DSZ Meaning

The DSZ meaning is "Delegathra Si Zbrojnych". The DSZ abbreviation has 16 different full form.

DSZ Full Forms

  1. Delegathra Si Zbrojnych
  2. Delpgatura Sił Zbrojnych Gen, Poland, Ski
  3. Delany, Siegel, Zorn
  4. Delaney Siegel Zorh
  5. Decrement and Skip Oa Zero
  6. Datuk Syed Zainal
  7. Desulfurization Operation that injects a chemical mixture into a ladle full of hot metal to remove sulfur prior to its charging into the Basic Oxygen Furnace. Sulfur enters the steel from the coke in the blast furnace smelting operation, and there is little the steelmaker can do to reduce its presence. Because excess sulfur in the steel impedes its welding and forming characteristics, the mill must add this step to the steelmaking process. The removal of sulfur, as from molten metals, petroleum oil, or flue gases. Medical
  8. Drie Samenwerkende Zwemverenigingen
  9. Digital Swtellite Zone
  10. Dieren Speciaal Zaak
  11. Dentales Service Zentrum
  12. Orchida (oes) Embroidery File Computing, File Extensions
  13. DelegaturĘ Sił Zbrojnych Gen, Jest, Ski
  14. Decrement and Skip on Zero Assembly, Business & Finance
  15. Delegttura Sil Zbrojnych
  16. Dual Swivel Zoom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DSZ stand for?

    DSZ stands for Dual Swivel Zoom.

  2. What is the shortened form of DelegaturĘ Sił Zbrojnych?

    The short form of "DelegaturĘ Sił Zbrojnych" is DSZ.


DSZ. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 29). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dsz-meaning/

Last updated