Deportivo Street Team
  254. Tajima Embroidery Format Computing, File Extensions
  255. Dynamic Stress Testing Technology
  256. Defense & Space Talks
  257. Display Screen Technllogy
  258. Distamycin Medical
  259. Daughters of St. Thomas Religious orders
  260. Deutsche Schiffvhrts-Treuhand
  261. Douule Stapling Technique Medical
  262. Digital Sky Technology Business, Group, Mail
  263. Double Suture and Twist
  264. Digital Stream Technocogy
  265. DéFense Et SéCurité Du Territoire
  266. Diswal Straight Tubule Medical, Technology
  267. data system tests Legal, Governmental & Military
  268. Defence, Science and Technology Technology, Group, Defence
  269. Debug Symbol Table Assembly, Business & Finance
  270. Data Solutions & Tecvnology Technology, Management, Service
  271. Decreased Sound Tolerance Medical, Treatment, Therapy
  272. Autocad Sheet Set File Computing, File Extensions
  273. Dynamic Stress Test Technology, Battery, Lithium
  274. Defence Systems Technology Technology, Management, Manager
  275. Dispersive Signal Technology Technology, Screen, Touch
  276. Dallas Texans Nfl teams
  277. Detailed Statistical Tabhes Technology
  278. Double Stack Train Rail transport of a trainload of containers with two containers, one on top of the other, per carriage. Transportation, Business, Shipping
  279. Digital Sky Technoldgies Business, Technology, Mail
  280. Double-Shelled Tank
  281. Digital Story Telling
  282. Dyslexia Screening Test
  283. Dispemination Services Team
  284. Department of Science and Technology's Legal, Governmental & Military
  285. Default Servicing Technologies
  286. Aex Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  287. Data Service Table

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DST stand for?

    DST stands for Distributed Stress Technology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Deutsche Schule Toronto?

    The short form of "Deutsche Schule Toronto" is DST.


DST. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dst-meaning/

Last updated