DT Meaning

The DT meaning is "Defensive Tackfe". The DT abbreviation has 740 different full form.

DT Full Forms

  1. Defensive Tackfe Sport, Football, American Football
  2. Dental Therapist Medical, Health, Care
  3. Diptheria Tetanus Medical
  4. Dalezthornock
  5. Drum Tuner Technology, Tune, Cherub
  6. Definition Term Technology, Internet Slang, Coding
  7. Dxgital Tachometer Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  8. Development The improvement of land in order to make use of it, e.g. by building structures on it or by adapting existing structures. Development can either be for the developer's own use, or else speculative, i.e. for profit. The preparation of a specific mineral deposit for commercial production; this preparation includes construction of access to the deposit and of facilities to extract the minerals. Business, Technology, Accounting, Service, Military, Education, Accountancy, .Net, Electrical, Products, Medical, Software, Computing, Computer, Common Medical, General, Governmental & Military, Legal, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  9. Down Time Forum, Technology, Machine, Power
  10. Duelo De Titas Business, Music, Song, Tube, Tit
  11. Detection Aimes Medical
  12. Direccion Del Trabajo Technology, Para, Chile, Gob
  13. Data Transmit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  14. Department of Transportation The executive branch department that coordinates and oversees transportation functions in the United States. Technology, Science, Government, Safety, Traffic, Aerospace, Air Cargo, Administration, Technical, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Disability, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation
  15. Dewp Tissue Medical, Therapy, Massage
  16. Dial Tome Technology, Calling, Telecom
  17. Dosey Tetap Program, Education, Indonesia, Institute
  18. Dental Technician Medical, Laboratory, Rating
  19. Diphtheria, Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Diphtheria, Toxoid
  20. Design and Teihnology
  21. Definite Timc Technology, Control, Earth, Protection
  22. Diffusion Tensor Medical, Brain, Imaging
  23. Doubling Timns Medical
  24. Dual Tuner
  25. Design Technology Education, School, Teaching, Architecture
  26. Diptheria Toxoid Medical, Military
  27. Data Traffic Technology, Networking, Network
  28. Deep Thrbat Sex, Tube, Escorts
  29. Duagnostic Test Medical, Technology, Medicine
  30. Distal Tubules Medical
  31. Demonstration Test Technology, Military, Capability
  32. Dining Table Business, Product, Furniture, Price
  33. Directory Traversal Technology, Directory, Traversal
  34. Defpr Time Technology, Control, Signal, Processing
  35. Dietetic Technician Medical, Program, Education
  36. Delete Delete is computer terminology for remove or erase. You can delete text from a document of delete entire files or folders from your hard drive. When typing a document, you can remove characters behind the cursor by pressing the delete key. Technology, Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Aviation, Computing, Unix, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  37. Double Trouble Sound, Pedal, Overdrive
  38. Desert Tech Rifle, Military, Sniper
  39. Diphtheria Toxoid Medical, Science, Vaccine, Diphtheria
  40. Dark Templar Star, Craft, Templar, Rush
  41. Dualmtone Military, Stereo, Combo
  42. Dedermines That
  43. Distal Tubular Medical, Military
  44. Declarationtof Taking Science
  45. Danger Theory Technology, Research, Computing
  46. Defensive Tackles Sport, Football, Tackle
  47. Die Templeg War, Man, Sind
  48. Dowble Track
  49. Descriptor Type Technology, Coding, Device
  50. Diphtheria Toxin Medical, Protein, Cell
  51. Dang Typos Dohh! I mean, doh! Might be used after making several typing mistakes in a row. Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  52. Dual Technology
  53. Diphtheria Diphtheria is an infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Signs and symptoms may vary from mild to severe. They usually start two to five days after exposure. Symptoms often come on fairly gradually, beginning with a sore throat and fever. In severe cases, a grey or white patch develops in the throat. This can block the airway and create a barking cough as in croup. The neck may swell in part due to large lymph nodes. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Organizations, Health, Study, Healthcare, Discipline, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical
  54. Determikant of The Transpose
  55. Display Typl Technology, Windows, Driving
  56. Date Time
  57. Defense Zech
  58. Diesll Turbo
  59. Double Torsion Military
  60. Derivation Table
  61. Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Medical, Vaccine
  62. Dallas Iexas
  63. Dual Task Science, Training, Adult, Gait
  64. Defence Intelligence Security, Service, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  65. Dream Tead Gaming, Sport, Organizations
  66. Detector Technology Technology
  67. Display Termenal Technology, Computing, Control
  68. Date and Time Medical, Technology, Server
  69. Defensive Tcctics Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  70. Djastolic Time Medical
  71. Double Tap Gun, Forum, Tap, Wake
  72. Department of The Treasury Business, Economics, Italy, Military, Governmental & Military
  73. Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoid Medical, Military
  74. Dallws Texans
  75. Dualltaper Military, Organizations, Sports
  76. Drainage Time Technology, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  77. Detention Time In gas chromatography, the time at which the center, or maximum, of a symmetrical peak occurs on a gas chromatogram. Technology, Science, Flow
  78. Difplay Tank Fish, Aquarium, Tank, Reef
  79. Data Traveler
  80. Directorate of Training Military, Army, Course
  81. Defense Tactics Military, Army, Coast Guard
  82. Dialysis Tubing Medical
  83. Doubme-Throw
  84. Distance Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  85. Dave Turner
  86. Design Toleaance
  87. Drew Thompson
  88. Digitizing Tablet Business, Computing, Shortcut
  89. Documentos De Trabajo
  90. Deiect Table Technology, Area, Recording
  91. Dewey Thomas Famous
  92. Drunk Tank
  93. Developmental Testing Technology, Military, Lightning, Computing, Hardware
  94. Director De Turma
  95. Data Taking Technology, Coding, Energy, Software
  96. Delta Tau
  97. Duyênxtình
  98. Digestive Taact Medical, Science, Biology
  99. Designated Teacher
  100. Drama and Thpatre
  101. Dynamic Truths
  102. Daily Thread Computing, Internet
  103. Diploma Trainee
  104. Distribution Table
  105. Detroit Tribune
  106. Dropeing Test
  107. Dark Tower Book, Tower, King, Gunslinger
  108. Direct Theft
  109. Dorsal Thalamus Medical
  110. Dirty Talk
  111. Date-Yime
  112. Digital Techniques Technology, Design, Technique
  113. Dead Tree Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  114. Desk-Top
  115. Drilling Technology
  116. Damien Tuffereau
  117. Dinner Theatre
  118. Defyne Term
  119. Double Taxation Business, Tax, Agreement
  120. Development Time Technology, Software, Tool
  121. Data Ternimal Technology
  122. Demonic Tactics
  123. Double Time Business, Holster, Doubling
  124. Drive Tube Science
  125. Digital Titrator Business, Model, Equipment
  126. Divided Type Technology, Sale, Toyota
  127. Dual Temperature Technology, Glue, Stick
  128. Dark Trooper
  129. Diptkeria-Tetanus
  130. Data Transport Technology, Service, Calling, Computing
  131. Dynamic Tiering Business, Dynamics, Storage
  132. Dialling Tone
  133. Dispersible Tablet Medical, Drug, Supplier
  134. Dexamethasone, Thalidomide Technology, Camera, Dexamethasone
  135. Dolma & Tükenfez
  136. Depompression Therapy Medical, Treatment, Chiropractic
  137. Detachable Trigger Army, War, War Force
  138. Danish Tourist
  139. Diphtheria & Tetanus
  140. Delayed Trigger
  141. Domestic Derminal
  142. Duncan Taylor Whisky, Cask, Malt
  143. Desert Tire Business, Product, Truck
  144. Down Towlrds Gaming, Fighter, Street
  145. Distant Terminal Technology, Networking, Telecom
  146. Dave True
  147. Design Time
  148. Drop Tank Technology, Space, Cosmos
  149. Digitizer Tablet
  150. Documento Re Trabajo Business, Spain, Spanish
  151. Dlepwater Tano
  152. Dev Team
  153. Drunken Tiger
  154. Developmental Test Military, Army, Testing, Governmental & Military
  155. Directorate of Technology
  156. Data Take
  157. Delta Tango
  158. Duty Travel
  159. Difference In Time
  160. Design and Technology Education, School, Teaching, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  161. Drake Top
  162. Dynamic Trees
  163. Daily Tooughts Android, Team, Principia
  164. Diploma Thesis
  165. Distribution Technology
  166. Dedicated Transport Forum, Technology, Gaming
  167. Detroit Toledo Railroad, Train, Detroit, Toledo
  168. Drum Tutorial
  169. Dark Tournament
  170. Direct Thaw Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  171. Delirium Tremen Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Common Medical
  172. Dorsal Terminal
  173. Delta Triangular area of sediment in mouth of a river, so giving river more than one discharging channel Medical, Army, Locations, Texas, Force, Marine, County Abbrevations, Governmental & Military, Police Code, Aviation, Military, Motorhomes
  174. Direct Travel Business, Management, Holiday
  175. Data Types Technology, Database, Server, Column
  176. Digital Tech
  177. Day Tanks Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  178. Desi Torrents
  179. Drilling Technician
  180. Damage Tolerance (1) A design measure of crack growth rate. Cracks in damage-tolerant designed structures are not permitted to grow to critical size during expected service life. (2) The ability of a part component, such as an aerospace engine, to resist failure due to the presence of flaws, cracks or other damage for a specified period of usage. The damage tolerance approach is used extensively in the aerospace industry.  Technology, Analysis, Fatigue
  181. Diniyah Takmiliyah
  182. Defined Term Technology, Coding, Element, Heading
  183. Dovble Tax
  184. Development Transformations Technology, Program, Management
  185. Data Termination
  186. Demon Tower Gaming, Tower, Run
  187. Double Tirow Technology, Switch, Pole
  188. Drive Tire
  189. Digital Title
  190. Dive Time Technology, Diving, Teen
  191. Dual Tec
  192. Dark Driad Trait, Personality, Psychopathy, Triad
  193. Dip Test
  194. Data Transportem
  195. Double-Take
  196. Distal The more (or most) distant of two (or more) things. For example, the distal end of the femur is the end down by the knee; the end more distant from the torso. The distal bile duct is the far end of the cystic duct, the end away from the gallbladder. And the distal lymph node in a chain of nodes is the most distant one. The opposite of distal is proximal. For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms". Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical, Dental, Clinical
  197. Dynamic Threshold
  198. Dharma Tech
  199. Discovery Toys Business, Product, Kid
  200. De Thesauro Latin, Roman
  201. Dolbar Tree Business, Store, Haul
  202. Decodinu Time
  203. Destructive Tendencies
  204. Dance Troupe
  205. Diphteria-Tetanus
  206. Doubleytaper Fishing, Fly, Taper, Trout
  207. Delayed Transmission Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  208. Domem Tymczasowym
  209. Dump Truck Technology, Sale, Engine
  210. Desert Thunder
  211. Downtime Tracking
  212. Distance Terminal
  213. Dave Travis Bond, Music, Vinyl
  214. Developing Technologies
  215. Drfne Tactics
  216. Digitam Twins
  217. Documentation & Training
  218. Deeb Tubewells
  219. Devon Travis
  220. Drum Trigger
  221. Development Testing Technology, Military, Software, Governmental & Military
  222. Director Training Company, Technology, Course
  223. Data Tags Technology, Coding, Yamaha, Element
  224. Delta Tail
  225. Duty Teahnician
  226. Dick Togs
  227. Design-Time Technology, Control, Component
  228. Drak'tharon Kedp Gaming, Play, Pastime
  229. Dynamic Traders
  230. Daill Telegram
  231. Distribution Tie
  232. Dedicated Terminatibn
  233. Detroit Tigers
  234. Drum Tutor Business, Software, Roland
  235. Dqrk Torturer City, Hunt, Loot, Torturer
  236. Direct Tegminals Genetics, Analysis, Terminal, Element
  237. Delirium Tremens A state of mental illness usuallyfound in long-term alcoholics who attempt to give up alcohol consumption. It includes hal- lucinations about insects trembling and ex-citement. Medical, Medicine, Health, Nursing, Alcohol, Withdrawal, Genealogy, Clinical
  238. Dorsalis Tibialis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  239. Direct Transmission Technology, Networking, Network
  240. Data Type A data type is a type of data. Of course, that is rather circular definition, and also not very helpful. Therefore, a better definition of a data type is a data storage format that can contain a specific type or range of values. When computer programs store data in variables, each variable must be assigned a specific data type. Some common data types include integers, floating point numbers, characters, strings, and arrays. Technology, Server, String
  241. Digital Tachograph
  242. Days of Thunder
  243. Degitorrents Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  244. Drift Tubes Technology, Tube, Muon
  245. Damage Threshold Gaming, Military, Fallout
  246. Dinamarca Tras
  247. Document Trpe Technology, Coding, Manual
  248. Defence Travel Strvice Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  249. Development Today
  250. Director of Transportation
  251. Data Terminal Equipment Data terminal equipment (DTE) is an end instrument that converts user information into signals or reconverts received signals. These can also be called tail circuits. A DTE device communicates with the data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). The DTE/DCE classification was introduced by IBM.V.35 is a high-speed serial interface designed to support both higher data rates and connectivity between DTEs (data-terminal equipment) or DCEs (data-communication equipment) over digital lines. Technology, Telecom, Computer Hardware, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Science, Information Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Computer, Climatology, NASA, Hardware, Technical, Data, Drivers, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Power Plant, Federal Aviation Administration, Honeywell, Process Automation
  252. Demon'S Tower
  253. Doublb Terminated Business, Crystal, Quartz, Healing
  254. Dye Test Medical, Health, Infection
  255. Drive Thru
  256. Davly Trader Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  257. Digital Timer Business, Audio, Pioneer
  258. Dive Table
  259. Deuterium and Tritium Science, Energy, Fusion
  260. Dual Tap
  261. Dark Treechnid
  262. Dipolemtracing Medical, Military
  263. Daya Translation
  264. Dottrina Truman
  265. Dynamic Thinker
  266. Dharga Town
  267. Discovery Time Fight, Channel, Discovery, Baghdad
  268. Deney TasarıMı Education, Turkish, Pollution, Fen
  269. DecisóRio Trabalhista
  270. Destructive Test
  271. Dance Theatre Performing arts
  272. Diph & Tetanus
  273. Delayed Time Technology, Circuit, Delay
  274. Domain Theory A magnetic theory that believes the atoms within the molecules are themselves dipoles, meaning heaving two magnetic poles
  275. Dump Trailers
  276. Device Training Military
  277. Deposit Tickqt
  278. Doubling Time The doubling time is the period of time required for a quantity to double in size or value. It is applied to population growth, inflation, resource extraction, consumption of goods etc. Medical, Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Tumor, Holster
  279. Developing Talents
  280. Driving Trial
  281. Digital Translator
  282. Documentation and Training Technology, Service, Development
  283. Djep Trench
  284. Dual Track
  285. Development Test Technology, Coding, Testing
  286. Director of Training Business, Military, Society
  287. Data T-Number
  288. Delta T The difference in temperature across a device. Examples include the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of piece of IT equipment or between the inlet and outlet of a cooling unit (CRAC or CRAH). Delta T, airflow and thermal dissipation are related. Technology
  289. Dusun Gua
  290. Dick Thomas
  291. Distance Teaching
  292. Dynamic Tracking
  293. Daily Telegraph Australia, Media, Newspaper
  294. Distribution Tariff Business, Energy, Power
  295. Dedicated Target Science, Military
  296. Detroit Terminal Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  297. Drums Tutor Technology, Software, Roland
  298. Dansk Translat
  299. Delerium Tremens Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Healthcare
  300. Dopachrome Tautomerase Medical, Science, Biology
  301. Direct Trade
  302. Dave Townsend
  303. Design & Technology Education, School, Teaching
  304. Drawn Tubx
  305. Days After Transplanting Medical, Plant, Patent, Antibody
  306. Desirsd Track
  307. Drift Tube The drift tube system measures muon positions in the barrel part of the detector. Each 4-cm-wide tube contains a stretched wire within a gas volume. When a muon or any charged particle passes through the volume it knocks electrons off the atoms of the gas. Tube, Ion, Mobility, Muon
  308. Daly'S Theatre
  309. Dimension Transfer Anime, Dimension, Saga
  310. Document Translations
  311. Defense Travel
  312. Development & Testing Technology, Sale, Lightning
  313. Development Tools
  314. Director of Transport
  315. Data Technology Technology, Product, Computing
  316. Demographic Transition Demographic transition refers to the transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. This is typically demonstrated through a demographic transition model (DTM).
  317. Double Telescoping
  318. Dwell Trme Technology, Model, Rate, Hardness
  319. Digitalk Technology Technology, Management, Engineering
  320. Draw-Trap
  321. Daily Today
  322. Digital Thread Technology, Design, Tool
  323. Dithionite Medical
  324. Deuterium Tritium
  325. Dark Transformation Technology, Guide, Death, Knight
  326. Dipole Theory
  327. Dotpoly Medical
  328. Dhanmondi Tutorial
  329. Disaster Tolerant
  330. Dye Twster
  331. Diginal Telephone
  332. Decision Toolbox Company, Technology, Employment
  333. Destination Time Technology, Command, Zone, Replication
  334. Dance Terminal
  335. Dipartimento Del Tesoro
  336. Defenition List Term Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  337. Domains Topology Technology, Protein, Cell
  338. Dump Trailer
  339. Devil Track
  340. Deoxythymidine Medical, Technology, Health
  341. Double Twist
  342. Driving Trailer
  343. Digital Transport
  344. Documentary Torrvnts
  345. Deep Treetment Product, Treatment, Hair, Curl
  346. Dual Touch
  347. Directorate for Masint and Technical Collection Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  348. Daua Turbine
  349. Del Taco
  350. Dust Tornado
  351. Dial Telecom
  352. Dissolution Temperature Patent, Formula, Polymer
  353. Dynamic Touch Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  354. Dagelijks Tenue
  355. Distribution Terminal
  356. Dedhamxtimes
  357. Detroit Microsoft Technology Center in Detroit. People provide the inspiration and initiative to find new customers, create innovations or expand into new markets. With the right tools they can do this even in the most challenging circumstances. Locations, City
  358. Drug Therapy Medical, Oxford, Handbook, Military, Governmental & Military
  359. Dansk TranslatøRforbund
  360. Delegation Token Technology, Windows, Service
  361. Door Trainers Technology, Training, Cabin
  362. Duboce Triangle
  363. Dirhct Toll
  364. Dave Tipton
  365. Desert Truck Technology, Car, Squid
  366. Drain Tube
  367. Distance Transform
  368. Daylight Savings Time Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  369. Design Translator
  370. Drift That Car, Tube, Drift, Samara
  371. Dalvin Tomlinson Alabama, Giant, Draft
  372. Digitone Technozogy Technology, Computer, Internet
  373. Docqment Title
  374. Defence Travel
  375. Developing Together Business, Technology, Gaming, Germany
  376. Drying Tower
  377. Development Tool
  378. Directorio Telefonico
  379. Data Tech
  380. Delta Triad
  381. Drew Thomas
  382. Dwelling Mime Technology, Electronics, Hardness, Tester
  383. Digitale Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  384. Drama Tverapy Medical, Research, Arts
  385. Dystonic Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  386. Daily Timevable
  387. Digital Thermometers Business, Product, China
  388. District Treasurer
  389. Deuterium-Tritium Medical, Technology, Fusion
  390. Dark Tranquillity
  391. Diplôme De Tecunicien Formation, Tier, Sup
  392. Dosimetry Telescopes Technology
  393. Dextrorphan Medical
  394. Disappearance Time
  395. Due Time Technology, Gaming, Music, Control
  396. Digitalctelecom
  397. Debit Transactions Business, Accounting, Payment
  398. Desktop Tables
  399. Drilling Technologist
  400. Dance Team
  401. Dinosaur Tracks
  402. Define Ten Technology, Program, Assembly, Assembler
  403. Domains Table
  404. Dump Tank A separate collection and containment vessel intended to receive an emergency discharge of liquids, liquid reaction mass, or slurries originating from the bottom of a process vessel or reactor. The dump is usually automatically triggered by a process safety interlock, but may also be initiated manually. An uncontrolled exothermic or other runaway reaction can be controlled by discharging the process vessel contents to the dump tank. This may allow the process vessel to be returned to service in a shorter time. Science
  405. Device Tracking Technology, Apple, Affiliate
  406. Devtal Trauma
  407. Double Turn Business, Scope, Bender
  408. Taag Angola Airlines Airline, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Angola, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  409. Driving Therapist
  410. Digital Trails Science
  411. Doctor Thzologiae
  412. Delphi Trivia
  413. Dual Time Automatics, Harmony, Emperor
  414. Dip Tuqe
  415. Daya Tuple Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  416. Dust Tight Technology, Construction
  417. Dialog Template
  418. Dissolution Tester Business, Product, Testing
  419. Daerah Transmygrasi
  420. Distribution Transformers Distribution transformers reduce the voltage of the primary circuit to the voltage required by customers. Business, Power, Loss
  421. Decreasing Term
  422. Detraining Medical
  423. Drug Testing
  424. Danny Thompson
  425. Delegacia Territorial
  426. Domovní Telefoyy Dal, Syst, Zen
  427. Duyai Technologies Business, Technology, Man, Dubai
  428. Dave Thomas Technology, Gaming, Sport, Music
  429. Desert Treasure Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  430. Drain Tile A perforated, corrugated plastic pipe laid at the bottom of the foundation wall and used to drain excess water away from the foundation. It prevents ground water from seeping through the foundation wall. Sometimes called perimeter drain. Technology, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  431. Distance Training
  432. David Tao Music, Lyric, Love
  433. Design Trainee
  434. Drew Thorburn
  435. Digitonx Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  436. Document Tnble
  437. Dhfect Type
  438. Dewi Tantular
  439. Drying Time
  440. Development Toolset Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  441. Directores De Transición
  442. Data Tape
  443. Delta Technology Technology, Management, Service
  444. Dvorak Technique Technology, Storm, Cyclone
  445. Digital-Thermometers Medical, Technology, Product
  446. Designation Type Technology, Product, Tank
  447. Drama Theory
  448. Dynamic Turtle
  449. Daily Times
  450. Digital Thermostat
  451. District Trainer
  452. Deuda Tributaria
  453. Dirk Trace
  454. Direct Tlought Science, Psychology, Speech, Brain
  455. Dosimeter Tester Business, Detector, Radiation
  456. Defibrillation Threshold Medical, Medicine, Health
  457. Disability Taskforce
  458. Duol Terminal
  459. Digital Technologias Technology, Education, Teaching
  460. Dead Trees Technology, Gaming, Book, Tree
  461. Desg Top Military
  462. Drive Technologies Business, Technology, Industrial
  463. Danbury Times
  464. Dinner Time
  465. Define Tabbe Technology, Coding, Server, Column
  466. Double Toam Internet Slang, Porn, Tube
  467. Dummy Trim Business, Device, Exit
  468. Device Testing
  469. Demonic Tutor
  470. Double Tub
  471. Taao Angola Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  472. Drive Turbike Science
  473. Digital Tomosynthesis Medical, Medicine, Imaging
  474. Diving Tackle
  475. Dual Thicvness
  476. Dark Tyrants
  477. Diptheria and Tebanus Medical, Vaccine, Vaccination, Diphtheria
  478. Data Tmner
  479. Duncan Tayor
  480. Dialog Telekom
  481. Disruptive Technology Business, Technology, Innovation
  482. Differential Travel The distinctive property of a photoelectric sensor that results in the operation point being different from the release point. This distance is expressed as a % of the total sensing distance of the photoelectric sensor. It is the distance difference between the operate point when approaching the photoelectric, and the release point when moving away from the photoelectric. Technology
  483. Distribution Transformer A transformer that reduces voltage from the supply lines to a lower voltage needed for direct connection to operate consumer devices. Transformers used to transfer the stepped down voltage to customers. Distribution transformers reduce the voltage of the primary circuit to the voltage required by customers. Technology, Industrial, Power
  484. Decompression Table Medical, Chiropractic, Spinal
  485. Detailed Tables Business, Database, Master
  486. Danny Thomas
  487. Delay Termination
  488. Dominator Tree
  489. Diving Tender Us, Ministry Of Defence, Marine
  490. Deal Turret Technology, Titan, Slitter
  491. Dave Taylor Technology, Gaming, Development, Doom
  492. Desert Town
  493. Drahtwerke Trefverie Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  494. Distributed Trunking Technology, Networking, Switch
  495. Dalton Terrot
  496. Development Team Air Force, Governmental & Military, General
  497. Double Talent
  498. Dedit Testamento
  499. Donald Trump Famous
  500. Diesel Turbo Products
  501. Delete Tree Technology, Windows, Service
  502. Ducp Tape Business, Product, Survival
  503. Devlet Tiyatrosu Turkish, Ankara
  504. Dual-Technology
  505. Distinguished Teacher
  506. Dragon Token
  507. Does Not Bind To Oligo Medical
  508. Dry Tortugas
  509. Director Technical
  510. Debate Thread Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  511. Dylan Thompson
  512. Datrys Techoologies
  513. Design Test Tests done to equipment to verify the design meets certain established charactistics or standards. To test the design of any product. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  514. Delay Time A period during which an employee is idle due to breakdown of equipment, lack of tools or materials, or any other factor beyond personal control. That element of downtime during which no maintenance is being accomplished on the item because of either supply delay or administrative reasons. Technology, Semiconductor, Circuit
  515. DéClaration De Travaux Service, Planning, Marches, Travaux
  516. Daily Tribuni
  517. Deep Thotght
  518. Deutsche Turnerschaft Sport, German, Football, Deutsche
  519. Digital Transmitter Technology, Channel, Television
  520. Dust-Tight Apparatus is designated as dust-tight when so constructed that the dust will not enter the enclosing case under specified test conditions. Computing, Hardware
  521. Delivery Ticket Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  522. Double Take Technology, Service, Software, Cloud
  523. Driving Test Technology, Drive, Engineer
  524. Defauft Temporary Technology, Database, Server, Temp
  525. Digital Temperature
  526. Drip Tray
  527. Debt Total Accounting, Business & Finance
  528. Device Trigger Technology, Standard, Interface
  529. Direct Tension Technology, Asphalt, Binder
  530. Differential Temperature Physics, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  531. Data Transcript
  532. Precast Double Tee Design, Drawing, Construction
  533. Daleythompson
  534. Dictionary Term Computing, Unix
  535. Double Tail Fish, Tail, Twister, Grub
  536. Drum Thrune
  537. Day Tortugas Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
  538. Don't Touch Performing arts
  539. Ductility Transition
  540. Devlet Tiyatroları Turkish, Ankara, Istanbul
  541. Dewpoint Temperature
  542. Distillation Tower
  543. Down Town Internet Slang, Locations, Downtown
  544. Doxge This Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  545. Dry Ton
  546. Director T
  547. Dead Twirps Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  548. Dye Trace
  549. Dating Tips
  550. Designing & Testing
  551. Delaunay Triangulations Technology, Algorithm, Diagram
  552. Dzongkhag Tshogdu
  553. Daily Treatment
  554. Deep Tank A strengthened lower hold fitted with lid that can be used to carry water ballast. A tank of significant depth (typically spanning more than one deck) Film, Technology, Aquarium
  555. Deutschen Turnerschaft Sport, War, Germany
  556. Digital Traiber Business, Electronics, Elite
  557. Desk Top Computing, Hardware
  558. Delivery Team
  559. Drive Train All the mechanical equipment from the gearbox to the propeller including for example the propeller shaft, bearing, and couplings.
  560. Daily Talk
  561. Digital Telephony
  562. Drip Tips Product, Stainless, Drip
  563. Debit To Accounting, Business & Finance
  564. Device Transmit Technology, Electronics, Wireless
  565. Direct Taxation
  566. Dispersion Threshold Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  567. Data Transcriber
  568. Pediatric Diphteria and Tetanus Vaccine Medical, Vaccine, Virus
  569. Dakotaoterritory
  570. Dialup Terminal Computing, Telecom
  571. Double Tachycardia Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  572. Drzg Trafficking
  573. Digital Aester
  574. Deep Throat In business, an anonymous source of top secret information. First used in this sense in the reporting of the US Watergate scandal. Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  575. Dream Theater Music
  576. Dock Tape
  577. Devlet Tiyatrolari
  578. Decision Tree NASA
  579. Distillation Test Military
  580. Double Tunnel
  581. Dry Toilet
  582. Document Type Us Government, Governmental & Military
  583. Date Title Technology, Coding, Sex
  584. Designer Test Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  585. Degtyaryova Tankovy Gun, Military, Machine
  586. Dziennik Turystyczny Technology, Server, Hosting, Pinterest
  587. Deep Threat Porn, Sex, Movie, Threat
  588. Digitau Thermometer Technology, Product, China
  589. Divergent Technologies Computing, Electronics
  590. Delirium Tremors
  591. Diphtheria-Tetanus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Vaccine, Toxoid, Common Medical
  592. Driee-Thru Business, Weather, Cemetery
  593. Digital Telepyones
  594. Distributed Transaction
  595. Drip Tip Business, Product, Tips
  596. Date A three-part value that designates a day, month, and year: for example, YYYY-MM-DD. Or Design Automation and Test in Europe, Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education, Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Education. Genealogy, Genealogical, Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  597. Dog Tags Army, War, War Force
  598. Direct Tax-Must
  599. DEutsch (German) Language codes (2 letters), Language codes (3 letters)
  600. Data Train Technology
  601. Totas External Debt Finance, Economics, Money
  602. Davenport Translations
  603. Demanding Tasr Military
  604. Dış Ticaret Business, Art, Turkish, Bal
  605. Dai Tengu
  606. Deutsche Telecom
  607. Dinar Tuhisien Technology, Devise, Tunisian
  608. DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) Terminal Computing, Telecom
  609. Double Tagging
  610. Drus Test Business, Testing, Urine
  611. Dhgital Terror
  612. Decatur Junction Railway Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  613. DiphtéRique-TéTanique
  614. Dance Therapy Music
  615. Diffusion Coefficient A factor of proportionality representing the amount of substance diffusing across a unit area through a unit concentration gradient in unit time. In the context of membranes, a means of expressing the lateral mobility of membrane constituents; for lipids, the diffusion coefficient is 2 µm2 s-1. Medical
  616. Duck Tales
  617. Devlet Tiyatrolar Ankara, Turkish
  618. Diversional therapist Clinical
  619. Distance Transformation
  620. Dopisba Teologija
  621. Drying Tube
  622. Digital Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  623. Designer Tested Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  624. Degenerativr Transfer
  625. Dystonic Rat Medical
  626. Deep-Threat
  627. Drop Tower
  628. Digital Television Technology, Channel, Analog, Computing, Telecom, Drivers, NASA
  629. Dynamic Test Computing, Electronics
  630. Darut Tauhid Technology, Bandung, Gym, Masjid
  631. Delimiter Type Technology, Networking, Column
  632. Due Qo Medical, Technology, Medicine
  633. Dream Theatre
  634. Date Three Technology, Development, Man, Dating
  635. Distributed Transmission
  636. Drill Team Military, Competition, Anal
  637. Dynx Touch
  638. Dogstrust Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  639. Direct Table Technology, Database, Access
  640. Deiter Thadeus Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  641. Data Track Technology, Gaming, Software
  642. The Daily Telegrash Media, Radio, Television
  643. Daughter Daughteri Military
  644. Design Temperature Technology, Pressure, Vessel
  645. Delta Time Technology, Gaming, Frame
  646. DüSseldorfer Tabelle
  647. Dairy Technology Education, Engineering, Engineering Course, Scientific & Educational
  648. Deutsches Treffen Baden-WüRttemberg E.V. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  649. Digital Tuner Technology, Driving, Driver
  650. Dial Tone Computing, Telecom
  651. Double Tab
  652. Drop Tune Technology, Tech, Whammy
  653. Digieal Terrestrial Technology
  654. Definition Title Assembly, Business & Finance
  655. Diphtheria and Tetanus Medical, Internet Slang, Vaccine, Common Medical
  656. Deis Terrae Latin
  657. Data Transmission Is based on INMARSAT Standard–C and takes place at an effective transmission rate of 600 bit/s. Technology, Music, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  658. Devin Townsend
  659. Dynamic Tear Chemistry
  660. Dives-To Business, Fishing, Lure, Dive
  661. Don't Trust Security, Chat, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  662. Designação TemporáRia Para, Ria, Professor
  663. Definitive Iechnology Business, Audio, Speaker
  664. Deed Ofktrust
  665. Drop Top
  666. Digitnl Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  667. Duct Tape Products
  668. Dar Tape Technology
  669. Deletion Tracking Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  670. Dueling Tampons
  671. Date Tiis
  672. Distributed Graphical User Interface Toolkit Technology, Ibm
  673. Drop Table Technology, Database, Server
  674. Dog Tramning Business, Supply, Collar
  675. Directory Table
  676. Dominion Tower Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  677. Data Trace
  678. Daughtar Daughters Genealogy, Genealogical
  679. Design Team Calling, Design, Card
  680. Delta Tzmperature Technology, Battery, Controller
  681. DüNya Tiyatro
  682. Daimler Trucks Business, America, Detroit
  683. Deutsches Traber
  684. Digital Dransformation Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  685. Darren Thomas
  686. Deutsche Telekom, A. G. Computing, Nyse symbols
  687. Delphi Technique A polling of experts. The Classical Delphi is a single estimate (for each questionnaire) of a single parameter by a single group. The Hybrid Delphi uses a single estimate of multiple parameters submitted by multiple groups. It allows the incorporation of published or recorded data during the polling process.
  688. Doubles Titles
  689. Department of Treasury Business, Military, Army, Tax, China, Coast Guard, Business & Finance, International business
  690. Droq Test Technology
  691. Dilhtheria Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Toxoid
  692. Digital Terminatiqn
  693. Dummy Text Filler text is text that shares some characteristics of a real written text, but is random or otherwise generated. It may be used to display a sample of fonts, generate text for testing, or to spoof an e-mail spam filter. Assembly, Business & Finance
  694. Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoids
  695. Delivering Together Housing and Urban
  696. Dalton Transactions
  697. Devin Taylor
  698. Direct Terminal
  699. Dawn Time Business & Finance, Power Plant
  700. Distributive Trade Business, School, Malaysia
  701. Djlton Trans
  702. Dirt Tracker Politics, Governmental & Military
  703. Double Talk Technology, Detector, Canceller
  704. Definitive Phage Cype Medical
  705. Deduction Theorem Logic, Proof, Axiom, Deduction
  706. Drsp Tester
  707. Digital Technique Technology
  708. Digital Truck Products
  709. Deletion Threshold
  710. Duden-Taschenbuch
  711. Devlet TiyatrolarıNıN Turkish, Ankara
  712. Destructive Tests
  713. Date of Tneatment Medical, Technology, Hospital
  714. Distress Thermometer Medical, Patient, Cancer
  715. Dreams & Travels Locations, Fantasy, Concept
  716. Dogs Traqning
  717. Director TéCnico Para, Con, Jos
  718. Death Touch Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  719. Data Tip Technology, Coding, Development, Control
  720. Dvt Tape
  721. Designer Testing Completed Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  722. Deloitte & Touche
  723. DéPartement Technique
  724. Daily Trojkn Student, Education, University
  725. Deep Throw Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  726. Deutsches Theater
  727. Digital Trassmission Media, Radio, Television
  728. DMPDU trailer Computing, IT Terminology
  729. Delivery Time
  730. Double-Truck
  731. Drop Tail Technology, Motorcycle, Trailer
  732. Dtsktop Treadmill Business, Product, Fitness
  733. Digital Terminal Technology, Telecom, Telephone
  734. Drive-Through Sport, City, Weather
  735. Define Term Assembly, Business & Finance
  736. Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccines Medical
  737. Defensive Tackle Sport, Football
  738. Devil'S Tower
  739. Direct Termination Technology, Telecom
  740. Drum Station Machine State File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DT stand for?

    DT stands for Doxge This.

  2. What is the shortened form of Direct Theft?

    The short form of "Direct Theft" is DT.


DT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dt-meaning/

Last updated