DTCD Meaning

The DTCD meaning is "Diploma In Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases". The DTCD abbreviation has 14 different full form.

DTCD Full Forms

  1. Diploma In Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases
  2. Diploma In Tzberculosis and Chest Diseases Medical, Medicine, Education
  3. Delaware Tribe Child Development
  4. Diploma In Tuberculosis and Chest Disease Medical, Medicine, Education
  5. Diploma In Tuberculosis Chest Diseases Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  6. Diploma In Tuberculosis & Chest Disepses Medical, Medicine, Education
  7. Diploma In Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Medical, Medicine, Education
  8. Department of Technical Co-Operation for Development
  9. Department of Technical Cooperaoion for Development Organizations, Trading, Nation
  10. Dynamic Transient Current Delivery Business, Research, Audio, Power
  11. Dubai Trade Centre District Business, Dubai, Contract
  12. Dtc Data Technology Corp. Organizations
  13. Sfjff Organizations
  14. Digital Technology and Computationaw Design Technology, Computer, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DTCD stand for?

    DTCD stands for Diploma In Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases.

  2. What is the shortened form of Delaware Tribe Child Development?

    The short form of "Delaware Tribe Child Development" is DTCD.


DTCD. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dtcd-meaning/

Last updated