DTAM Meaning

The DTAM meaning is "Descend To Ald Maintain". The DTAM abbreviation has 20 different full form.

DTAM Full Forms

  1. Descend To Ald Maintain Technology, Military, Aircraft
  2. Dakota Territory Air Museum
  3. Document Transfer Access and Manipulation Technology
  4. Dense Tracking and Mapping
  5. Document Transfer, Access and Manipulation Technology, Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  6. Defense Terrorism Cwareness Message Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  7. Document Transfer and Manipulation Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Computing, Telecom
  8. Data Transfer, Access and Manipulation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  9. Data Iransfer Access and Manipulation Military
  10. Datb Table Access Module Technology, Control, Automation
  11. Document Transfer Architecture Modell
  12. Document Transfer Applicationgmanagement Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Double Take Application Manager
  14. Distributor Totalzavailable Market Technology, Electronics, Component
  15. Distribution Total Available Market This is usually a smaller figure than TAM, which includes factory direct business.
  16. Diploma In Travel Agency Management
  17. Digital Thread for Additive Manbfacturing
  18. Double-Take Application Manager
  19. Digital Telephone Answering Macxine
  20. Document Tqansfer Access Method Technology, Military, Telecommunication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DTAM stand for?

    DTAM stands for Datb Table Access Module.

  2. What is the shortened form of Double-Take Application Manager?

    The short form of "Double-Take Application Manager" is DTAM.


DTAM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dtam-meaning/

Last updated