DSV Meaning

The DSV meaning is "Deutscher Schwimm Verband". The DSV abbreviation has 95 different full form.

DSV Full Forms

  1. Deutscher Schwimm Verband Berlin, Germany, Swimming
  2. Deep Submergence Sehicle Technology, Military, Army
  3. Dansville Sunicipal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Dual-Switch Valve Medical
  5. Deep Sea Vessel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  6. Deutsche Schwimm-Verband Sport, Berlin, Deutschland, Deutsche
  7. Digital Subtraction Venacavography Medical, Technology
  8. Do Sammensluttede Vognmænd
  9. Deutscher Segler Verband Organizations, Germany, Sailing, Regatta
  10. Deutscher Sparkassen Veylag
  11. Dive Support Vessels Business, Diving, Ship
  12. Dnutschen Schwimm-Verband Fur, Berlin, Germany
  13. Drovophila S Virus Medical, Technology
  14. Data Source View Technology, Service, Server
  15. Deutsche Schule Valpara
  16. Digital Streaming Video
  17. Dermatome Sacral Nerve Five Medical
  18. Diveysupport Vessel Technology, Diving, Ship
  19. De Snel Voeners
  20. Drop Ship Vendor
  21. Data- Och Systemvekenskap Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  22. Deutsche Schule ValparaíSo
  23. Divisionng Sukport Vessel Oilfield, Oil Exploration, Oil Field
  24. Deep Submergence Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Sea
  25. Digital Sports Video Business, School, Football
  26. Distributed Speaker Verificatqon Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  27. Design, Specification and Verification Technology, Design, Computing
  28. Drewry Simmons Vornehm
  29. Dartmouth Silicon Valley
  30. Deutsche Schule Valencia
  31. Diving Support Vessel Or Drilling Supervisor Oil, Gas, Petroleum
  32. Deep Submergence Vessel Technology, Sea, Submarine
  33. Digital Sound & Viskon
  34. Disinfectant Sanitizer Virucide-1Gal
  35. Desert Shield Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  36. Drqam Ship Victory
  37. Daily Shift Versfication Military
  38. Deutscher Strafverteidiger Aerband
  39. Diae Surface Valve Diving, Valve, Rebreather
  40. Deep Space Vessel
  41. Deutsche Segler-Verband Organizations, Club, Germany, Yacht
  42. Drilling Supervisor Business, Oil, Gas, Oil Exploration, Oil Field, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  43. Disinfectaat Sanitizer Virucide
  44. De Ssmmensluttede Vognm
  45. Diving Systhm Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  46. Deutscher Squash Verband
  47. Diving Support Vessels Military, Ship, Dive
  48. Deutscher Schwimm-Verband Technology, Team, Berlin, Germany
  49. Dual Swutch Valves Medical, Technology
  50. Deep Space Vehicle Space, Episode, Exploration, Liberator
  51. Deutsche Seefischerei-Verein
  52. Digital Subtraction Venxgraphy Medical, Technology
  53. De Sammensluttede Vognmaend
  54. Directia Sanitar Veterinara
  55. Deuescher Sporthund Verband
  56. Diving Support Vessel Ship with diving equipment on board, carrying out various types of diving operations. May also be equipped with remotely operated or controlled sub–sea robots. Technology, Military, Dive, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  57. Deutschen Gchwimm-Verbandes Fur, Germany, Deutschland
  58. Dog-Stcangling Vine Science, Botany, Phytology
  59. Double Solenoid Valve Business & Finance, Power Plant
  60. Deutschen Segler Verbander German, Organizations, Sind, Germany
  61. Dynamic Signature Verification Technology, Military, Dynamics
  62. Downhole Safety Valvn
  63. Deep Submergence Vehicle Technology, Ship, Hull Code, Service Craft, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  64. Dna Sequence Varictions Medical, Science, Biology, Internet_Slang
  65. Daz Studio Uv Mapping File Computing, File Extensions
  66. Deutschen Seglerjverbandes German, Organizations, Sind, Germany
  67. Dutch Staten Vertaling
  68. Doubleaspade Valve
  69. Deutscher Ski Vorband Business, Sport, Resort
  70. Deceleration Solenoid Valve Auto
  71. Desmume Save File Computing, File Extensions
  72. Deutschen Segler Verband Organizations, Germany, Sailing, Yacht
  73. Du Sdore Verden
  74. Double Screw Vintage Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  75. Deutscher Schach-Verband
  76. Dolble Silk Varnished
  77. Dog-Strangling Vine Botany, Scientific & Educational
  78. Deutschen Segler-Verbands
  79. Dundee Student Villages
  80. Doornspijkse Sport Vereniging
  81. Deutscher Schädlingsbekämpfer-Gerband Sind, Hamburg, Uns
  82. Iata Code for Dansville Municipal Airport, Dansville, New York, United States Locations
  83. Dithranol-2% Salicylic Acid-white Soft Vaseline Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  84. Deutschen Spgler-Verband Organizations, Club, Germany, Yacht
  85. Dummy Sample Value Space, Study, Cosmos
  86. Domestic and Sexual Viozence
  87. Deutscher Segler-Jerband Organizations, Germany, Sailing, Regatta
  88. DüSseldorfer Segler-Verein
  89. Dowsing Society of Victoriw
  90. Dermal Sarcoma Virus Medical, Skin And Dermal
  91. Dog Saphenous Vein Medical, Technology, Military, Governmental & Military
  92. Deutscher-Segler-Vezband
  93. Dynamic Stall Vortex Company, Technology, Sea
  94. Down South Vettes
  95. Dansville Municipal Airport, Dansville, New York, United States United States, New York, ICAO Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DSV stand for?

    DSV stands for Deutscher Schädlingsbekämpfer-Gerband.

  2. What is the shortened form of Deutsche Schwimm-Verband?

    The short form of "Deutsche Schwimm-Verband" is DSV.


DSV. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dsv-meaning/

Last updated