DSTN Meaning

The DSTN meaning is "Double-Layer Super Twist Nematic". The DSTN abbreviation has 23 different full form.

DSTN Full Forms

  1. Double-Layer Super Twist Nematic
  2. Dual Scan Twisted Nematics
  3. Double-Layer Super-Twist Nematic
  4. Dual-Scan Twisted Nematic Technology, Monitor, Display
  5. Double-Layer Super-Twisted Nematic Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military
  6. Double Super-Twisted Nematic
  7. Double-Layer Supertwist Nematic Technology, Computing, Internet
  8. Double Super Twisted Nematic Technology, Liquid, Display
  9. Double-Layer Supertwisted Nematic Alternatively referred to as dual scan screens, DSTN is short for Double-layer SuperTwisted Nematic and is an improvement on STN. DSTN is a passive-matrix technology that uses two layers. Technology, Telecom
  10. Double-Layer Supertwist Nematic. Technology, Science, Computer, Internet
  11. Dual Scan Twisted Neumatic Technology
  12. Double-Layer Super Twisted Nematic
  13. Dual-Scan Super Twisted Nematic Technology, Computing, Display, Screen
  14. Dual Supertwist Nematic Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  15. Double-layer Supertwist Nematic. Computer, Scientific & Educational
  16. Dual Super Twist Nematic Technology
  17. Double-layer Supertwist Nematic. (in Passive-matrix LCD Technology) Computing, IT Terminology
  18. Dual Super Twisted Nematic
  19. Double Super Twisted Nematics Computing, Electronics
  20. Dual Super-Twisted Nematic
  21. Destination The area where the carrier physically turns over cargo to the consignee or agent. Transportation, Business, Military, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  22. Dual-Scan Super-Twist Nematic
  23. Dual-Scan Super-Twisted Nematic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DSTN stand for?

    DSTN stands for Double Super Twisted Nematics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dual-Scan Super-Twist Nematic?

    The short form of "Dual-Scan Super-Twist Nematic" is DSTN.


DSTN. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dstn-meaning/

Last updated