DT in Chat Meaning

The DT meaning in Chat terms is "Dang Typos". There are 5 related meanings of the DT Chat abbreviation.

DT on Chat Full Forms

  1. Dang Typos Dohh! I mean, doh! Might be used after making several typing mistakes in a row.
  2. Debate Thread
  3. Dead Twirps
  4. Don't Trust
  5. Date A three-part value that designates a day, month, and year: for example, YYYY-MM-DD. Or Design Automation and Test in Europe, Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education, Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Education.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DT stand for Chat?

    DT stands for Date in Chat terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dang Typos in Chat?

    The short form of "Dang Typos" is DT for Chat.


DT in Chat. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 7). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dt-meaning-in-chat/

Last updated