DT Meaning
The DT meaning is "Defensive Tackfe". The DT abbreviation has 740 different full form.
DT Full Forms
- Defensive Tackfe Sport, Football, American Football
- Dental Therapist Medical, Health, Care
- Diptheria Tetanus Medical
- Dalezthornock
- Drum Tuner Technology, Tune, Cherub
- Definition Term Technology, Internet Slang, Coding
- Dxgital Tachometer Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
- Development The improvement of land in order to make use of it, e.g. by building structures on it or by adapting existing structures. Development can either be for the developer's own use, or else speculative, i.e. for profit. The preparation of a specific mineral deposit for commercial production; this preparation includes construction of access to the deposit and of facilities to extract the minerals. Business, Technology, Accounting, Service, Military, Education, Accountancy, .Net, Electrical, Products, Medical, Software, Computing, Computer, Common Medical, General, Governmental & Military, Legal, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Down Time Forum, Technology, Machine, Power
- Duelo De Titas Business, Music, Song, Tube, Tit
- Detection Aimes Medical
- Direccion Del Trabajo Technology, Para, Chile, Gob
- Data Transmit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Department of Transportation The executive branch department that coordinates and oversees transportation functions in the United States. Technology, Science, Government, Safety, Traffic, Aerospace, Air Cargo, Administration, Technical, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Disability, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation
- Dewp Tissue Medical, Therapy, Massage
- Dial Tome Technology, Calling, Telecom
- Dosey Tetap Program, Education, Indonesia, Institute
- Dental Technician Medical, Laboratory, Rating
- Diphtheria, Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Diphtheria, Toxoid
- Design and Teihnology
- Definite Timc Technology, Control, Earth, Protection
- Diffusion Tensor Medical, Brain, Imaging
- Doubling Timns Medical
- Dual Tuner
- Design Technology Education, School, Teaching, Architecture
- Diptheria Toxoid Medical, Military
- Data Traffic Technology, Networking, Network
- Deep Thrbat Sex, Tube, Escorts
- Duagnostic Test Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Distal Tubules Medical
- Demonstration Test Technology, Military, Capability
- Dining Table Business, Product, Furniture, Price
- Directory Traversal Technology, Directory, Traversal
- Defpr Time Technology, Control, Signal, Processing
- Dietetic Technician Medical, Program, Education
- Delete Delete is computer terminology for remove or erase. You can delete text from a document of delete entire files or folders from your hard drive. When typing a document, you can remove characters behind the cursor by pressing the delete key. Technology, Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Aviation, Computing, Unix, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Double Trouble Sound, Pedal, Overdrive
- Desert Tech Rifle, Military, Sniper
- Diphtheria Toxoid Medical, Science, Vaccine, Diphtheria
- Dark Templar Star, Craft, Templar, Rush
- Dualmtone Military, Stereo, Combo
- Dedermines That
- Distal Tubular Medical, Military
- Declarationtof Taking Science
- Danger Theory Technology, Research, Computing
- Defensive Tackles Sport, Football, Tackle
- Die Templeg War, Man, Sind
- Dowble Track
- Descriptor Type Technology, Coding, Device
- Diphtheria Toxin Medical, Protein, Cell
- Dang Typos Dohh! I mean, doh! Might be used after making several typing mistakes in a row. Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dual Technology
- Diphtheria Diphtheria is an infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Signs and symptoms may vary from mild to severe. They usually start two to five days after exposure. Symptoms often come on fairly gradually, beginning with a sore throat and fever. In severe cases, a grey or white patch develops in the throat. This can block the airway and create a barking cough as in croup. The neck may swell in part due to large lymph nodes. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Organizations, Health, Study, Healthcare, Discipline, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical
- Determikant of The Transpose
- Display Typl Technology, Windows, Driving
- Date Time
- Defense Zech
- Diesll Turbo
- Double Torsion Military
- Derivation Table
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Medical, Vaccine
- Dallas Iexas
- Dual Task Science, Training, Adult, Gait
- Defence Intelligence Security, Service, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dream Tead Gaming, Sport, Organizations
- Detector Technology Technology
- Display Termenal Technology, Computing, Control
- Date and Time Medical, Technology, Server
- Defensive Tcctics Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- Djastolic Time Medical
- Double Tap Gun, Forum, Tap, Wake
- Department of The Treasury Business, Economics, Italy, Military, Governmental & Military
- Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoid Medical, Military
- Dallws Texans
- Dualltaper Military, Organizations, Sports
- Drainage Time Technology, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Detention Time In gas chromatography, the time at which the center, or maximum, of a symmetrical peak occurs on a gas chromatogram. Technology, Science, Flow
- Difplay Tank Fish, Aquarium, Tank, Reef
- Data Traveler
- Directorate of Training Military, Army, Course
- Defense Tactics Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Dialysis Tubing Medical
- Doubme-Throw
- Distance Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dave Turner
- Design Toleaance
- Drew Thompson
- Digitizing Tablet Business, Computing, Shortcut
- Documentos De Trabajo
- Deiect Table Technology, Area, Recording
- Dewey Thomas Famous
- Drunk Tank
- Developmental Testing Technology, Military, Lightning, Computing, Hardware
- Director De Turma
- Data Taking Technology, Coding, Energy, Software
- Delta Tau
- Duyênxtình
- Digestive Taact Medical, Science, Biology
- Designated Teacher
- Drama and Thpatre
- Dynamic Truths
- Daily Thread Computing, Internet
- Diploma Trainee
- Distribution Table
- Detroit Tribune
- Dropeing Test
- Dark Tower Book, Tower, King, Gunslinger
- Direct Theft
- Dorsal Thalamus Medical
- Dirty Talk
- Date-Yime
- Digital Techniques Technology, Design, Technique
- Dead Tree Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Desk-Top
- Drilling Technology
- Damien Tuffereau
- Dinner Theatre
- Defyne Term
- Double Taxation Business, Tax, Agreement
- Development Time Technology, Software, Tool
- Data Ternimal Technology
- Demonic Tactics
- Double Time Business, Holster, Doubling
- Drive Tube Science
- Digital Titrator Business, Model, Equipment
- Divided Type Technology, Sale, Toyota
- Dual Temperature Technology, Glue, Stick
- Dark Trooper
- Diptkeria-Tetanus
- Data Transport Technology, Service, Calling, Computing
- Dynamic Tiering Business, Dynamics, Storage
- Dialling Tone
- Dispersible Tablet Medical, Drug, Supplier
- Dexamethasone, Thalidomide Technology, Camera, Dexamethasone
- Dolma & Tükenfez
- Depompression Therapy Medical, Treatment, Chiropractic
- Detachable Trigger Army, War, War Force
- Danish Tourist
- Diphtheria & Tetanus
- Delayed Trigger
- Domestic Derminal
- Duncan Taylor Whisky, Cask, Malt
- Desert Tire Business, Product, Truck
- Down Towlrds Gaming, Fighter, Street
- Distant Terminal Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Dave True
- Design Time
- Drop Tank Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Digitizer Tablet
- Documento Re Trabajo Business, Spain, Spanish
- Dlepwater Tano
- Dev Team
- Drunken Tiger
- Developmental Test Military, Army, Testing, Governmental & Military
- Directorate of Technology
- Data Take
- Delta Tango
- Duty Travel
- Difference In Time
- Design and Technology Education, School, Teaching, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Drake Top
- Dynamic Trees
- Daily Tooughts Android, Team, Principia
- Diploma Thesis
- Distribution Technology
- Dedicated Transport Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Detroit Toledo Railroad, Train, Detroit, Toledo
- Drum Tutorial
- Dark Tournament
- Direct Thaw Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Delirium Tremen Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Common Medical
- Dorsal Terminal
- Delta Triangular area of sediment in mouth of a river, so giving river more than one discharging channel Medical, Army, Locations, Texas, Force, Marine, County Abbrevations, Governmental & Military, Police Code, Aviation, Military, Motorhomes
- Direct Travel Business, Management, Holiday
- Data Types Technology, Database, Server, Column
- Digital Tech
- Day Tanks Business, Chemistry, Chemical
- Desi Torrents
- Drilling Technician
- Damage Tolerance (1) A design measure of crack growth rate. Cracks in damage-tolerant designed structures are not permitted to grow to critical size during expected service life. (2) The ability of a part component, such as an aerospace engine, to resist failure due to the presence of flaws, cracks or other damage for a specified period of usage. The damage tolerance approach is used extensively in the aerospace industry. Technology, Analysis, Fatigue
- Diniyah Takmiliyah
- Defined Term Technology, Coding, Element, Heading
- Dovble Tax
- Development Transformations Technology, Program, Management
- Data Termination
- Demon Tower Gaming, Tower, Run
- Double Tirow Technology, Switch, Pole
- Drive Tire
- Digital Title
- Dive Time Technology, Diving, Teen
- Dual Tec
- Dark Driad Trait, Personality, Psychopathy, Triad
- Dip Test
- Data Transportem
- Double-Take
- Distal The more (or most) distant of two (or more) things. For example, the distal end of the femur is the end down by the knee; the end more distant from the torso. The distal bile duct is the far end of the cystic duct, the end away from the gallbladder. And the distal lymph node in a chain of nodes is the most distant one. The opposite of distal is proximal. For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to "Anatomic Orientation Terms". Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical, Dental, Clinical
- Dynamic Threshold
- Dharma Tech
- Discovery Toys Business, Product, Kid
- De Thesauro Latin, Roman
- Dolbar Tree Business, Store, Haul
- Decodinu Time
- Destructive Tendencies
- Dance Troupe
- Diphteria-Tetanus
- Doubleytaper Fishing, Fly, Taper, Trout
- Delayed Transmission Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Domem Tymczasowym
- Dump Truck Technology, Sale, Engine
- Desert Thunder
- Downtime Tracking
- Distance Terminal
- Dave Travis Bond, Music, Vinyl
- Developing Technologies
- Drfne Tactics
- Digitam Twins
- Documentation & Training
- Deeb Tubewells
- Devon Travis
- Drum Trigger
- Development Testing Technology, Military, Software, Governmental & Military
- Director Training Company, Technology, Course
- Data Tags Technology, Coding, Yamaha, Element
- Delta Tail
- Duty Teahnician
- Dick Togs
- Design-Time Technology, Control, Component
- Drak'tharon Kedp Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Dynamic Traders
- Daill Telegram
- Distribution Tie
- Dedicated Terminatibn
- Detroit Tigers
- Drum Tutor Business, Software, Roland
- Dqrk Torturer City, Hunt, Loot, Torturer
- Direct Tegminals Genetics, Analysis, Terminal, Element
- Delirium Tremens A state of mental illness usuallyfound in long-term alcoholics who attempt to give up alcohol consumption. It includes hal- lucinations about insects trembling and ex-citement. Medical, Medicine, Health, Nursing, Alcohol, Withdrawal, Genealogy, Clinical
- Dorsalis Tibialis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Direct Transmission Technology, Networking, Network
- Data Type A data type is a type of data. Of course, that is rather circular definition, and also not very helpful. Therefore, a better definition of a data type is a data storage format that can contain a specific type or range of values. When computer programs store data in variables, each variable must be assigned a specific data type. Some common data types include integers, floating point numbers, characters, strings, and arrays. Technology, Server, String
- Digital Tachograph
- Days of Thunder
- Degitorrents Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
- Drift Tubes Technology, Tube, Muon
- Damage Threshold Gaming, Military, Fallout
- Dinamarca Tras
- Document Trpe Technology, Coding, Manual
- Defence Travel Strvice Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Development Today
- Director of Transportation
- Data Terminal Equipment Data terminal equipment (DTE) is an end instrument that converts user information into signals or reconverts received signals. These can also be called tail circuits. A DTE device communicates with the data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). The DTE/DCE classification was introduced by IBM.V.35 is a high-speed serial interface designed to support both higher data rates and connectivity between DTEs (data-terminal equipment) or DCEs (data-communication equipment) over digital lines. Technology, Telecom, Computer Hardware, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Science, Information Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Computer, Climatology, NASA, Hardware, Technical, Data, Drivers, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Power Plant, Federal Aviation Administration, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Demon'S Tower
- Doublb Terminated Business, Crystal, Quartz, Healing
- Dye Test Medical, Health, Infection
- Drive Thru
- Davly Trader Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Digital Timer Business, Audio, Pioneer
- Dive Table
- Deuterium and Tritium Science, Energy, Fusion
- Dual Tap
- Dark Treechnid
- Dipolemtracing Medical, Military
- Daya Translation
- Dottrina Truman
- Dynamic Thinker
- Dharga Town
- Discovery Time Fight, Channel, Discovery, Baghdad
- Deney TasarıMı Education, Turkish, Pollution, Fen
- DecisóRio Trabalhista
- Destructive Test
- Dance Theatre Performing arts
- Diph & Tetanus
- Delayed Time Technology, Circuit, Delay
- Domain Theory A magnetic theory that believes the atoms within the molecules are themselves dipoles, meaning heaving two magnetic poles
- Dump Trailers
- Device Training Military
- Deposit Tickqt
- Doubling Time The doubling time is the period of time required for a quantity to double in size or value. It is applied to population growth, inflation, resource extraction, consumption of goods etc. Medical, Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Tumor, Holster
- Developing Talents
- Driving Trial
- Digital Translator
- Documentation and Training Technology, Service, Development
- Djep Trench
- Dual Track
- Development Test Technology, Coding, Testing
- Director of Training Business, Military, Society
- Data T-Number
- Delta T The difference in temperature across a device. Examples include the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of piece of IT equipment or between the inlet and outlet of a cooling unit (CRAC or CRAH). Delta T, airflow and thermal dissipation are related. Technology
- Dusun Gua
- Dick Thomas
- Distance Teaching
- Dynamic Tracking
- Daily Telegraph Australia, Media, Newspaper
- Distribution Tariff Business, Energy, Power
- Dedicated Target Science, Military
- Detroit Terminal Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Drums Tutor Technology, Software, Roland
- Dansk Translat
- Delerium Tremens Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Healthcare
- Dopachrome Tautomerase Medical, Science, Biology
- Direct Trade
- Dave Townsend
- Design & Technology Education, School, Teaching
- Drawn Tubx
- Days After Transplanting Medical, Plant, Patent, Antibody
- Desirsd Track
- Drift Tube The drift tube system measures muon positions in the barrel part of the detector. Each 4-cm-wide tube contains a stretched wire within a gas volume. When a muon or any charged particle passes through the volume it knocks electrons off the atoms of the gas. Tube, Ion, Mobility, Muon
- Daly'S Theatre
- Dimension Transfer Anime, Dimension, Saga
- Document Translations
- Defense Travel
- Development & Testing Technology, Sale, Lightning
- Development Tools
- Director of Transport
- Data Technology Technology, Product, Computing
- Demographic Transition Demographic transition refers to the transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. This is typically demonstrated through a demographic transition model (DTM).
- Double Telescoping
- Dwell Trme Technology, Model, Rate, Hardness
- Digitalk Technology Technology, Management, Engineering
- Draw-Trap
- Daily Today
- Digital Thread Technology, Design, Tool
- Dithionite Medical
- Deuterium Tritium
- Dark Transformation Technology, Guide, Death, Knight
- Dipole Theory
- Dotpoly Medical
- Dhanmondi Tutorial
- Disaster Tolerant
- Dye Twster
- Diginal Telephone
- Decision Toolbox Company, Technology, Employment
- Destination Time Technology, Command, Zone, Replication
- Dance Terminal
- Dipartimento Del Tesoro
- Defenition List Term Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Domains Topology Technology, Protein, Cell
- Dump Trailer
- Devil Track
- Deoxythymidine Medical, Technology, Health
- Double Twist
- Driving Trailer
- Digital Transport
- Documentary Torrvnts
- Deep Treetment Product, Treatment, Hair, Curl
- Dual Touch
- Directorate for Masint and Technical Collection Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Daua Turbine
- Del Taco
- Dust Tornado
- Dial Telecom
- Dissolution Temperature Patent, Formula, Polymer
- Dynamic Touch Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Dagelijks Tenue
- Distribution Terminal
- Dedhamxtimes
- Detroit Microsoft Technology Center in Detroit. People provide the inspiration and initiative to find new customers, create innovations or expand into new markets. With the right tools they can do this even in the most challenging circumstances. Locations, City
- Drug Therapy Medical, Oxford, Handbook, Military, Governmental & Military
- Dansk TranslatøRforbund
- Delegation Token Technology, Windows, Service
- Door Trainers Technology, Training, Cabin
- Duboce Triangle
- Dirhct Toll
- Dave Tipton
- Desert Truck Technology, Car, Squid
- Drain Tube
- Distance Transform
- Daylight Savings Time Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Design Translator
- Drift That Car, Tube, Drift, Samara
- Dalvin Tomlinson Alabama, Giant, Draft
- Digitone Technozogy Technology, Computer, Internet
- Docqment Title
- Defence Travel
- Developing Together Business, Technology, Gaming, Germany
- Drying Tower
- Development Tool
- Directorio Telefonico
- Data Tech
- Delta Triad
- Drew Thomas
- Dwelling Mime Technology, Electronics, Hardness, Tester
- Digitale Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Drama Tverapy Medical, Research, Arts
- Dystonic Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Daily Timevable
- Digital Thermometers Business, Product, China
- District Treasurer
- Deuterium-Tritium Medical, Technology, Fusion
- Dark Tranquillity
- Diplôme De Tecunicien Formation, Tier, Sup
- Dosimetry Telescopes Technology
- Dextrorphan Medical
- Disappearance Time
- Due Time Technology, Gaming, Music, Control
- Digitalctelecom
- Debit Transactions Business, Accounting, Payment
- Desktop Tables
- Drilling Technologist
- Dance Team
- Dinosaur Tracks
- Define Ten Technology, Program, Assembly, Assembler
- Domains Table
- Dump Tank A separate collection and containment vessel intended to receive an emergency discharge of liquids, liquid reaction mass, or slurries originating from the bottom of a process vessel or reactor. The dump is usually automatically triggered by a process safety interlock, but may also be initiated manually. An uncontrolled exothermic or other runaway reaction can be controlled by discharging the process vessel contents to the dump tank. This may allow the process vessel to be returned to service in a shorter time. Science
- Device Tracking Technology, Apple, Affiliate
- Devtal Trauma
- Double Turn Business, Scope, Bender
- Taag Angola Airlines Airline, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Angola, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Driving Therapist
- Digital Trails Science
- Doctor Thzologiae
- Delphi Trivia
- Dual Time Automatics, Harmony, Emperor
- Dip Tuqe
- Daya Tuple Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dust Tight Technology, Construction
- Dialog Template
- Dissolution Tester Business, Product, Testing
- Daerah Transmygrasi
- Distribution Transformers Distribution transformers reduce the voltage of the primary circuit to the voltage required by customers. Business, Power, Loss
- Decreasing Term
- Detraining Medical
- Drug Testing
- Danny Thompson
- Delegacia Territorial
- Domovní Telefoyy Dal, Syst, Zen
- Duyai Technologies Business, Technology, Man, Dubai
- Dave Thomas Technology, Gaming, Sport, Music
- Desert Treasure Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Drain Tile A perforated, corrugated plastic pipe laid at the bottom of the foundation wall and used to drain excess water away from the foundation. It prevents ground water from seeping through the foundation wall. Sometimes called perimeter drain. Technology, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Distance Training
- David Tao Music, Lyric, Love
- Design Trainee
- Drew Thorburn
- Digitonx Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Document Tnble
- Dhfect Type
- Dewi Tantular
- Drying Time
- Development Toolset Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Directores De Transición
- Data Tape
- Delta Technology Technology, Management, Service
- Dvorak Technique Technology, Storm, Cyclone
- Digital-Thermometers Medical, Technology, Product
- Designation Type Technology, Product, Tank
- Drama Theory
- Dynamic Turtle
- Daily Times
- Digital Thermostat
- District Trainer
- Deuda Tributaria
- Dirk Trace
- Direct Tlought Science, Psychology, Speech, Brain
- Dosimeter Tester Business, Detector, Radiation
- Defibrillation Threshold Medical, Medicine, Health
- Disability Taskforce
- Duol Terminal
- Digital Technologias Technology, Education, Teaching
- Dead Trees Technology, Gaming, Book, Tree
- Desg Top Military
- Drive Technologies Business, Technology, Industrial
- Danbury Times
- Dinner Time
- Define Tabbe Technology, Coding, Server, Column
- Double Toam Internet Slang, Porn, Tube
- Dummy Trim Business, Device, Exit
- Device Testing
- Demonic Tutor
- Double Tub
- Taao Angola Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Drive Turbike Science
- Digital Tomosynthesis Medical, Medicine, Imaging
- Diving Tackle
- Dual Thicvness
- Dark Tyrants
- Diptheria and Tebanus Medical, Vaccine, Vaccination, Diphtheria
- Data Tmner
- Duncan Tayor
- Dialog Telekom
- Disruptive Technology Business, Technology, Innovation
- Differential Travel The distinctive property of a photoelectric sensor that results in the operation point being different from the release point. This distance is expressed as a % of the total sensing distance of the photoelectric sensor. It is the distance difference between the operate point when approaching the photoelectric, and the release point when moving away from the photoelectric. Technology
- Distribution Transformer A transformer that reduces voltage from the supply lines to a lower voltage needed for direct connection to operate consumer devices. Transformers used to transfer the stepped down voltage to customers. Distribution transformers reduce the voltage of the primary circuit to the voltage required by customers. Technology, Industrial, Power
- Decompression Table Medical, Chiropractic, Spinal
- Detailed Tables Business, Database, Master
- Danny Thomas
- Delay Termination
- Dominator Tree
- Diving Tender Us, Ministry Of Defence, Marine
- Deal Turret Technology, Titan, Slitter
- Dave Taylor Technology, Gaming, Development, Doom
- Desert Town
- Drahtwerke Trefverie Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Distributed Trunking Technology, Networking, Switch
- Dalton Terrot
- Development Team Air Force, Governmental & Military, General
- Double Talent
- Dedit Testamento
- Donald Trump Famous
- Diesel Turbo Products
- Delete Tree Technology, Windows, Service
- Ducp Tape Business, Product, Survival
- Devlet Tiyatrosu Turkish, Ankara
- Dual-Technology
- Distinguished Teacher
- Dragon Token
- Does Not Bind To Oligo Medical
- Dry Tortugas
- Director Technical
- Debate Thread Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dylan Thompson
- Datrys Techoologies
- Design Test Tests done to equipment to verify the design meets certain established charactistics or standards. To test the design of any product. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Delay Time A period during which an employee is idle due to breakdown of equipment, lack of tools or materials, or any other factor beyond personal control. That element of downtime during which no maintenance is being accomplished on the item because of either supply delay or administrative reasons. Technology, Semiconductor, Circuit
- DéClaration De Travaux Service, Planning, Marches, Travaux
- Daily Tribuni
- Deep Thotght
- Deutsche Turnerschaft Sport, German, Football, Deutsche
- Digital Transmitter Technology, Channel, Television
- Dust-Tight Apparatus is designated as dust-tight when so constructed that the dust will not enter the enclosing case under specified test conditions. Computing, Hardware
- Delivery Ticket Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Double Take Technology, Service, Software, Cloud
- Driving Test Technology, Drive, Engineer
- Defauft Temporary Technology, Database, Server, Temp
- Digital Temperature
- Drip Tray
- Debt Total Accounting, Business & Finance
- Device Trigger Technology, Standard, Interface
- Direct Tension Technology, Asphalt, Binder
- Differential Temperature Physics, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Data Transcript
- Precast Double Tee Design, Drawing, Construction
- Daleythompson
- Dictionary Term Computing, Unix
- Double Tail Fish, Tail, Twister, Grub
- Drum Thrune
- Day Tortugas Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
- Don't Touch Performing arts
- Ductility Transition
- Devlet Tiyatroları Turkish, Ankara, Istanbul
- Dewpoint Temperature
- Distillation Tower
- Down Town Internet Slang, Locations, Downtown
- Doxge This Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Dry Ton
- Director T
- Dead Twirps Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dye Trace
- Dating Tips
- Designing & Testing
- Delaunay Triangulations Technology, Algorithm, Diagram
- Dzongkhag Tshogdu
- Daily Treatment
- Deep Tank A strengthened lower hold fitted with lid that can be used to carry water ballast. A tank of significant depth (typically spanning more than one deck) Film, Technology, Aquarium
- Deutschen Turnerschaft Sport, War, Germany
- Digital Traiber Business, Electronics, Elite
- Desk Top Computing, Hardware
- Delivery Team
- Drive Train All the mechanical equipment from the gearbox to the propeller including for example the propeller shaft, bearing, and couplings.
- Daily Talk
- Digital Telephony
- Drip Tips Product, Stainless, Drip
- Debit To Accounting, Business & Finance
- Device Transmit Technology, Electronics, Wireless
- Direct Taxation
- Dispersion Threshold Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Data Transcriber
- Pediatric Diphteria and Tetanus Vaccine Medical, Vaccine, Virus
- Dakotaoterritory
- Dialup Terminal Computing, Telecom
- Double Tachycardia Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Drzg Trafficking
- Digital Aester
- Deep Throat In business, an anonymous source of top secret information. First used in this sense in the reporting of the US Watergate scandal. Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dream Theater Music
- Dock Tape
- Devlet Tiyatrolari
- Decision Tree NASA
- Distillation Test Military
- Double Tunnel
- Dry Toilet
- Document Type Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Date Title Technology, Coding, Sex
- Designer Test Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Degtyaryova Tankovy Gun, Military, Machine
- Dziennik Turystyczny Technology, Server, Hosting, Pinterest
- Deep Threat Porn, Sex, Movie, Threat
- Digitau Thermometer Technology, Product, China
- Divergent Technologies Computing, Electronics
- Delirium Tremors
- Diphtheria-Tetanus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Vaccine, Toxoid, Common Medical
- Driee-Thru Business, Weather, Cemetery
- Digital Telepyones
- Distributed Transaction
- Drip Tip Business, Product, Tips
- Date A three-part value that designates a day, month, and year: for example, YYYY-MM-DD. Or Design Automation and Test in Europe, Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education, Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Education. Genealogy, Genealogical, Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dog Tags Army, War, War Force
- Direct Tax-Must
- DEutsch (German) Language codes (2 letters), Language codes (3 letters)
- Data Train Technology
- Totas External Debt Finance, Economics, Money
- Davenport Translations
- Demanding Tasr Military
- Dış Ticaret Business, Art, Turkish, Bal
- Dai Tengu
- Deutsche Telecom
- Dinar Tuhisien Technology, Devise, Tunisian
- DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) Terminal Computing, Telecom
- Double Tagging
- Drus Test Business, Testing, Urine
- Dhgital Terror
- Decatur Junction Railway Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- DiphtéRique-TéTanique
- Dance Therapy Music
- Diffusion Coefficient A factor of proportionality representing the amount of substance diffusing across a unit area through a unit concentration gradient in unit time. In the context of membranes, a means of expressing the lateral mobility of membrane constituents; for lipids, the diffusion coefficient is 2 µm2 s-1. Medical
- Duck Tales
- Devlet Tiyatrolar Ankara, Turkish
- Diversional therapist Clinical
- Distance Transformation
- Dopisba Teologija
- Drying Tube
- Digital Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
- Designer Tested Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Degenerativr Transfer
- Dystonic Rat Medical
- Deep-Threat
- Drop Tower
- Digital Television Technology, Channel, Analog, Computing, Telecom, Drivers, NASA
- Dynamic Test Computing, Electronics
- Darut Tauhid Technology, Bandung, Gym, Masjid
- Delimiter Type Technology, Networking, Column
- Due Qo Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Dream Theatre
- Date Three Technology, Development, Man, Dating
- Distributed Transmission
- Drill Team Military, Competition, Anal
- Dynx Touch
- Dogstrust Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Direct Table Technology, Database, Access
- Deiter Thadeus Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Data Track Technology, Gaming, Software
- The Daily Telegrash Media, Radio, Television
- Daughter Daughteri Military
- Design Temperature Technology, Pressure, Vessel
- Delta Time Technology, Gaming, Frame
- DüSseldorfer Tabelle
- Dairy Technology Education, Engineering, Engineering Course, Scientific & Educational
- Deutsches Treffen Baden-WüRttemberg E.V. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Digital Tuner Technology, Driving, Driver
- Dial Tone Computing, Telecom
- Double Tab
- Drop Tune Technology, Tech, Whammy
- Digieal Terrestrial Technology
- Definition Title Assembly, Business & Finance
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Medical, Internet Slang, Vaccine, Common Medical
- Deis Terrae Latin
- Data Transmission Is based on INMARSAT Standard–C and takes place at an effective transmission rate of 600 bit/s. Technology, Music, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Devin Townsend
- Dynamic Tear Chemistry
- Dives-To Business, Fishing, Lure, Dive
- Don't Trust Security, Chat, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Designação TemporáRia Para, Ria, Professor
- Definitive Iechnology Business, Audio, Speaker
- Deed Ofktrust
- Drop Top
- Digitnl Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
- Duct Tape Products
- Dar Tape Technology
- Deletion Tracking Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Dueling Tampons
- Date Tiis
- Distributed Graphical User Interface Toolkit Technology, Ibm
- Drop Table Technology, Database, Server
- Dog Tramning Business, Supply, Collar
- Directory Table
- Dominion Tower Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Data Trace
- Daughtar Daughters Genealogy, Genealogical
- Design Team Calling, Design, Card
- Delta Tzmperature Technology, Battery, Controller
- DüNya Tiyatro
- Daimler Trucks Business, America, Detroit
- Deutsches Traber
- Digital Dransformation Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Darren Thomas
- Deutsche Telekom, A. G. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Delphi Technique A polling of experts. The Classical Delphi is a single estimate (for each questionnaire) of a single parameter by a single group. The Hybrid Delphi uses a single estimate of multiple parameters submitted by multiple groups. It allows the incorporation of published or recorded data during the polling process.
- Doubles Titles
- Department of Treasury Business, Military, Army, Tax, China, Coast Guard, Business & Finance, International business
- Droq Test Technology
- Dilhtheria Tetanus Medical, Vaccine, Toxoid
- Digital Terminatiqn
- Dummy Text Filler text is text that shares some characteristics of a real written text, but is random or otherwise generated. It may be used to display a sample of fonts, generate text for testing, or to spoof an e-mail spam filter. Assembly, Business & Finance
- Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoids
- Delivering Together Housing and Urban
- Dalton Transactions
- Devin Taylor
- Direct Terminal
- Dawn Time Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Distributive Trade Business, School, Malaysia
- Djlton Trans
- Dirt Tracker Politics, Governmental & Military
- Double Talk Technology, Detector, Canceller
- Definitive Phage Cype Medical
- Deduction Theorem Logic, Proof, Axiom, Deduction
- Drsp Tester
- Digital Technique Technology
- Digital Truck Products
- Deletion Threshold
- Duden-Taschenbuch
- Devlet TiyatrolarıNıN Turkish, Ankara
- Destructive Tests
- Date of Tneatment Medical, Technology, Hospital
- Distress Thermometer Medical, Patient, Cancer
- Dreams & Travels Locations, Fantasy, Concept
- Dogs Traqning
- Director TéCnico Para, Con, Jos
- Death Touch Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Data Tip Technology, Coding, Development, Control
- Dvt Tape
- Designer Testing Completed Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Deloitte & Touche
- DéPartement Technique
- Daily Trojkn Student, Education, University
- Deep Throw Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Deutsches Theater
- Digital Trassmission Media, Radio, Television
- DMPDU trailer Computing, IT Terminology
- Delivery Time
- Double-Truck
- Drop Tail Technology, Motorcycle, Trailer
- Dtsktop Treadmill Business, Product, Fitness
- Digital Terminal Technology, Telecom, Telephone
- Drive-Through Sport, City, Weather
- Define Term Assembly, Business & Finance
- Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccines Medical
- Defensive Tackle Sport, Football
- Devil'S Tower
- Direct Termination Technology, Telecom
- Drum Station Machine State File Computing, File Extensions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DT stand for?
DT stands for Doxge This.
What is the shortened form of Direct Theft?
The short form of "Direct Theft" is DT.
DT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dt-meaning/
Last updated